[ the girls! ]

[ farhan, ramlan, me, sya, daffy, nad, small & sufiyan! ]

[ the PERFECT pic! ]
woke up at 9am today.. feeling really TIRED and WEAK-WILLED to get out of bed.. BUT, i FORCED myself to.. cause i know i have to study and mug on my revision for exams.. left home at about 10am.. headed to Nad's place at boon lay.. and when i reached cck, i start to realise that the sky is getting darker and darker.. then who knows when i reach Chinese Garden, it started to rain cats and dogs..
then poor Nad.. have to come fetch me from boon lay despite raining so BIG.. so when we met up, we went to Banquet to buy lunch.. i ate indo food and nad had chicken rice.. then we also headed to NTUC to buy some tibits and drinks for them! poor 2 girls.. have to carry SO MANY things and walking under the rain..
reached Nad's place.. was already soaking from the bottom.. totally drained.. ate lunch first and started studying while waiting for others to call.. all of them coincidentally came at the same timing.. and it saved lots of our efforts of making many trips.. studied with Nad, Daffy, Siti small, Ramlan, Farhan, Sya and Sufiyan..
was kind of NOISY at times.. cause BIG group there's a HIGH tendency of side-tracking.. most of them was chionging for their PCA.. and i was sitting at the table myself doing my Bio with mp3 on.. studied until 9plus.. and we took lots of pics before we head home.. Mom called and HORN at me.. well, she's just being UNREASONABLE and acts like a KID at times..
Supposed to meet Medy today to pass him the posters.. but because i studied till too late so i didnt sms him.. he called me at 9plus and i was taking pictures with my clinque.. so i told him i'll call him back in 2minutes time.. BUT.. it took me 20minutes to return his call.. FEEL so BAD when he told me he waited for my sms till he fall asleep.. saying that he was waiting for my sms from 2plus until 6 like that then he fall asleep.. i only sms him when it was like almost 7 or 7plus.. HAIS! so SORRY MEDY! my apology!!....
very TIRED! going to sleep!!...