woke up EXTREMELY EARLY today.. that's what i feel.. cause today, it's a SATURDAY! yeah, set my alarm clock to 8.45am.. but then.. i woke up like 8.30am.. then 赖床 a bit before i get up to wash up at 9am.. then went to get Nasi lemak for breakfast and headed to Stella's place.. yeah.. we have to continue our MISSION...
got to Stella's place.. so coincidentally, her mom's home.. we finished our breakfast.. actually cant finished it.. and went to Singtel shop with Stella.. yeah.. to get her birthday present - iphone! oh my tian! i want a PHONE as birthday present too! E71 please!=] hahaz! i would love the person who get me the phone man!! hahaz!
then, went back to continue to complete our MISSION.. managed to get it almost done at about 1.30pm.. then went to develop some picture and went to get Stella's new hp's protective sheet and get my bubble tea.. took 143 straight down to SYC.. wah, can FAINT lohz! the bus makes me want to VOMIT.. and the weather is BAD today! 34deg C.. me and stella almost FAINTED! then because of the jerking movement of the bus, suddenly, i just got HEADACHE and feel COLD after stepping into an air-conditioned bus from the sunny environment outside..
reached SYC at 3.15pm then received sms from Qisheng that he's not coming.. hais.. it's okie.. CIC training today was good.. especially the video.. suddenly, it started to rain cats and dogs... so COLD lohz.. after the meeting, headed home.. today, wont be able to talk to HIM as he's on his way travelling to Shanghai... shall sleep today too.. cause also a bit TIRED!:)
tomorrow, still deciding whether i should attend the study meeting not.. really VERY VERY TIRED and not well.. hais.. think maybe because i never sleep well last night ba.. hais! yeah.. i am going to sleep.. dozing off in front of the computer liao.. *yawn*
my StelJessically sister, Stella!=]
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