Friday, April 11, 2008
[ 爱,不是互相凝视,而是一起朝向同样的目标。]
woke up today at about 10am.. wanted to sleep a bit later de.. BUT... cant.. got to wake up and settle a lot of things... woke up and turned on the tv.. watching channel 55's “女人不易做".. quite a NICE show.. waited for Didi to wake up before me and Mom went down for breakfast.. halfway through while we are eating, Didi's stomach started to get pain.. so he took the keys from mom and went home.. then when me and mom finished the breakfast, we have to wait outside the house just for him to finish his "business" and open the door for us.. this IDIOT.. even bathe after finishing his "business".. i think me and mom waited for more 15minutes outside the door..
after getting into the house, i went to have a shower and got myself ready to go out.. has to run some errands for dad.. so, me and mom have to go the HQ to settle some stuffs for him.. didnt want didi to tag along at first, cause when ever we go out with him, our pocket will 破大洞!but end up, he still managed to persuade mom to let him go.. took bus969 to tampines, and stund all way to Tampines.. while travelling to tampines, there's this guy who keep staring at me.. didnt know what he want also.. 没看过人吗?
took bus 293 to HQ and saw Aunty Xiu Zhen.. upon reaching HQ, i approached the HQ staffs for help.. and while waiting, me and mom saw many people.. Ms Tan, Ms Poon's sister.. Mr Ong and saw Ms Sandra Sin.. cant imagine that she still can remember my name when my mom told her that i'm from SK 1st batch.. my goodness! after settling the bill for the CL and SSA times for dad, we went to the bookshop to get some books and incense.. saw Meng Har too.. got to meet up with her SOON!
then headed to TM mall.. got a ZINC backpack for myself.. cause school is like starting in 3days time.. and the reason why i need a BIG bag was because i have to bring my Tabbner book to school everyday.. so, it will be good to SQUEEZE everything into my bag! hahaz! then had sakae sushi with mom and did.. we had buffet actually.. hmm, really VERY FULL! but i'm HAPPY! cause it's like so LONG ago since i last ate sushi.. and it was YEARS ago since i ate it with MOM! didi wanted to eat Fish n Co at first when he knows TM has it.. and i had made a PROMISE to bring him there on his birthday..
it's a TIRING day.. SCHOOL STARTING SOON...............
Thursday, April 10, 2008
[ 明知相思苦,何必苦相思?]
woke up at 1pm today.. my HEAD really ACHES! i can feel as though it is BURSTING open!.... Chee Ching sms early in the morning, i wanted to wake up BUT my brain isnt telling my body to do.. i just cant take it! THIS PAIN is UNBEARABLE! FORCED myself to wake up and wash up.. then, i realised i have a BIG "mountain" of clothes not ironed yet.. that includes my uniform.. well, i know if i am not going to get it done today, i will delay till sunday.. and end up, the "mountain" of clothes will grow bigger..
so, i set my heart down to plug in the iron and bring out all my clothes to iron.. while ironing the clothes, i realised that lately, i have been wearing a lot WHITE tops.. maybe since my grandma passed away, i have not been wearing any coloured clothing.. been wearing BLACK, WHITE, GREY top very often.. during this shao-mu session, i really miss my grandma and Lihua jie jie a lot.. and because of that, i hasnt been sleeping well lately.. and because i am going to share a testimony on my coming ITESD meeting, i have start to think about how my nursing career started.. and in the midst of my course, this two persons - my loved ones.. left me....
