Tuesday, November 14, 2006
good news/bad news!!!~
As usual, it's another working dae lohz.. HAIZ~ ... WHY?? WHY mus i go 2 work ne?!? i wanna go back 2 sch.. i misses sch so much.. HAIZ!!!~ It's Tuesdae!! Mondae blues is finally over!! uncle Jonathan isn't back yet.. lolx.. Dun get e whole idea who is he... he's my superior.. lolx(>O<).. he's away 2 thailand 4 a business trip wif one of my sales executive, jeremy.. quite gd 2 b workin under him actuall.. cos he's alwaz not ard.. mayb bcos he's e director of e company ba.. bad thingy is he's so poor in admin stuff like approving leave.. tis remind mi of mi takin leave durin my youth camp.. i submitted e leave form 1mth b4 e camp.. but it's onli approved e dae b4 e camp.. alamak.. it's sansho shima yeah??
*yawn*.. it's so boring.. it's getting more n more boring ne.. n i'm losing my interest in my work dae by dae.. sianz diao.. tis few daes.. i'm so used 2 writing my blog at my office.. this is e thingy tat keeps mi awake ne.. if not, guess i'll realli doze of.. muahahaz!!!~ jus pray hard tat i dun get caught red-handed.. having headache tis few daes ne.. hav been takin panadols everydae... i tink i'll soon get addicted 2 it ne.. somemore i feel tat e panadols dun seems 2 work on mi anymore.. it jus dun cure my headache at all ne.. WHY?? do u tink i shld consult a doc?? haiya.. WHY am i so weak ar??
i hav yet 2 turn 18 lehz.. n i'm like tat alread.. what can be done?? what shld b done?? knock off at 6pm 2dae.. headin 2 JP 2 meet Shirley Poh n attend out I/C mtg (holland chap).. onli ate old chang kee 4 dinner.. so pathetic rite?? many changes in RHQ4.. now, Janice , my ex-chap chief is noe west coast zone chief.. as 4 my ex zone chief, Meisi.. she's now clementi zone chief.. n Yvonne Chua, e ex clementi zone chief is now jurong zone chief.. as 4 e ex jurong zone chief, shirley.. she's now RHQ4 asst chief.. i'm kinda of shocked 2 e changes made..
okie.. back 2 track.. drag too far liao.. my Ymd zone chief, Yew Soon has been promoted 2 MD.. now our newly appointed Ymd zone chief is Xiao Feng.. My chap zone, uncle Ron n asst chap chief, mr xia.. oso got a swap in position.. uncle Ron is e asst chap chief.. n mr xia is e chap chief nw.. alamak!!~ joining us in e meeting is study depart chief?? i tink so.. he's mr Lam.. Stephanie Lam's dad.. kind of funny tat i'm actuall e 1st among e main com pple 2 noe tat mr Lam is Stephanie's dad.. Muahahaz.. as 4 my district... my ywd, Fook Keong is now promoted 2 md.. n will be e md asst district.. now, another ymd came in.. he's Alan.. another uncle uncle type de liao.. cos all of them are wif family n hav kids.. lolx.. kind of weird if u call ur ymd uncle?? alamak!!!~ senior citizens......
my district got lotsa elderly.. but oso got lotsa of super young kids.. e youngest is auntie Sherley's son, Ryan.. he's onli 3 yrs old!! super CUTE de ne !!!! mom rushed down 2 jurong kaikan by cab frm work.. 1st time ar.. she will alwaz use work as an excuse nt 2 go 4 mtg de.. guess she gonna strive lottery again le.. hahaz(>O<).. saw Cheng Mun n Sek Mun 2dae.. in life..lots of stuff are fated.. realli mus base on e word "YUAN FEN".. like Sek Mun, i noe her thru e Byakuren Proj..
