*tis few daes..i dunoe y..veri emotional..lolx..dunoe y oso..get sad veri easily..happi thingy lyk veri limited sia.mayb due 2 my o'level ba..hehez..so veri stress up lohz..feel lyk cryin oso..dunoe y..mayb e emotional mi alwaz cant control those feelings ba..sumthingy mus hide..i cant hide..thingy dun need 2 hide..i dun even bother..tat's mi..lolx..wah species rite??lolx..mi n dear nwadaes hardly got chance 2 go out oso..lolx..after his prelims..i'm havin my prelims..then he havin his n'level..nw i havin my o'level..n he workin le..after my o'level finishes..i will work oso..dunoe when got chance 2 meet out oso..jus hope tat he wun even busied till he cannot rmb my bdae..
dear ah dear..dun tired urself too much..mi will b b sad if u fall sick de..oops..choi..lolx..hehez..hmmm..i will listen 2 u oso..wun tired myself too much..will take more rest de..lolx..hmmm...stressful will in turn leads to sensitivity n jealousy..lolx..tat's mi..i cannot control my emotional..when i feel sad..i will show that i'm sad..i wun hide my feelings..so hypocritcal..lolx..hmmm..gtg liao le..hehez..goin 2 listen 2 beyond songs..lolx..(^.^)
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