想到这点就让我感觉我的心好痛!not sleeping well, also means that my digestive system will get worse.. and my miagraine problem will start to haunt me too.. lunch was chicken wings rice.. and thanks to didi to be so kind to da-bao for me.. left home at about 5pm.. took bus855 to harbourfront.. on the way there, saw Daryl.. it's raining cats and dogs at the westside.. and thank god, i'm well-prepared this time round.. bringing my cardigan and umbrella with me! kekez! and it's so KIND of Chee Ching to remind me to bring my umbrella! ya, after the experience the other time , i have learnt my lesson liao..
meet Chee Ching for dinner.. and as usual, he's LATE.. cant blame him.. he look so TIRED and it's still busy at work.. discussion meeting planning at Aunty Helen's place today.. we didnt do any daimoku or gongyo.. went straight into going through the Setai list for members.. deadline heard was 16th april, next wednesday.. got to sumbit it on the Chapter meeting.. then, we went through the planning for our coming discussion meeting..
well, i think i will have a hard time from next week onwards, got to start school and it makes my gakkai activities tougher.. BUT, i know i can CHALLENGE it with abundant daimoku.. and not forgetting to plan my time well and have essential amount of rest.. no other NOT NECESSARY commitment! except for for gakkai activities and studies! and many many REST!.... gtg le.. dad bought durian for us! SUPPER time! heez=]
a song to recommend...
title:男人女人 by 许茹芸 and 阿穆隆
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
[ 为什么最真的心碰不到最好的人?...... ]
woke up at 9am this morning.. today's programme - to meet Seeleng jie and Zhiwen for movie at JE Entertainment Centre.. went out at about 10am then took the mrt to Jurong East.. reached just 5minutes before the clock strike 11.. Seeleng jie is late.. got to wake my 表哥 up.. so, me and Zhiwen headed to JE cinema first to get the tickets first.. then went to Mac to sit down to wait for Seeleng jie.. the movie we watched was "Step Up 2: The Streets".. quite a NICE show recommeded by Seeleng jie.. a comedy show with some romance..
after movie, headed to Orchard.. on the way there, me and jie chatted a lot.. kind of neglect Zhiwen.. feel so SORRY about it.. initial plan was to shop at Far East and have lunch at Long John Silver... then jie suggested to go sing K.. so we went to have our lunch at Cappage.. went to the place jie used to work.. ate japanese ramen with salad and fried dumplings..
after lunch, we headed to Cenileisure Kbox.. we stayed there for about 5hours.. singing our HEARTS out! till my eyes also got 泪水 liao.. jie and Zhiwen thought i'm crying.. i FEEL like.. BUT... i didnt.. i tried WITH-HOLDING my tears.. and this kind of feeling really 难受! want to CRY but cannot cry.. think the three of us really sang TOO MANY emotic songs.. till i got EMOTIONAL.. and it really reminds me of the past.. jie left at about 5.45pm... she has to meet her boss at Vivo.. so, me and Zhiwen stayed on to sing till 7pm.. then, me and Zhiwen went to Taka to look for dajie..
she's working there so went to 探班!had a short chat with her before me and Zhiwen head home.. had a fruitful day i should say.. watching movie and singing k on the same day.. 真的很痛快! on the way home, many incidents flood though my mind.. why didnt he seems to give me a peaceful mind? why must he be always appearing in my mind, rubbing salt on my healing wound? WHY!? think i have been thinking too much lately.. i should be doing what i told Zhiwen.. let nature takes its course.. i must do what Zhiwen say.. “能忘掉过去悲伤的回忆,然后开开心心的过每一天”i'm trying to do this.. and i know i can de..
took many photos today.. will wait till Seeleng jie send me before i upload it!.......... an OLD song to recommend..
爱我的人和我爱的人 by 游鸿明
P.S. TOMORROW - meeting Chee Cheng for dinner and planning for discussion meeting! =]
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
[ 我存在的意义..... ]
woke up at almost 10.30am this morning with a SUPER BAD HEADACHE! it's not the normal kind of headache people got.. it's like as though i have been HIT at the back of my head.. this PAIN is UNBEARABLE.. i almost CRIED out upon waking up.. after considering, my decision was to GET BACK TO SLEEP.. and actually sms Yeow Chong to tell him i'm not going for the "gift-purchasing" liao.. BUT.... after thinking for long, i feel that it isnt too GOOD to LAST MINUTE fly areoplane.. so, i woke up and took 2 PANADOL EXTRA and headed for shower.. did my morning prayers and left home to meet Miaozhen and Yeow Chong, 12pm at Cityhall mrt..
