I know i have walked out of the past already.. THANKS to those who helped me along the way.. Ben Ben, Stella, Xueyun dajie, Medy, Ah cao, Yaya, Peishan and many many more.. without you guys.. Jess wont survive till now!❤ especially to Ben Ben! bestie, i love❤you! ha! really miss you sia! come back FASTER yeah!=D
Recently, something really GREAT happened to me!!❤ BUT i shall not review much here.. haha! cause i am also afraid 老天爷 will get jealous about me and take it away AGAIN! so i shall not saying much till time is ripe!=D
now having holidays... BUT.. to be frank.. never really enjoy that much.. been not well on and off.. i guess i didn't have a good rest ba.. Always running here and there... hais! i seriously need to sleep early and have a balanced diet.. Always eating irregularly.. and don't know what's wrong with me today... GIDDY WHOLE DAY le! aiyo! Saturday, and i am STUCK AT HOME? what SHIT is that?
well, this past 1 week, there's TWO HAPPIEST THINGS i did.. one is ALEX's BIRTHDAY!❤ i hope you like the SURPRISE me and Apple gave you! and hope you really like the gift i got for you!=D and another thing is - i got a NEW LOOK!! haha! new HAIRSTYLE!=D hee! although still not very used to it, but i really ❤love it! haha!
didn't expect you would comment on the photos on facebook that i posted.. BUT well, your COMMENT, your CONCERN DOESN'T MATTER AT ALL!!!!!! so, say what you want to say yup! IT WONT AFFECT ME AT ALL! and thanks to Xueyun dajie and Stella for retaliating on his words! GOOD ONE SISTERS! ha! 不愧是iron ladies gang的好姐妹!LOVE❤ you girls!=D

my NEW hairstyle!^^
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