Friday, April 09, 2010



到人说 心里的寂寞
到人懂 怕黑的折磨
到命中注定 在一起的那个人
很多人都像我 一个人过生活

只有简单笔画 却比想象复杂
过几个人 也被过几遍
可数的吗 为何我还相信
我在等一个人 在等我的永恒
完身边 泛滥的自由
开始怕孤单 是一种诅咒
羡慕我能飞的人 为何在天黑以后
还是 宁愿回到

a song from the show - 海派甜心 by 罗志祥,爱不单行.. it's been days since i last updated.. got myself a laptop today!!!:D thanks for your help.. thanks for helping me look at the specs.. it took me quite some time to decide if i should buy this laptop.. cause i know it clearly in my heart that once i get this laptop, i wont have anything to do with you anymore.. i don't want this to come.. but i know i should..

i have been disappointing those who really cares for me.. especially Benjamin.. I'm really sorry.. really.. 1 more week to school reopen.. i must do something.. to help myself get over it.. but in my heart, i know it well.. i really love you.. i really don't know how to get on.. meet up with Xueyun da jie few days back.. had a great time catching up with her.. and met Cliff also.. thanks for analyzing all the problems for me.. thank you so much..

i need a break badly.. don't know why.. these 2 days i aren't feeling that well.. keep having fainting spells.. i think i need a rest badly.. hasn't been sleeping well... according to my mom, i had nightmares! well well well, i just need to rest!=D

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