as usual, Miaozhen is late.. so me and Yeow Chong headed to Marina Square to start the hunting session.. went to many shops.. including, Mini Toons, Action City and many more.. till Miaozhen comes, we decided to go for makan first.. then, something sparks US! and feel that maybe Bugis would be a better place for the hunting session.. so we decided to take a bus there.. on the way there, just some simple catch up with them.. chit chatting and finding out how everyone is doing.. alighted at Bugis and Miaozhen suggested to have some cheap food at the market.. so we went.. Miaozhen had Hor Fun and Bo Bo Cha Cha, Chong ate Vegetarian rice and i ate Claypot rice..
this pot of rice reminds me of the happy moments i had with Daryl.. i still remember eating with Daryl at the ABC Market.. how innocent and naive we are that time... never ever think of what will happen, just cherish what we had, conquering challenges after challenges.. from how both our parents STRONGLY DISAGREE till the moment both of us were RECOGNISED and INTRODUCED to both side family members.. i dont know where i have i found those COURAGE to tide through all that.. BUT........ it's definitely i will REMEMBER for my ENTIRE LIFE..
after lunch, continued our hunting from Bugis Street.. bought myself a red top that cost me ONLY 10bucks! then headed to Bugis Junction.. i must say that we managed to complete mission.. shall not review what is the "hunting session" all about until the gift is given out.. BUT, it's definitely FUN to do some shopping with Miaozhen and Chong.. Carolyn joined us only after the mission is accomplished.. sat down at the food junction while getting for the "thing" to be done.. and took so pictures! then i left at about 4.30pm to attend the primary sch classmates gathering.. but.. we knows.. it's RAINING cats and dogs at the west side of sg.. and mom wants me to meet her instead and give the gathering a miss..
well, i should say.. mom is the SANSHO SHIMA.. so REGRET that i didnt attend.. cause my form teacher went! SOBX! and many old classmates went to.. just hope Ah gong Jiahao would be as kind to plan this gathering AGAIN! went to look for mom.. cab down from Clementi.. got NO CHOICE.. the rain is too heavy.. and i CANT AFFORD to get wet with my condition NOW.. bought dinner to share with her.. had 姜葱鹿肉饭 and soursop drink.. headed home after mom finishes work at 8pm.. a tiring day..

carolyn, miaozhen and me!
US again! with a CLOSER BOND this time!

Carolyn, Miaozhen, me and Chong!

the red top i got! =]
P.S. tomorrow - Movie with Seeleng jie and Zhiwen! =]
Monday, April 07, 2008
[ a day of NEW EXPERIENCES!...... ]
woke up at 7am this morning.. and got really FRUSTRATED with my brother.. he slept and 4plus.. didnt really sleep BUT only toss and turn.. yet, he wants to get out of bed to go shao-mu with mom and me.. and another reason was most probably Aunty Shumsia (小舅's maid) will tag along.. and the car will be full, how to sit so many people? and i was so ANGRY trying to persuade him till i SURRENDERED myself and decided to go back to bed.. since he love to shao-mu so much, i shall give my chance to him and i'll go to bed.. but, mom came to talk to me nicely, persuading me to go shower and let didi join us.. mom kept emphasising that i'm the one who promised 阿公 that i will accompany him to go 拜太公 so it's a promise.. and i shall keep that promise..
well, people who know me well knows that i hate people who break promises.. so i must prove it by being a good role model.. and indeed, i woke up and went to shower.. 小舅came to fetch us at about 8.10am.. my guess was right.. Aunty Shumsia did tag along with 阿公.. and we have to SQUEEZE four people at the back because of my brother.. along the way there, traffic wasnt that smooth.. maybe because it's peak hours so we're meeting with those who are reaching to work.. 太公 is buried at “咖啡山”(in hokkien).. it's beside the old Police academy.. heard from mom, it's a private property area.. many people used to bury there when there isnt any CCK cemetry area.. heard from mom that not even Ah Ma herself has seen before 太公.. cause 太公 has passed away when 阿公is only 18years old.. so now that 阿公 is 78, in other words, 太公has passed away for 60years..
