[ chinese new yr dinner ]

yester.. early mornin.. went 2 da jie's hse there de void deck 2 wait 4 her.. cos she got so mani thingy 2 carry then she cant cope.. so i went 2 help her.. waited 4 quite sum time.. then saw kor came back from nitez shift work.. he ask mi y i there.. lolx.. kor looked veri veri tired.. haiz.. so *xin tong* ..after which, mi,da jie, jie fu n ah tong took a cab 2 work.. then saw ah miao,ah jia n our company manager, jonathan at e lobby of our company.. he saw mi carryin so mani thingy.. he tot i goin 2 run away 2 m'sia.. lolx.. tat's lame.. it is oso our last dae workin b4 we go 4 our long break 4 new yr..
so we work till 12.30 n then go 4 e lunch at ah orh seafood restuarant 4 tiong bahru orhcid.. so sad.. tis yr nv go paramount hotel.. hmmm.. tink is bcos they nv book e place in time.. hmmm.. quite crowded.. but we booked in e inside air-con area.. at least not so hot.. we start eatin at abt 1 pm.. n drank lotsa of red wine.. i oso drank quite a lot.. but luckily i'm not drunk.. lolx.. but one of my fren was drunk.. n he vomited.. *worried*.. i told him not 2 drink so much.. but he sae he still can take it.. aiyoz.. oso dunoe wat happened 2 him.. dad oso drunk n vomited.. took quite a no of fotos wif my digital camera.. *satisfied*.. heez.. but upset over kor.. he goin back 4 a week.. will mizz u de kor.. n da jie oso..
after finishin our lunch.. every1 went around greetin one another happi new yr.. lolx.. n one of e worker, kannan.. so funny.. cum n wish mi happi new yr.. *shocked*.. i went around greetin pple oso.. n b4 i leave.. i went 2 wish one of my gd fren, ah keong.. he so di xiao.. ask mi y nv give hug.. lolx.. after which, mi, linda n michelle went 2 shop n orchard.. from paragon 2 taka n 2 far east.. bought a pair of slipper, a l'oreal paris's nail polish n a hat.. lolx.. e hat 70% off worz.. lolx.. so worthwhile.. as 4 e nail polsih got 20% discount worz.. lolx..
c so mani couples walkin down e orchard rd.. realli envy them.. how cum i not so fortunate 2 get a gd bf?? or izzit jus like wat michelle sae.. yuan fen haven cum yet? where is my little prince?? i wonder............................................
[ a big gain ]
lolx.. how shld i start my entries?? hmmm.. oh.. shld reply benny..
benny: mus keep mi update worz.. n dun stress le.. mus get enough rest durin chinese new yr worz.. lolx.. dun dance dance n dance.. mus study hard hard oso..
my 1st german lesson at cambridge sch of languages started yester.. oh gosh.. firstly.. i wanna complain.. is e venue.. oh gosh.. is at peninsula plaza.. so scary sia.. make mi so worry.. cos e environment there veri messy ar.. 2nd.. e lift there so slow.. alamak.. lolx.. 1st lesson.. learn veri basic greeting n german grammer.. oh gosh .. *vomit blood* .. lolx.. but quite interestin.. n veri challenging.. lolx.. gambatie.. lolx..
2dae.. quite busi at work.. veri tired oso.. after which.. went tampines wif da jie n my work fren anna.. we went 2 collect e ring da jie bought.. as 4 anna.. she so upset.. cos e design of e ring dun hav le.. aiyoz.. n e ear rings i eyeing oso bein sold out 2dae mornin le.. *sad* n went 2 eat xiao long tang bao.. chicken soup, hot n sour soup n xia ren fried rice.. yummy.. lolx.. is indeed a gd meal 4 my hungry stomach.. lolx.. after which.. took mrt 2 yi po hse.. aunt bought mi a pair of heels from x:odus, few bags, sum clothes n a sony digital camera.. *yuppy*.. though is a 2nd hand one ( cos it used 2 belong 2 her ) but definitely in veri gd condition.. at 1st.. she dun realli feel lyk givin mi.. but she has another new digital camera le.. she's afraid tat if she dun give away.. it will soon b spoilt..
