*wah kaoz ar..2dae soooooo early go swimmin sia..wakey at 6.30am..n left e hse at 7am sharp 2 meet yun then go meet dear at delta swimmin complex..lolx..8am sharp when e swimmin complex jus open..we jump in2 e cold pool n swim..hahaz..go big pool lehz..sooooo deep sia..i jus realised tat i realli veri short sia..sobx sobx..hehez..hmmm..tat lazyboi of mine..ask us go swimmin..then end up he slp at e pool..lolx..mao mao[my didi] n yun he hao le..tat time they quarrelled over stupid thingy online sia..cant stand them..lolx..quite enjoyable 2dae..cos e lazyger hu dunoe how 2 swim managed 2 learn breaststroke le..wah kaoz..but my hand veri pain ar!!!!!!!!
it is achin lyk hell..came hm at around 12pm sharp..supposed every saturdae will watch meteor garden 1 de..but too tired liao le..went 2 slp at 1pm..till 4++ then wakey..when wakey tat time my hand lyk paralysed..veri pain sia..lyk cannot move lyk tat..hahaz(^.^)..hmmm..next tuesdae havin history..but i haven start 2 study yet..oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!! no time le lahz..hahaz(^.^")..ears oso veri pain..i tink dear a bit sad..coz he actuall wan onli e both of us 2 go swimmin de..then end up..i asked my best fren, yun n my didi 2 go..aiyo..after xams then go wif u dear..so sorrie..hmmm..gtg le..rest awhile wanna settle down n study le..take care guys*
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