well, mom and i are still in the task of persuading 阿公 to move 太公's remains and cremate it to put it at where Ah ma's remains are now.. it will definitely be easily for him and us to go and offer our greetings.. just hope this can be done before 阿公's condition of dementia gets worse.. upon reaching there, 小舅park the car at the side of the old police academy.. and we got down and walked to towards “咖啡山”.. it's my FIRST time walking by the side of the expressway.. how COOL it is... hahaz! but can be quite dangerous too! the path to the tomb was muddy and the area nearby has already been covered up due to landslide after heavy downpour.. think sooner or lately, the area where 太公's remains are buried will be chased by the government for them to upgrade the area..
so it's more or less a no choice thing that we must get people to dig out 太公's remains and cremate it.. had a HARD time looking for 太公's tomb.. we thought after a year not coming to clear the grasses, it should be already and who knows, my granduncle had came for offerings already.. well, the condition of the cemetry was far better of what i imagine.. but i wouldnt want to go there after a heavy downpour.. after shao-mu-ing, we went for breakfast at Braddell.. 小舅brought us to have Niang Dou Fu and mom treated us to duck meat.. after that, 小舅 drove us home and didi went to 阿公's place before meeting Xiang Wei to go back to their secondary school..
mom and i went home to shower and rest awhile.. then we decided to go to Amk Hub for a walk.. didi craves for the durian dessert sold there and highly recommended by the tv.. went there.. mom was kind of disappointed that the shopping mall isnt any better.. maybe because many shops belong more to young shoppers like me.. eyed on a blouse at Dano.. but was too expensive in terms of the cloth used.. and tried on others.. finally.. decided to get this blouse instead..

it's a 2pieces blouse, with a free necklace.. kind of worthy.. had our lunch cum early dinner at Mos Burger.. super DISAPPOINTED with the standard of the food at this outlet.. well, end up, didnt even feel that i have taken in food.. brought didi some durian mochi, durian cake and i got myself mango pudding.. shopping trip today- FAILED! didnt get a schoolbag which i wanted to.. and didnt get the blouse i eyed on.. 53bucks! too expensive.. and mom didnt get the pair of shoes she wanted to either..
headed home and went to bed.. too TIRED after waking up so EARLY.. having a headache after waking up and feels a bit giddy too! think i have been thinking too much about the testimony sharing i'm tasked on, the red cross training and my year 2! ONE more WEEK back to HELL!
Sunday, April 06, 2008
[ 看来我对你的好感似乎要有所保留了.... ]
stayed home today.. woke up at about 11.30am this morning after sleeping at only 1am this morning.. has been considering whether to attend the memorial gongyo session at SCC but i didnt managed to fight the SANSHO SHIMA.. so i have chosen to STAY HOME and rest.. had a shower and did my morning prayers.. early morning when i looked into the mirror.. i was SCREAMING so LOUD.. cause my skin on my face is.... is... HORRIBLE.. 破皮了!think is the AFTER EFFECTS of the cycling trip that day.. i'm so SAD.. cause after so LONG, i turned MUCH MUCH FAIRER.. now.. BACK TO SQUARE after going into the sun for a cycling trip! haiyo! (T.T)
home alone today.. Mom went to work early in the morning.. Dad and didi went to work at about 2pm.. had chicken wings rice and fries for brunch today.. super FILLING.. and watched the korean drama - "我叫金三顺".. have watched it before actually but have chosen to watch it again since it's retelecast on channel U..
