i guess i was too bored till i decided to do something to give my blog a new change. hmm.. dont know why.. just still love blogger.. have account with wordpress and livejournal but i just cant get used to its simplicity. i still love something i can edit and change on my own. but stupid me.. forget to save the previous template now and everything cute inside is gone! sians!
anyway.. many things happened recently.. i went for wisdom tooth extraction under GA on thurs.. and immediately after i get home, send bro to KTPH.. he was having diarrhea plus vomiting.. then suddenly got fever then suddenly become acute kidney failure..
everyone got a shock of our lives! except dad i guess.. i just dont bother lahz. i also care less now.. i really have no energy to bother about him anymore. he's old enough to decide what is right for him to do..
i'm just too too tired recently. but i think it is time for me to start writing blog or maybe keep a personal diary to jot down about my daily livings. if not, as years grows by, i would probably forgotten what i have gone through..
anyway, thanks for those who shown concern to me and my family in one way or another.. THANK YOU!