Another incident is Shanice n her elder sista, Winnie..i noe Shanice thru a SD Milkrun event n Winnie thry e youth camp.. another similar ones is e 2 cousins.. Qisheng n Benny.. i noe Benny 4 abt 1yr plus ba.. n Qisheng is my kinder sch mate n part of main com 4 e alumni concert.. if mi n Qisheng were classmates, we shld alread noe each other 4 13yrs.. muahahaz.. It's a small world after all.. it's a small world after all.. it's a small world after all.. it's a small small world!!!~
just like alvin lee.. i mean guang ming.. sound more qing que.. he's in e same grp as mi during e 2001 youth ndp.. muahahaz.. n he's my kinder classmate.. shocking.. okie.. back 2 track.. my mtg ends ard 9.45pm.. there after.. my parents n i took 172 2 cck.. passed by Kenji n Xue Yun's place.. actuall tot of asking him 4 dinner when i was in JP de.. end up didnt.. now u noe y i onli old chang kee as dinner le ma?? muahahaz..
e bus passed by mani quiet areas.. like tengah air base.. n passed by granny's old teck wai flat.. n e place where uncle You committed suicide.. it was a tragic 2 e Loh's family.. the most filial son die young.. took a train from cck back 2 yishun.. n dad n mum had their dinner at e S11 coffeeshop.. reached hm ard 11.15pm.. n by 12.15am.. i was in bed.. another dae of late nitez slp.. *yawn*
Saturday, November 11, 2006
a fruitful dae~
Oh it's SUNDAY!! guess it will be a super busy dae.. cos i gonna hope ard from places 2 places.. i'm out so early.. wakey at 7am.. n i'm out at 7.30.. HAIZ~.. sianz 1/2 (@.@).. mom jus forced 2 eat pandan cake b4 i go out.. OH NO!!~.. i jus hate takin breakfast so early.. it's a bad thingy tat u hav a mama shop under ur block.. lolx.. cos i hav one opp my block.. so as usual.. i got a crave 4 chocolate milk.. so went 2 buy a packet of it 2 drink.. n guess wat.. i so bad luck.. e straw has a hole sum where.. n i got no choice but 2 drink it from e hole.. alamak!!~
I took 855 frm yishun 2 harbourfront.. supposed 2 meet Penny at harbourfront at 8.45am.. but i was late.. slightly a little.. so sorrie ne, Penny.. i came out early.. but tat stupid bus stops practically every bus-stop.. actuall both of us got e same kind of tinking.. we jus cant stand pple who r late.. then summore can wear till nice nice.. gel their head till nice nice de.. lolx.. like 4 example, ur fren over-slept.. then late liao.. still can wear nice nice, gel their hair till neat neat.. tis means tat tat person alread tink, since late 5 mins oso late, late 1 hr oso late.. tat's kind of tinking is wrong sia..
We were late 4 e chingay briefing.. slightly a little.. bcos of mi.. sobx(T.T).. we spent abt 1/2 hr's time doin our morning gongyo n daimoku.. there after, we had encouragement by our SD YWD Chief, Jing Hao.. at e same time, we met up wif our item ICs, Jih Yang n Eunice.. n our chorographers, Trey, Melvin, Gina n Li Yan.. out of e 6 pple.. i onli noe 2 of them.. 1 is Melvin.. noe him abt 1yr plus le.. another is Li Yan cos she's Xue Yun's sista.. not much was shared actuall.. as many stuffs r still pending 4 confirmation.. but somehow rather e costumes are confirmed.. n tis comin sundae, they will take measurement 4 e participants le.. lolx(>O<).. i shall not shared so much.. let's keep everything in secret nw.. but.. i can ASSURE.. it's gonna b FUN!! YEAH!!!~
We played a no of interaction games.. n shared a lot of stuffs.. like we actuall take up e role as a trainer.. OH YA!!~.. almost 4gotten abt e trainers list.. 4 e girls side, they r Penny, Stella, Stephanie, Xue Yun n mi.. as 4 guys, they are Darrell, Dixon, Bryant, Yong Sheng, Kevin n Willie.. majority of e girls r from batch 1 expect Penny is frm batch 2.. as 4 guys.. is e opp.. onli 1 pathetic guy is from batch 1, e rest frm batch 2.. HAIZ~.. kind of sad.. Pin Wen isnt in 4 e trainers' team.. Alvin n Kenji oso.. SOBX SOBX(T.T).. i'm most DISAPPOINTED tat Kenji isnt joining our trainers' team.. cos i noe.. if he isnt in e trainers' team, he most likely wont b takin part as a participant either.. SAD rite?? (x.X) my childhood close fren isnt in e team 2 fight n challenge 2gether.. HAIZ~
After our briefing, a bunch of us actuall went 4 lunch 2gether at harbourfront food court.. it's onli 8 out of 11 of us went 4 lunch 2gether.. they are.. Xueyun. Dixon, Bryant, Willie, Stephanie, Stella, Penny n mi... mi n Penny jus feel tat Yong Sheng n Kevin wont realli clink along wif e rest of us.. Yong Sheng has been in e main com 4 quite sum time.. but.. seriously, i hardly talk 2 him.. Kevin.. hmmm.. he's in e exhibition sub com.. he's a weird person.. a super weird one.. *cold sweat* (=.=!!) ..