was really FUNNY at times.. and really TOUCHING at some moment.. till i wanted to CRY so much.. “好希望自己也可以那样感动!”i know i am DAY-DREAMING lahz.. BUT.. sometimes HUMAN BEINGS just need to have DREAMS to live on.. even if you know it's DAY-DREAMING, i also dont mind 一头栽下去.. 这也许就是所谓的“愚蠢”吧!went online at the same time too.. to check my email and update my blog for yesterday..
home alone was BORING.. i spent hours looking through friends' blog and updating mine.. and leaving the TV on just to create the image that i'm not home alone.. hahaz! how STUPID of me.. was sms-ing Zhiwen the whole day.. trying to come out with the plan for next wednesday's meet up.. and maybe Seeleng jie will be joining us too.. read through my friendster blog today.. and it reminds of the happy moments i had with Daryl.. why are the both of US so FOOLISH last time? why didnt we CHERISH one another? now, things doesnt seems to have a chance to turn back liao..
i know he still have feelings for me.. BUT.. i wasnt sure of mine.. i cant promise that we can be as happy again.. i cant promise i still have feelings for you.. and i cant see a future ahead of us... i'm sorry that i know if you were to see it, you will be very UPSET.. but, i dont wish to hurt you again.. just hope that when you enter NS, you will forget me gradually..
somehow have a good impression of a guy.. let's call him "W" .. just find him NICE.. BUT.. after getting close to him.. somehow, my impression of W changes.. i realised he isnt as NICE as i thought.. and like what i told Xueyun dajie.. i will tell him not to treat me so nice.. cause once i have feelings for him, even if he's BAD, i will be BLIND.. Dajie said i very 勇敢.. dare to tell W that.. cause i know if i dont make things clear.. 一旦我陷下去就一发不可收拾了!跌倒了再爬起来不是件谈何容易的一件事.... 我不想历史重演!我不想再为任何人哭泣了!
shao-mu tomorrow with Mom, 阿公 and 小舅!go 拜太公.. waking up at 7am tomorrow...
P.S. HAPPY BIRTHDAY HUIWEN! love you lots! =]
Saturday, April 05, 2008
[ 我害怕我是被老天爷遗忘的那一个...... ]
woke up quite LATE today.. too TIRED after going to shao-mu yesterday.. had duck porriage as breakfast today.. then Meihui called me.. asking to share my testimony during the april itesd meeting on the 19th.. being given such task.. i can say i am HAPPY but worried that my sharing wont be able to motivate my juniors.. will really sit down and spend some time to prepare it..
was spending some time to settle the Red Cross training next coming saturday.. haiyo.. think will be a tiring day to handle so many students at one goal.. then was thinking to ask Seeleng jie out.. and who knows.. Xianyun smsed me and ask me out.. meet her at 4pm at Taka.. and i went to look for Xueyun dajie... then accompany her to have dinner at Mac..
went to walk around at Wisma and Taka.. then went to Wheelock place also.. went to take a look at the Crumpler bags.. then headed back to Wisma.. Xianyun bought her friend a pair of earrings.. and i saw the Meteor Garden's rings! so NICE lohz! but i think no guys would want to wear it! if there's a guy would buy it for me, think i'll be willing to become his girlfriend.. hahaz! *hint hint* the rings from Moshi Moshi! hahaz.. and i love the puzzle love pendant a lot!
on the way back, zhiwen called me.. was shocked to receive his call too.. chatted with him for quite awhile.. going for movie with him next wednesday!.... but still thinking lahz.. dont know should go not.. hais! dinner with Seeleng jie was cancelled.. she was to TIRED.. then i bought dinner home to eat with mom... *having stomach cramps*
this is the puzzle love pendant i mention.. NICE right?
cant find the meteor rings picture rings online.. but can find it at Moshi Moshi Wisma...
