Saturday, March 01, 2008

[ a get together brought JOY and LAUGHTER! ]

a get together brought JOY and LAUGHTER!

woke up at 10.30am this morning.. ya.. meeting 秀娟姐 today for some get together and of cause not forgetting our hobby - SHOPPING! meet her at Bugis at 1.30pm.. and surprisingly.. Michelle came to join us! so our shopping trip started from Pazzion shop.. 秀娟姐 eyeing on a pair of heels that i feel will makes my legs HURTS and it's too tall.. and 秀娟姐 isnt that short.. so i feel that she dont need this pair of heels at all.. then.. we went to IP Zone.. where 秀娟姐 spent 73bucks on a jacket, 2 t-shirts and a pair of pants for 姐夫..

then i called Anna.. ask her if she's joining us.. and indeed she is.. she's on her way back to shower first before she comes down to join us.. then when she comes.. we went round shopping.. and saw this girl who is really PLUMP! and the worse thing is her dressing.. my goodness! think if i am her size, i wont dare to wear till like this.. so SCARY! then we went to Lver.. 秀娟姐 bought a purple top at 19bucks instead of the usual 59bucks.. so WORTH.. but i feel it dont suits me.. so i didnt buy.. went to look around and bought a hello kitty pen at 1.90! then we went on to Espirit.. have no intention to buy anything actually.. 秀娟姐saw a top that look nice.. but 3pieces left.. a M size, L and XL.. she tried on the M size.. but it's too big for her..

so she ask me to put down.. and i could WEAR! so.. she asked me buy.. and when i came out of the feeting room with that top.. she said i have SLIM DOWN! hahaz! indeed! not a lot but a little makes a BIG DIFFERENCE! hahaz! and because of that praise, i bought that top.. 50% discount.. usual was 39.90.. after discount was 19.95! and for the first time, i paid my own stuff with my own ATM card! hahaz! no one can understand the joy i had..

then we went on shopping.. and 秀娟姐 says she need to go for 姐夫.. he's doing facial somewhere.. so we went with her.. 秀娟姐 and Anna know about what happened to me and HIM liao.. Dad told them about it.. well, let bygones be bygones ba.. after looking for 姐夫, we went to HUNT for the place where babies clothing are sold.. but the shop isnt open.. and we saw 阿良.. so coincidental! and he said i grown FATTER! my goodness! my whole world almost tobbled down! oh gosh! he's the FIRST one who said i have grown FATTER.. my goodness! but he said, looked prettier.. and least it saves him! hahaz!

we went into bugis street.. 秀娟姐bought a pair of leggies and a pair of heels from Image turn.. Anna bought a 孕妇裤 for her sister-in-law.. then we had dinner.. over dinner, we were talking about how sickening how 小狗was.. not the real dog.. is a person's nick.. and talked about Uncle Albert..and it was like so SCARY! we saw him after we finished our dinner.. we have never thought to clash into him at Bugis.. after dinner, we went to Times Club and Anna bought a Casio watch for her mom..

today shopping trip was FUN.. though i only bought a Hello Kitty pen and a top from Espirit.. BUT, i am totally SATISFIED! it was a get together for us! tired.. chionging CASE-STUDY tomorrow!

my hello kitty pen!

my NEW bought top from Espirit!

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