time to say goodbye...
Today marks the LAST day of our incampus and exams.. I dont know what's wrong with me this sem.. I always walk out of the hall with lots of confidence that i will definitely score an A.. BUT, this time, i'm in the gang who complains that the PAPER is SO TOUGH!? did we just slack too much because it's the LAST term or is it because luck is not on our side? or because the setter for the paper is simply a NO BRAINER?
cannot ask straight forward questions but questions that makes everyone start pulling their own hair! hais.. i am really disappoint with myself.. In course assessment marks for PCB was a average B, cause i didnt do well for BCLS practical, and for BH is just nice an A - 80marks.. my concentration on this term was most on PROJECTS.. and many a times, i have to finish it up with minimal help from the rest.. just like the CDP project, who has NOT MUCH contribution, you should know it well yourself.. i wont have to spell it out..
BUT, well, like i said, it's the END of the TERM.. i wont want to care whether i like you or you like me anymore.. we wont see each other.. maybe just for class chalet and social night, and then maybe so unlucky during sim training and then will be graduation day.. and Grad Day, parents will be around with us to collect the cert.. so ya, would maybe be just a Hi and Bye situation.. if this is the case, WHY SHOULD i bother? hahaz! i just feel happy that i still have my clinque - Nad, Shiffa, Daphne, Ramlan and Farhan.. i am already very CONTENTED about it..
and the problem with Fara and Hazel has been resolved.. we can talk NICELY to each other now.. so why BOTHER? i DO NOT CARE whether who is happy or not.. i just CARE whether i am HAPPY or not.. and whether my clinque is HAPPY or not.. HAHAZ..
after the paper, we had our CP briefing.. hmm.. this term, got some weird teacher by the name of Ms Lydia Poh.. she just look a bit blur.. lolx! But, i hope she can be a GOOD teacher.. Sad.. Mdm Yeo will be taking TTSH group4.. hais! sianz..how i wish she can take our group again.. sianz.. just hope that TTSH group 4 wont bully her..
went to meet Mrs Tang after the attachment briefing.. settled some graduation photos stuff and went to Level 6 with her to settle the locker matter and the CP logbook.. then accompany Daphne to meet Mr Tay.. then after that, went with clinque to eat KFC.. had buddy meal with Daphne.. Farhan left halfway through.. hais.. i also dont know what's wrong with him.. but just emo lahz.. hais.. Sufiyan came to join us for dinner.. am HAPPY to see him after so long! just hopes he get well soon..
today so UNLUCKY.. got scare by some psycho person on the bus and saw him again when we are going home.. OH my TIAN! so SCARY manz! Shiffa was laughing at me saying that how did i managed to survive at IMH posting? hahaz! well, i am well taken care of lahz during my IMH posting by my Staff Nurses lahz.. LOLX! kekez..
Zhen yu smsed me yesterday.. am happy to hear from him after a long time!! :D sad, i arent going back to IMH for anymore posting.. going to KKH.. will be going to Ward 5B for medical posting, then Ward 10C for surgical posting.. SAD! i want to go back to 12C or 12D! miss the staff there! :(
will be going down to West coast plaza to make my specs tomorrow.. visit grandma if i have the time.. and meet Weiran and Yanan for NTU VB'09 meeting..
our graduation album deco! :D

representing to you..... JR0704C! =]
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