woke up quite EARLY today and cant sleep last night.. hahaz! yeah, i must be too EXCITED liao.. No choice.. he's coming back manz... went to meet Stella at TPY.. wanted to eat LJS, who knows LJS close down liao.. then went to eat Mac instead.. hais.. cant finished the food.. too EARLY for a meal... wanted to get a place to sit down and study in the Library.. BUT.... exams period, too many people mugging liao..
then went to walk around.. seriously, i cant stand the weather recently.. TOO WARM liao le! its 34Degree C today!:) the Steljessically sisters almost become ROASTED PIGS! went to get his bedsheet and comforter for him.. then we continue walking around AIMLESSLY.. ha! the KEYWORD is AIMLESSLY.. we really dont know what we want to do and where can we go.. so decided to walk into HDB Hub and enjoy the aircon.. then Stella suggested to go dye hair.. she just want to sit down and wait for people to serve her.. ha! too bad you dont have long nails.. if not, we can do pedicure and manicure..
took 155 to Aljunied.. wanted to do it at Ben's mom's place de.. but Ben cant get her.. so decided to try the home salon Stella' grandma recommended... managed to get to the place at 3plus.. and decided on the colour.. Middle brown.. dont want it too BOOM-BLASTIC.. if not, mom will chop me off:) 45bucks for me, and 35bucks for Stella.. quite worth i think.. but my hair too blacky liao.. so colour looks a bit not like Stella's....
went to Stella's grandma's place and then watched tv while waiting for Qisheng to pick us up.. he came at about 745pm.. and we headed to the Airport.. really dont know how to thank them for sacrificing because of me..headed to T3.. the Stejessically family reunion is CRAZY!! taking pictures in the basement carparks.. taking pictures on escalators.. ha! and commenting that aircon is BEST invention.. heez!
went to Xin Wang HK Cafe.. and saw Aunty helen with Yue chang and uncle.. so coincidental!!:) queue for quite some time.. and gotten a seat but quite WARM.. saw many CUTE BABIES today!:) we each ordered different food.. see pic pic for reference.. ha!:)

stella, me and qisheng!=]

qisheng, me and stella in his car!=]

me with my chessy spagetti with pork chop!

stella's dumpling and cha siew noodles and HK milk tea!
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