lolx.. *happy* .. is indeed e best gift b4 chinese new yr.. kekez.. nowadays.. at e canteen at my workplace.. eat lunch got special de..e lao ban niang sae i look realli lyk her bro's ex gf.. lolx.. tat's lame.. realli got pple who looks realli alike de mehz??? lolx.. tat dae.. mi n da jie order curry chicken noodles.. then is e lao ban niang's bro make de.. lolx.. my share veri big.. wif many chicken.. as 4 da jie.. much little than mine.. then da jie sae.. so unfair.. cos i got a bigger share.. then in e company.. when ever i go in2 ewag.. those malaysian frenz of mine will start teasin mi wif e "miao miao" thingy.. got a stupid rumour wif a guy miao foong... pple call him ah miao.. alamak.. diaoz.. summore his hp got secret.. no hp will die.. dunoe wat izzit goin on oso.. lolx.. i dunoe him at all.. except his name.. n onli speaks once 2 him bcos of work thingy.. like tat oso can hav rumour.. diaoz..
kor changed le.. now.. he no longer jokes wif mi.. i noe he's hidin his probz from mi.. sumthingy happened last yr n took my cheerful kor away.. it realli saddens mi a lot.. wat shld i do 2 help him?? wat shld i do??
[ is another dae of shoppin... ]
guess wat i was waken up by.. my da jie shockin sms.. she sms mi sae mus call her once i on my hp n sae it's urgent.. i realli jumped out of my bed.. she tried callin mi but i off hp le.. n called my hse.. my didi told him i slp le.. i tot it was bcos of work.. end up is bcos she wanna ask mi go shoppin wif her n anna.. alamak.. guess wat.. i wore a red top out 2dae jus 2 suit my pinky sports shoes.. i buy tat converse shoes long ago but nv wear it more than 10 times.. so mom naggin.. suit her lohz.. i wear.. had tian ji porriage 4 my breakfast.. hmmm.. nice nice.. lolx.. then went shop around at bedok n ran 2 tampines.. ate taiwan xiao chi.. wanna go look 4 fee mei.. but she nv work at tampines sake sushi outlet 2dae.. so unlucky.. so long nv c her.. she work there last than a yr.. got half a month bonus.. where is mine??? aiyoz..
oso dunoe got bonus take not.. hope got lohz.. hmmm.. went see see look look.. hav yet 2 buy any thingy.. until.... we step our feet in2 a shop call aura image consultancy.. it's at century square.. they sell lotsa jewellery.. realli nice.. da jie bought a ring n a pendant... anna order e same ring as her.. cos e ring too small 2 fit her.. all e jewellery from uk de.. wow.. i oso got moved by them.. end up.. guess wat.. i bought a pendant too.. heart shape de.. 925 sterling sliver plated wif white gold.. e consultant oso gave mi a chain.. n da jie hav one free from her too.. anna helped mi pay 1st.. at 1st.. realli consider veri long whether 2 buy or not.. 59bucks.. not realli ex.. but scare mom scold i anyhow spend money.. as a ger.. will sure jewellery de lahz.. rite?? hahaz.. hav yet 2 save 4 a diamond ring.. kekez.. though wifout a lover.. i got a heart 2 pei mi thru e tough 2006 ahead of mi.. fallin sick soon.. got sum rashes thingy on my hand cos of e spring cleanin work at my work place.. oh gosh.. havin flu too.. n i'm still roamin e street wif my germs all ard.. sumbodi save mi..
i noe i'm gonna face lotsa of stress.. but i will b defeated.. wif strong daimoku.. i'm sure i'll succeed de.. *wink*.. wish mi gd luck!!!!!!
[ shop shop shop trip 2... ]
hmmm.. went shoppin wif mom n didi at chinatown.. oh no.. chinatown again.. lolx.. not 4 new yr goods but 2 shop 4 new yr clothes.. didi bought 3 pants n 2 t-shirts 4 180bucks.. wow.. n mi.. alread buy a skirt n 3 blouses liao.. so buy 2 jeans from hang ten yester.. n a jacket from giodarno.. mi bought a white one mom buy a black one.. went people parks og 2 shop oso.. mom wanna buy bonia bag.. n hintin mi.. so i sae i can fork out half 4 her.. cos mayb got bonus take ma.. n mi.. almost 4got.. 20th jan.. german class startin le.. oh no.. mi wanna buy bag.. but not lyk mom.. so greedy.. nice n can suit mi can le.. dun need ex ex de.. lolx..
tis yr spend quite a lot le.. but beta than last yr.. at least tis yr i can eat normally durin new yr liao le.. last yr.. haiz.. operation ma.. so onli can vege,fish n pork.. poultry cannot eat.. shark fins cannot eat.. haiz.. walk oso lyk ah ma.. cannot wear jeans.. no heels oso.. lolx.. ti yr.. carefree.. lolx.. but.. guess.. i got 2 take gd care of my diet le.. lolx.. otherwise.. nice clothing i oso cannot fit in.. if got big sizes.. wear liao oso not nice.. hmmm.. now left wif handbag n shoes haven buy.. n haven make over my hair.. i wanna dye my hair.. n dunoe wat type of jewellery 2 wear.. haiyo..
