woke up at 8.30am today.. kind of tired.. somehow REGRET turning in so late yesterday.. wake up and got myself ready for the cycling trip.. i can PREDICT how much FUN i will have.. arrangement was to meet Amalina, Yeow Chong and Shaun at Toa poyah mrt control before heading off to Parkway mac to meet the rest.. as usual, i can PREDICT who will be late... *kekeZ*.. just in time to reach there at 11am..and Wuihou was the EARLIEST! then.. comes Samaniah and Guosheng.. actually supposed to meet Carolyn and Miaozhen also..
BUT.. the BLUR QUEEN - Carolyn went to the wrong place.. she thought it was East Coast Park's Mac.. diaoz.. so Miaozhen went over to have lunch with her while the rest finished ours at Parkway mac.. and Reezal.. he FLY ME AREOPLANE.. didnt come for the cycling cause he overslept after Yeow Chong called him to wake him up.. *SAD*.. and Jamal.. was asked to go back school to see Ms Jill.. so he cant even join us for lunch.. though we only have the NINE of us! BUT.. this doesnt mean we wont have any FUN..
at Parkway mac itself.. lots of laughter and jokes were created just by eating MCSPICY! hahaz! i should have taken the picture of how much LETTUCE was given inside this burger.. and should have recorded what Shaun said.. hahaz! he wanted to show us the MAGIC of making the piece of spicy chicken disappear.. and where would it goes? ANSWER is - to HIS STOMACH!! lolx! and he's still TRYING to MASTER how to make it appear after making it disappear.. welllllllllll..... TRY HARDER ba SHAUN! hahaz!
and i actually discovered that Samaniah has the same eating pattern as me for eating the Mcspicy.. i've found a SOULMATE! hahaz! and.. all of us were laughing over Samaniah's LARGE COKE! she's DEFINITELY a WATER BAG! then we walked to ECP to look for our dear girls - Carolyn and Miaozhen.. on the way there.. Shaun actually shared about the experience where they went to Pump Room for a drink.. and how Jag actually vomited.. how DISGUSTING Yeow Chong was.. HAHAZ! i just cant STOP LAUGHING!
reaching ECP Mac.. we cracked a joke on Shaun.. saying that from his oesphagus down to his intestine.. all one is straight line that's why after he eat, he immediately need to go toilet.. lolx! we started cycling at about 12.25.. and along the way.. many laughter were HEARD! and i really SCREAM a lot.. after Guosheng and Samaniah tried knocking into me.. the only 悲剧 was - Miaozhen had a fall.. because of Yeow Chong..
during the trip itself, Khai papa called.. and told me his results! CONGRATS for attaining a 4.0! and CONGRATS to Yeow Chong for scoring a 3.9! Shaun for scoring 3.8! and to MYSELF!!!! for SCORING 3.875 and attaining an A grade for cca! YESsssssssssss!!!! *happy* after cycling.. everyone turned so TAN suddenly! had a shower at ECP! my goodness! the toilet is SCARY! with NO locks to door and with a hole people can see through easily.. and... the shower hose makes NOISE POLLUTION! think this shower trip i had was the FASTEST one i ever spent....
headed back to Parkway.. went to COOL DOWN ourselves in the NTUC.. and i bought the sunsilk hair cream.. then we headed to the market to get ourselves BUBBLE TEA! i had orea peppermint.. Miao had passionfruit blended ice.. Carol had milk tea.. Amalina had the blue blue thing that makes our mouth and teeth BLUE BLUE!! hahaz! and Sam that WATER BAG!! had Sugarcane then drink honeydew sago AGAIN! so SCARY sia! Wuihou went back to sleep.. Carol left to meet her friends.. Amalina went for her religious class.. left with Shaun, Yeow Chong, Sam, Miaozhen, Guosheng and me.. then we headed to Kallang Leisure Park..
many shops still not open yet.. BUT, we just want to find a place to sit down and chit chat! my LEGS really HURTS to the MAXIMUM! cannot stand it ANYMORE.. then after walking and walking for SO LONG.. we went into Starbucks to sit down.. all of us were TRYING to GRAB a SEAT on the sofa! then.. i was GRUMBLING that i am HUNGRY.. so we went to have dinner at Subway.. had Subway melt with a packet of chips and a cup of sprite.. Shaun was persuading me asking me not to go.. but got no choice.. have already PROMISED xueyun dajie that i will attend the meeting..
went off with Samaniah to take bus10.. but.. waited for so long also never see the bus coming.. so we took bus70.. Samaniah dropped off halfway to take another bus home..as for ME.. went to Paya Lebar to take mrt.. smsed Xueyun dajie and asked her to wait for me at Paya lebar platform.. then headed off to TM.. went to shop awhile and then meet Liyan for dinner.. then after that we took 293 to HQ..
was really TIRED.. think i almost dozed off during the meeting.. and the worse thing is my LEGS ACHES! my PALMS too! saw Siyi.. really SO HAPPY to see her again.. finished meeting.. took bus home from Ann Nee.. tired.. got to REST.. AIM - HOME TOMORROW! really had an ENJOYABLE day TODAY! yep family ROCKS!=]
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