After our lunch, mi, Penny, Stephanie, Stella, Willie, Dixon n Bryant headed e same way.. Xue Yun took a bus hm .. Bryant went 2 e bus interchange.. as 4 e rest, we all boarded e mrt.. Steph n Stella goin 2 study at Toa Poyah.. n Dixon goin hm.. mi, Penny n Willie r heading 2 Carys's hse 4 their ASD Dance practice.. it was quite fun seeing them practice.. i finall saw who's Xiao Ying... n we jus realised Kevin is in e same class as Xiao Ying n Carys.. lolx.. Carys jus got super bad impression of him.. she sae he's a veri "act" guy from young.. muahahaz.. imagine he's alread like tat durin his childhood daes.. hmmm~ IMPRESSED(=.=!!).. n he jus look stupid weird in his big specs when he's young.. OOPS~.. i noe Penny gonna sae i veri bad sae him like tat.. RITE, Penny??
i left e place at 6pm sharp n took 153 2 Toa Poyah 2 meet May b4 goin 2 meet Xue Yun at Ngee Ann main gate.. OH NO~.. May's late... n we will sure b late.. we dropped near Bukit Timah plaza n walked 2 bus stops.. oh no!!.. tat's TIRING!!!!~ but it's okie.. we are late.. late 4 abt 15mins.. Sorrie, XueYun.. i dun mean it ne.. kekez(>O<).. waiting wif her was Shu Min n Jaymie.. Sorrie 2 u 2 too!!.. i jus ran over n hugz Jaymie.. so long nv c her ne.. Mayb i'm too busy??? kekez.. goin 2 support Er jie.. she's performin in e NRA Danzation.. n tat's e reason y i bought e ticket which cost mi 15bucks.. Was super excited 4 her.. i seriously dun reall noe how 2 dance.. n i seriously has no talent in it.. lolx~ ..
steppin in2 e convention centre.. we saw e Superband, Soul at e entrance.. when i step in2 e hall... i saw Junior.. he's my senior when i was in sec sch.. n my senior in NPCC.. but i didnt greet him.. jus afraid of being embarrassing if he cant recognise mi.. lolx.. n saw Chris n Deck Kun too.. Chris is oso a yr my senior in my sec sch.. so we're actuall sch mates.. actuall when i was in FD.. i alread noe tat he's from soka de.. lolx~ clever mi ne?? no lahz.. jus saw him at kaikan b4..
E danzation started at ard 8plus.. e dance was indeed COOL!!.. i realli n seriously nv regret buyin e ticket.. muahahaz... all sorts of dance.. n songs singing too.. of cos got tat singapore idol, Daphne Khoo.. she slim down so much.. n seriously tink tat it's too skinny liao.. n saw Joycelyn 's sista too.. she's one of e NRA's Alumni.. wah.. she's so damn pro lohz.. almost every item oso c her.. hmm.. n of cos not 4gottenin my dearest er jie!!!! she was in e freshmen item, FOC.. saw Jefferson too.. he's so attractive when he 1st appear.. lolx.. cos he's in a bright green jacket.. muahahaz.. n got a freshmen guy, Kenneth.. i hope i didnt get his name wrong.. he's realli talented ne.. as a freshmen whom onli been goin thru 3 to 4 mths of trainings.. no bad sia!!