Friday, April 04, 2008
[ my EXPERIENCE of going to shao-mu.... ]
woke up at 3.30am this morning.. i CANT BELIEVE that i am waking up so EARLY during my holidays..BUT.. i didnt have a choice to make.. wake up, had a shower and did my morning prayers.. 小舅came to fetch me and mom to CCK to bai ah ma.. it was SO EARLY! only 5am when we reached there.. driving along the Chinese Cemetry really makes my HAIRS STAND! it's SO DARK and SCARY! really is 伸手不见五指!went up to bai Ah ma.. really MISSES her a lot.. so FAST.. she has left us for 4months plus liao le..
brought her some fruits, pumpkin cake, yam cake, buns... but totally forgotten about her favourite - Coffee... then 大舅 was saying.. "we are thinking of going to 山上拜太妈.." then i was like... "huh? (=.=!?), what?what 山上?" end up i realised that what 大舅 was to go to the cemetry.. i was like.. my goodness! so EARLY going there? i think it really makes my GOOSE PIMPLES rise!
after so many years not doing shao mu.. this year was real EXPERIENCE for me.. after shao-mu.. went to Ah gong's place.. 小舅 bought me and mom roti prata and curry puffs for breakfast.. had breakfast together with mom and 小舅.. then was looking through the newspaper.. eyeing on a NEW laptop.. so ENVY! Doris biao mei just got a new PINKY laptop.. 小舅 bought it for her! i also WANT! had lunch at ah gong's place.. Ah gong fried noodles for us.. had duck and chicken TOO!
after lunch, headed home with mom in a train.. really very TIRED! till i sleep till 东倒西歪.. tired.. slept for few hours after i returned home.. but still feeling so TIRED.. and having a HEADACHE.. will rest home tomorrow if possible..
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
[ cycling trip with yep family...... ]
woke up at 8.30am today.. kind of tired.. somehow REGRET turning in so late yesterday.. wake up and got myself ready for the cycling trip.. i can PREDICT how much FUN i will have.. arrangement was to meet Amalina, Yeow Chong and Shaun at Toa poyah mrt control before heading off to Parkway mac to meet the rest.. as usual, i can PREDICT who will be late... *kekeZ*.. just in time to reach there at 11am..and Wuihou was the EARLIEST! then.. comes Samaniah and Guosheng.. actually supposed to meet Carolyn and Miaozhen also..
BUT.. the BLUR QUEEN - Carolyn went to the wrong place.. she thought it was East Coast Park's Mac.. diaoz.. so Miaozhen went over to have lunch with her while the rest finished ours at Parkway mac.. and Reezal.. he FLY ME AREOPLANE.. didnt come for the cycling cause he overslept after Yeow Chong called him to wake him up.. *SAD*.. and Jamal.. was asked to go back school to see Ms Jill.. so he cant even join us for lunch.. though we only have the NINE of us! BUT.. this doesnt mean we wont have any FUN..
at Parkway mac itself.. lots of laughter and jokes were created just by eating MCSPICY! hahaz! i should have taken the picture of how much LETTUCE was given inside this burger.. and should have recorded what Shaun said.. hahaz! he wanted to show us the MAGIC of making the piece of spicy chicken disappear.. and where would it goes? ANSWER is - to HIS STOMACH!! lolx! and he's still TRYING to MASTER how to make it appear after making it disappear.. welllllllllll..... TRY HARDER ba SHAUN! hahaz!
and i actually discovered that Samaniah has the same eating pattern as me for eating the Mcspicy.. i've found a SOULMATE! hahaz! and.. all of us were laughing over Samaniah's LARGE COKE! she's DEFINITELY a WATER BAG! then we walked to ECP to look for our dear girls - Carolyn and Miaozhen.. on the way there.. Shaun actually shared about the experience where they went to Pump Room for a drink.. and how Jag actually vomited.. how DISGUSTING Yeow Chong was.. HAHAZ! i just cant STOP LAUGHING!
reaching ECP Mac.. we cracked a joke on Shaun.. saying that from his oesphagus down to his intestine.. all one is straight line that's why after he eat, he immediately need to go toilet.. lolx! we started cycling at about 12.25.. and along the way.. many laughter were HEARD! and i really SCREAM a lot.. after Guosheng and Samaniah tried knocking into me.. the only 悲剧 was - Miaozhen had a fall.. because of Yeow Chong..