realli tired..guess wat i had 4 dinner.. is jap style dinner.. onli 1 set 3.20bucks onli.. veri nice.. didi had curry chicken cutlet rice n mi n mom had seafood udon..is definitely worth e price.. cos 1 servin is alot.. n no aji-no-moto oso..lolx..tired liao.. got 2 orh orh...........
[ shop shop shop... ]
* went 2 shop wif da jie at chinatown.. is hari raya holidae so dun need 2 work.. great!! but is a rainy dae.. oh gosh.. so mani pple.. lyk dun need money de.. we 1st went 2 hav our late breakfast cum lunch then went eyeing 4 our new yr clothes.. mix n match.. da jie helped mi a lot durin my shoppin trip.. i bought myself a skirt n a white blouse.. costin abt 68bucks.. da jie oso bought herself a skirt.. n sum children clothin 4 her cousin n sister's kids.. n so filial of her.. she oso bought her mom a blouse.. realli enjoy ourself baraginin 4 e pricing.. lolx.. but jus hate tat it's jus too crowded.. while we were crossin 2 e opposite side of e road.. guess wat.. ms anna goh called mi.. lolx.. she n her mom oso went shoppin there.. da jie n mi walk round n round.. oso tired liao.. so we sat down in front of a drink bar.. guess wat.. a fruit punch drink cost 3 bucks.. oh gosh.. tat's a bit expensive rite?? we went people's park og 2 shop shop while waitin 4 anna 2 cum n look 4 us..
og oso veri crowded.. alamak.. almost faint liao le.. aiyoz.. anna n da jie bought bed sheets 4 themselves.. new yr ma.. but mom haven buy 4 mi.. last yr i bought winnie e pooh de.. lolx.. veri cute.. hope can find little twins star de.. i used 2 hav one.. but tink mom thrown liao.. so tired after walkin sum long.. guess wat.. we went 2 oto n test out their massage equipment.. hahaz.. oh no.. need e toilet urgently.. og oso losuy.. e toilet so difficult 2 find.. cos no sign board 2 indicate e location of e toilet de.. realli had a hard time findin.. jie fu called.. ask whether we wanna go orchard find him.. so mi n da jie left 1st 4 orchard.. we took 143 there n drop behind taka.. rainin ma.. so we decided 2 walk 2 far east usin lucky plaza's underpass.. even w/o walkin 2wards 2 e underpass.. i saw jiefu.. not alone wif 8 others.. ah keong,ah tong,ah miao,ah jia,ah wong,b zai,ming ming n my kor,ah zhan.. alamak!!! shock mi!! my heart almost pop out.. so mani pple.. i tot onli kor n jie fu onli.. alamak.. wah.. guess wat.. they wear so nice sia.. 1st time c them so shuai sia.. lolx..
but jie fu make da jie angry..cos he wanna go shop wif them.. actuall da jie wanna pei jie fu go but new yr clothes de.. haiz.. end up.. mi n da jie go eat liao then went hm.. leavin them 2 walk themselves.. so tired..............................................
[ * i'm in2 it... oh no... byakuren-renaissance training 2006 ]
* a gd news here 2 share wif all my frenz.. lolx.. i tink onli soka pple will understand ba.. i'm been selected 2 join in e byakuren-renaissance training 2006.. mani ywd sign up.. but got selection de.. n i'm selected.. oh yeah.. lolx.. quite excited 4 e dae 2 cum.. n 2dae.. 7th jan.. is e 1st meetin at syc.. EXCITIED EXCITIED EXCITIED.. kekez.. gettin a bit retard.. *wink* a bit weird.. a bit scare.. cos dunoe any1 there.. hmmm.. my fren hu is alread in byakuren cannot make it 4 e meetin so i alone there wif lotsa strangers.. though they oso soka mber.. lolx.. quite interestin.. watch a short video.. then got sharin by byakuren chief n ywd chief.. oso sang e byakuren song wrote by our 3rd president ikeda sensei.. a veri nice song.. byakuren in jap is white lotus.. so in chinese.. byakuren grp is bai lian zhu.. below is a exerpts taken from Faith into Action given by daisaku ikeda 4 e byakuren from siliconvalley..
