couldnt sleep last night too! spent 2 hours tossing and turning on the bed!! i just feel so FRUSTRATED!!!! what has happened to me? something wrong with my body? or am i just too stress? or i slept too much recently? i dont feel that i really sleep too much for the past one week.. cause i just have a HARD time falling asleep! hais! was talking to Mom before going to bed.. and she was asking about the guy who went to watch movie with me the other day.. ya.. it's non other than Calvan lohz..well, told Mom so frankly that i rejected him.. lolx! Mom was like: " Aiyoz, poor him.. " and was shocked to hear that Mom say she dont mind me having a boyfriend 10years older than me! OH MY TIAN!! didnt know Mom so open-minded.. well, but ultimately, it's up to me lahz.. one of the reason i rejected him also because i feel that age is the gap.. well, since Mom can accept the age gap.. who knows i can accept guys older than me by 10years next time? hahaz!
was watching this korean show last night.. quite nice.. how come real life love story not so TOUCHING? lolx! then was sms-ing 秀娟姐 while i was trying to sleep.. and she MMS 怡怡's photo to me.. so FAST liao.. she's turning one years old next month!! but i cant get to see her in real person.. just through videos and photos only.. well.. BUT, she's really grower prettier and cute-er each day! and hope i can turn 21 faster so that Mom and Dad wont worry so much about me travelling alone.. shall visit her in Ipoh one day with 秀娟姐 and 姐夫! cant wait for this day to come!! :D then i shall train her to call me 姨姨! hahaz! COOL manz!! :)
my DEAREST god niece!! - 怡怡
picture took during NDP this year:Dwoke up at 7.45am this morning.. i wanted to sleep so much the moment the alarm rang.. BUT, i tell myself.. not matter what i have to attend the CFG prep meeting today.. will be teaching the children the line dance.. therefore, i have to go.. throat still not feeling that well.. but i'm still eating fried and heaty stuff like nobody's business.. breakfast was Mac's sausage mcmuffin with egg, hashbrown and a cup of ice milo!! :D
teaching the children really need lots of patience manz! they cant learnt things that fast.. BUT.. i cant deny that they are really CUTEeeeeeeee!! aiyoz! training ended at 1plus, then the committee gathered down till almost 2pm for some review and stuff.. then.. i headed to JP to get my lunch:D saw Wanqi while i was in the bus!! hor hor! caught you with a guy.. no lahz.. not boyfriend.. just friend only.. called her.. but she didnt pick up, then who knows when i went to Subway to get my sandwich.. i saw her there!! :) hahaz! then i took 174 to Bukit Batok to take 852 home..
Xueyun was a bit too slow.. she smsed me when i just boarded the bus.. she wanted to meet me.. i could have turned back but i was too TIRED liao le! boarded the bus.. swallowed my lunch and knocked off.. took a short nap on the bus! :D now, it's raining cats and dogs! i love this weather! it's good for sleeping beauties!! =]
tomorrow, will be on afternoon shift.. will be going to a new ward - Ward 7B.. hmmm.. dont know how things will be like.. just checked my schedule and realised that i got 3days same shift as her this week! and 2days same as her next week!! OH MY TIAN!! i dont know how am i going to suffer! with only 4 students per shift.. hais! got to chant more and pray hard to finish all my skills!:D