during the trip itself, Khai papa called.. and told me his results! CONGRATS for attaining a 4.0! and CONGRATS to Yeow Chong for scoring a 3.9! Shaun for scoring 3.8! and to MYSELF!!!! for SCORING 3.875 and attaining an A grade for cca! YESsssssssssss!!!! *happy* after cycling.. everyone turned so TAN suddenly! had a shower at ECP! my goodness! the toilet is SCARY! with NO locks to door and with a hole people can see through easily.. and... the shower hose makes NOISE POLLUTION! think this shower trip i had was the FASTEST one i ever spent....
headed back to Parkway.. went to COOL DOWN ourselves in the NTUC.. and i bought the sunsilk hair cream.. then we headed to the market to get ourselves BUBBLE TEA! i had orea peppermint.. Miao had passionfruit blended ice.. Carol had milk tea.. Amalina had the blue blue thing that makes our mouth and teeth BLUE BLUE!! hahaz! and Sam that WATER BAG!! had Sugarcane then drink honeydew sago AGAIN! so SCARY sia! Wuihou went back to sleep.. Carol left to meet her friends.. Amalina went for her religious class.. left with Shaun, Yeow Chong, Sam, Miaozhen, Guosheng and me.. then we headed to Kallang Leisure Park..
many shops still not open yet.. BUT, we just want to find a place to sit down and chit chat! my LEGS really HURTS to the MAXIMUM! cannot stand it ANYMORE.. then after walking and walking for SO LONG.. we went into Starbucks to sit down.. all of us were TRYING to GRAB a SEAT on the sofa! then.. i was GRUMBLING that i am HUNGRY.. so we went to have dinner at Subway.. had Subway melt with a packet of chips and a cup of sprite.. Shaun was persuading me asking me not to go.. but got no choice.. have already PROMISED xueyun dajie that i will attend the meeting..
went off with Samaniah to take bus10.. but.. waited for so long also never see the bus coming.. so we took bus70.. Samaniah dropped off halfway to take another bus for ME.. went to Paya Lebar to take mrt.. smsed Xueyun dajie and asked her to wait for me at Paya lebar platform.. then headed off to TM.. went to shop awhile and then meet Liyan for dinner.. then after that we took 293 to HQ..
was really TIRED.. think i almost dozed off during the meeting.. and the worse thing is my LEGS ACHES! my PALMS too! saw Siyi.. really SO HAPPY to see her again.. finished meeting.. took bus home from Ann Nee.. tired.. got to REST.. AIM - HOME TOMORROW! really had an ENJOYABLE day TODAY! yep family ROCKS!=]
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
[ happy APRIL FOOL DAY!!!... ]
home today.. had FORCED myself to stay home in order to complete my homework.. YES!!! managed to finish my homework today.. BUT.. kind of bored to stay home and do nothing.. and of course i wont just my day die off like that! spent HOURS on the computer.. not doing anything much BUT solemnly CONCENTRATING on my drama series !! yes.. i am still trying to CONQUER 恶作剧2吻!
the show is FILLED with TEARS and LAUGHTER! i have MISSED COUNT how many times i have cried till my nose is giving way and when i laughed till my mom got so irritated!! hahaz! the FUNNIEST part is when i saw how 湘琴 learnt and try herself to become a NURSE.. hahaz!
tried out a NEW thing today! me and Yeow Chong chatted through the online call! hahaz! and i discovered that actually my laptop has in-bulit speakers! hahaz! so stupid of me! got a call from Amalina.. was teased by her for APRIL FOOL DAY! and was so STUPID of me to BELIEVE her! hahaz! but she really MADE MY DAY! really make me laugh till my jaw almost dropped! going to rest early today!!
cycling trip with yep family tomorrow!!~