today.. was the "self declared" last day in school.. the official day is on monday.. BUT.. from today.. there's at least 10people who are absent from class.. had a revision session with Mrs Tang today during Bioscience.. took picture with Mrs Tang today too! =]

JR0704C with Mrs Tang....
STOP being so HYPOCRITE.. and i'm SORRY to DECLARE that you dont belongs to our CLINQUE.. it's OKIE to be sooooooooo UNGRATEFUL after getting so much help from us! heard of "CAUSE and EFFECT"? it will bear the effect of what you caused.. STOP DREAMING that you will get any help from US anymore.. if others want to help you, it's okie.. BUT, i can say is DONT EXPECT any help from ME! YOU're the WORSE person i ever see.... GO AWAY and stay out of my SIGHT!... i just hate people do not appreciate things...
share something HAPPY.. ate at Popeye T1 today with Nad, Daffy, Han, Lan, Shif, Small, Sya, Izzah and Rahmah... had a great session today!!
Will miss them BADLY!...
took pic with Ms Yeo and Mdm Heng too!
tomorrow.. going study with Nad, Daphne, Farhan and Rahmah.....
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