Jonathan, me and Pei Lee

Me, Pei Lee, Izzah and Siti small

Izzah, Siti small and me

me and Johnson
YDC Blood Drive... quite a success.. too many to update... too BUSY!
Red Cross
see the reason why i dont have enough sleep and rest? and my stomach hasnt been kind to me recently.. i am still pondering whether i should find some time to visit the doctor.. tomorrow, will be back in school.. 7.45am must be in school, night time got planning at Aunty Hiang Hua's place.. i am totally SHAGGED! =X
love the lyrics to this song - 忽然很想你life would be SIMPLER if you let it go....
slept at 11plus yesterday.. am having headache for the past few days and friend's problem has made it worse.. i didnt blame you for telling me, friend.. you dont have to feel guilty about anything.. actually, i feel GLAD that you have told me these, at least i know you trust me even with your greatest secrets.. like i always do, whenever i have problems, whenever i have something happy to share, i will thought of you.. am HAPPY that you are thinking this way too..
am praying hard that you can get those things solved as soon as possible.. cause i really dont wish to see you being affected in any way.. get it solved fast and be the "YOU" again! JIAYOU!!! :D woke up at 9.20am this morning.. Dad and didi still sleeping when i woke up.. went to showered and did my morning prayers.. then i left home to take mrt to Dover.. reached JE and saw Woanlan and her friend on the platform! =] didnt expect that i'll see her there:D
friend sms this morning too.. you dont have to feel bad about disturbing my sleep the other day.. was SHOCKED that you read my blog.. cause you know i will post it right? if not, you wouldnt bother to read it right? dont worry and sigh too much.. i realised after you told me about incident, i kept sighing without i knowing too.. hais! here i come again.. if i continue to sigh, i will soon grow old.. so FRIEND, DONT sigh le.. get the things solved and MOVE ON..
reached Dover mrt and took 74 to Xianyun's place.. then waited for Hueijing and her at the bus stop.. then... Yanya came to pick us up! :D what a pity.. Uncle Daryl Wong fall sick so couldnt come for the Raya gathering we had.. we had many good food, and many GOSSIPS to talk about.. LOLX.. was shocked that Yanya's parents still can recognise us!! :D had a short BUT enriching catch-up!!=] like what Xianyun says, it's not easy to ask me out nowadays.. hahaz! sorry lohz.. i really very busy..
headed to West Coast to look for Mom today.. and she got me 3 tops today!! and she got herself 5!! that's even more right? then mom was complaining that she's hungry.. so went to West Coast temp market to eat.. and we had some cold drinks and duck meat noodle.. oh my TIAN! the duck meat noodle just taste HORRIBLE! then after eating, went to Uncle Alan's spectacles shop.. Mom went to do some adjustment to her specs.. then i went for a eye test..
hmmm.. eye sight has gone back.. and have been feeling that my eyes gets tired recently nowadays.. and have headache very often too.. true enough, my eye sight has gone bad.. no more perfect eyesight.. so, have made a pair of spectacles today! :D and will be getting it on SATURDAY!
mood been down this few days.. and has gone WORSE after friend told me about the problem.. am AFFECTED by some stuff too.. it's just some small stuffs.. Friend ask me what happened cause i sound very sianz and upset.. dont worry.. i'll be fine.. i wont want to add on to your burden.. so let me keep this problem to myself.. i know i'll be fine though i know i am NOT now.. was watching drama just now and saw this phrase - "life would be SIMPLER if you let it go...." i think my life would be SIMPLER and EASIER if i let things go.. though i always tell others, "dont give up with trying" , "dont give up till the last minute." BUT... i have really feel i have NO courage to fight on anymore.. even if i know i will be HAPPY if i have it, BUT.. i know some things just cannot be forced..
friend, one more thing for you... "life would be SIMPLER if you let it go...." it reminds me of you when i see this phrase.. jiayou le! i'll continue to support you!:D
going Chong Pang with Mom tomorrow! need to go to the bank.. and meeting Stella at 6pm tomorrow.. and will be staying overnight at her place! cool manz!=]xianyun, hueijing and me!:D
yanya, xianyun, hueijing and me! =]