I saw banana there oso.. oops~ i mean Justina.. she's my ex bf's classmate.. still look e same.. but no longer e same bf liao.. "yuan fen zhen ai zuo neng ren...." i was so tired.. super tired.. was out e whole dae.. everythingy ends at 11.30pm like tat.. n mi n Jaymie hav 2 rush 2 catch e late bus hm.. thanks Jaymie.. she pei mi take bus 2 Yishun.. then frm there.. she took a cab hm.. when i reach hm, it's alread 12.45am in e mornin.. *yawn*.. so tired.. jus took a quick shower n by 1.15am.. i'm in bed!!! Was really tired.. but.. it's really a FRUITFUL dae!!!~
entry posted: (12/11/06)
raindrops keep falling on my head~
As usual.. my wkends are filled wif gakkai stuffs.. it was pouring so heavily 2dae ne.. aiyoz.. poor mi!! it's been a long time since i work overtime on sat liao.. kind of gettin more n more lazy in my work.. n seems 2 be losing all e interest i shld hav.. kind of sick of waking up early in e mornin, tinking tat i gonna work again.. haiz~ .. how i wish.. i can work at SSA HQ or work at SK.. muahahaz(>O<).. it's gonna super fun i guess..
It has bcame a routine tat every sat afternoon, i'm gonna make myself free n attend Pin Wen's liveband practice at wee lee's music studio located at aljunied.. muahahaz(>O<).. is kind of near 2 my workin place.. i can take a direct bus n alight 3 bus stops later.. but 2dae is so much diff.. it's raining heavily ne.. i didnt bring umbrella summore.. sobx(T.T).. so got no choice but 2 take company's big umbrella.. see carefully.. it's big umbrella worz.. those giodano kind de.. yet.. my jeans was half way 2 my knee-cap area.. poor mi~.. summore i'm sick actuall.. n didnt take my breakfast tat morning.. jus ate 2 small mars chocolate bars.. luckily my collegue gave mi tat.. if no, i tink b4 i even see Pin Wen they all i'll faint alread..
When i reached e music studio, it's onli ard 1.50pm onli.. we're meeting each other at 2pm actuall.. Pin Wen reached promptly at 2pm.. Ming Liang was slightly a bit late.. luckily he's clever enough 2 call Pin Wen when he reached aljunied mrt n ask if he can bring umbrella 2 him.. otherwise he will bcum luo tang ji.. lolx(n.n).. Di Yong was late too.. unexpectedly.. cos he's alwaz e early bird in their band.. summore he's sick.. guess e weather is reall bad.. Gilbert was a little late too.. Raymond even worse.. go ton over-night.. so he's sick n look super tired.. everything has been progressing smoothly 4 them.. jus tat both e lead singer, Raymond n e back-up singer, Di Yong are sick.. both having cough n sore throat.. chan le lahz.. guys ar~ .. plz take gd care of ur own health ar.. dun fall sick at tis point of time.. not onli 4 e concert's sake but 4 ur own sake oso ar.. Xue Yun was late too.. she was stuck in e mrt.. OMG~..
As usual lohz.. after e practice ends at 4pm, we went 2 e coffeeshop nearby n makan.. lolx(>o<).. every1 seems 2 b so unite tat dae.. all of us drank green tea.. but it was kind ok *yuck* (x.x).. i jus dun like yeo's or heaven n earth's green tea.. pokka is e best ne.. muahahaz(>O<).. i ate laska again.. i'm jus super hungry lohz.. almost whole dae nv eat.. n tat stupid Pin Wen.. sae y i copy him eat e same food... lolx.. who wanna copy u ar? humphx!! Pin Wen n Ming Liang.. cant stand them.. at dining table still can tok abt shit, urine n even describe e balachan chili as menses.. *yuck*.. wanna vomit.. disgusted~ .. Then tat Raymond sit beside mi kept laughing at mi.. cos i show tat kind of disgusted looks.. Alamak!~ .. They are reall a bunch of funny n friendly guys..with them ard, u will nv feel bored.. muahahaz.. even when i'm sick, n feels so weak, e moment they crack jokes.. i seems 2 hav recovered.. kekez.. not bad.. got healing effects.. wahahaz!!
After which, mi/xueyun n them went seperate ways.. e guys r heading 2 fullerton hotel 4 their dinner wif their Chief who's graduating.. now.. Guo Yao is e Chief.. n guess wat.. Pin Wen n Ming Liang bcame e Vice-Chief of Golden Lion.. OMG~ Xue Yun was kind of shocked.. she even tot tat they r joking.. lolx.. tat's a serious matter.. i doubt they will.. I'm happi 4 Pin Wen.. but kind of sad oso.. i'm happi he's nw taking up such a great role.. i'm sure tis will makes him more committed 2 SSA... but.. tis oso mean tat he got a more impt role 2 play in Golden Lion.. n i doubt he will hav e time 2 b part of Chingay'07 Trainers' team le.. haiz.. wat a pity.. In e boys' team, onli 1guy is from Batch 1.. summore is not my class de.. guys from my class, where's e perseverce n enthusiasm u shld hav ar?? summore tat onli guy from batch 1 is not tat kinda of veri enthu de.. Ke bu ke bei ar?? HAIZ~.. All those veri enthu de.. all gonna hong tan liao.. goin 2 b army boi in jan.. HAIZ~..