In a family, if one person is unhappy, then so is the entire family. Therefore, I would like you to sincerely pray for and protect one another so that there are no people who are unfortunate and unhappy, or who abandon their faith, and that every person will become happy. These are the kinds of humanistic bonds among fellow members that give birth to true unity.
Coercion or force stemming from power and authority is ineffective at critical moments. Always live as harmonious family members of the Mystic Law, embodying the spirit of many in body, one in mind. No matter what happens, I hope that you will continue to advance, directing your hearts toward unity and friendship.
It was not authority that united the Daishonin and his followers; nor was it their concern for profit. They were united in heart. For this reason, their bond was indestructible. For this reason, their lives overflowed with benefit and their connection was lofty and eternal.
The new vitality of American society is produced by returning to the starting point to the ideals on which your country was founded. Similarly, you should also reconfirm the fundamental path of faith, practice and study and make a fresh departure based on the Unity of many in body, one in mind the starting point of our movement. This is the key to the reconstruction of the SGI-USA as a model organization.It is important to have the Compassion to respond to a person's needs and situation, to give considered thought to how you can best help him or her and then take appropriate action. Wisdom arises from compassion.
In any struggle, the critical point is how a leader inspires others. As you are leaders of Kosen-Rufu, I ask that you encourage friends of the Mystic Law in such a manner that the powers of faith and life force surge forth in their lives. I hope that your efforts in the struggle of faith will serve to increase the majesty and strength of the Buddhist gods.
It is important that we offer prayers with great confidence. The powers of the Buddha and the Law are activated in direct proportion to the strength of our faith and Practice. Strong faith is like high voltage it turns on a brilliant light in our lives.
Buddhism means putting the teachings into practice. Practice equals faith. With sincere prayers and action, our desires can not possibly fail to be fulfilled.The famous poet Shelley said: If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?No matter how long and bitter winter may be, spring always follows. This is the law of the universe, the joyful law of life.
If you are the type whose resolve tends to melt away easily, if you find it difficult to stick to your goal, then just renew your determination each time you find yourself slipping. You will achieve your Human Revolution without fail if you keep struggling valiantly, pressing forward despite setbacks and disappointments, always: This time I'll make it! This time I will succeed!. Hope, Beethoven cried, you forge the heart into steel. Hope is confidence. Hope is determination. Hope is courage. And Faith is the ultimate expression of hope. Belief fortifies the heart.
Those who can resolve I will make a new departure!, I will construct something new! will be victorious in the end. By contrast, those who think I've done enough already are leading lives of defeat.
Buddhism is victory or defeat. Life is an eternal struggle. To the end, we should live with strength and vigor. In any realm of activity, reality is very strict. It is the power of Buddhism that enables us to win in any situation. Difficulties are inevitable in life that is true for everyone. Herein lies a profound reason for our practice. We should always remember this.
As long as you base your life on faith in the Mystic Law, everything that you do has significance. All that you experience will function to enable you to realize the greatest happiness and Buddhahood.
In good times or bad, the important thing is that you continue chanting daimoku. Only when you live up to your own individual mission and devote yourself to the practice of chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, while encouraging others to do the same, your self will be filled with the Mystic law, merging with the realm of Buddhahood in the universe that pervades the three existences of past, present and future. In this condition, you will enjoy absolute security and total freedom.( President Ikeda, Today Onward-Vol 2)
Admirable Nichiro, because you have read the entirety of the Lotus Sutra with both the physical and the spiritual aspects of your life, you will also be able to save your father and mother, your six kinds of relatives, and all living beings. Others read the Lotus Sutra with their mouths alone, in word alone, but they do not read it with their hearts. And even if they read it with their hearts, they do not read it with their actions. It is reading the sutra with both one's body and mind that is truly praiseworthy! ( From the Gosho: Letter to Priest Nichiro)
A ship's engine and propeller are invisible to most people. In the future, I will continue to treasure those working behind the scenes the most. (President Ikeda, A Youthful Diary)
Win in your endeavors. Please do not let yourself be defeated, giving into despair and feelings of insecurity. Everything in life is a struggle. If you win, life is wonderful, and you feel great. If you lose, you feel awful. Any goal is fine. The important thing is to strive toward it, triumphing in each challenge along the way. True victory is winning over your own mind. It is not determined by other's opinions. Nor is there any need for you to compare yourself with others. A genuine victor in life is one who can declare, I lived true to myself, and I have won! I am a spiritual victor!
(President Ikeda, World Tribune, 4/7/00)