Mi n Xue Yun headed 2wards JE.. then we went JE Entertainment Centre.. we went 2 Prima Deli buy wafer eat then went 2 e food court n sat down.. then.. we started chit chatting lohz... from SK stuff to concert to Chingay n even 2 our personal stuffs.. Xue Yun is kind of weird 2dae.. she kept askin super weird questions tat i nv tot tat she will ask.. lolx.. kinda of funny lahz.. hmmm~ .. we left at ard 7pm.. then i headed hm.. after pom pom n took my dinner.. i called Penny.. we chatted like hrs on e phone.. lolx(>O<)..
sharing so mani stories of us.. kind of funny tat i told her.. i got tot of ways 2 commit suicide n e consquences i hav 2 bear if i dun succeed dying.. stupid rite?? frenz of mine.. guess u will nv tot tat i hav tot of committing suicide b4.. in many pple's mind, guess i e cheerful kind who alwaz look on e positive side of life?? lolx.. i'm not realli actuall.. anw.. 2dae is a fulfilling dae 2 mi.. jus tat e heavy pour came at e wrong time.. muahahaz.. gtg le.. tml still mus b in tbsc at 9am in e morning.. *yawn* .. nitez~
Friday, November 10, 2006
Everydae my routine is jus e same.. i goes 2 work early in e morning.. then after work mus rush down 4 gakkai activities lohz.. i seems 2 missed a lot of my district stuff.. i feel tat i neglected my new mbers so much.. *guilty* .. HAIZ.. next wk, e invitation cards 4 e concert will b coming in le.. OH NO~.. guess e main com pple will b super busy.. Stephanie, Wei Han, Stella, Qi Sheng n Elvin... u guys faster finish ur exams ar.. Misses u guys so much ne!!
Knocked off at 6pm.. n it was raining.. till not realli big.. but it makes mi feel super unwell.. cos i'm sick.. raining makes mi feel cold ne.. *ah choo*.. supposed 2 go 2 meet Vivien n Penny 2 go 2 Darrell's hse 4 their performance practice.. tis is e 2nd time they gonna meet up wif each other.. cos we alread went 2 his place b4 n noe e way there.. so i decided 2 call him 2 jus ask 4 his unit no.. i was then on e way there.. end up.. guess wat he told mi?? (=.=!!) he sae he got family dinner but he 4gotten 2 tell us.. OMG~ .. my dear 2 girls r alread on e way there.. end up.. i hav 2 call them n tell them 2 head back 2 J8..
We then meet up at J8 Mos Burger.. lolx.. e nitez was spent chit chatting lohz.. lolx(>o<).. as usual lohz.. mi n Penny were e ones doin e talkin.. n Vivien is like a audience, lending her listening ear 2 us.. she's really super quiet.. quiet till i dunoe how 2 discribe.. muahahaz.. y is she so diff from Elvin?? lolx.. OOPS!! then e stupid waitress over at e Mos chase us away.. end up.. guess where we went instead?? muahahaz.. is 2 e library.. lolx.. we hide at one corner near e window n chit-chat lohz.. till about 8.30pm then we left e place..
All of us are so crazy over Goong.. especiall mi n Vivien.. guess tis will b e onli time u can see Vivien being crazy.. all of us went seperate ways.. Vivien went 2 take bus hm.. Vivien goin 2 her granny's hse at Telok Blangah so she took e mrt headin 2 marina bay.. as 4 mi.. i'm goin back hm.. so i took e way 2wards JE.. i boarded e bus n saw 3 Korean guys.. they super cute lohz.. i mean cute not handsome.. muahahaz.. e way they tok super cute.. heez.. makes mi feel like i'm e scene of a korean drama.. heez(>O<).. Penny was like sayin i fa hua chi.. lolx.. mus b watch too much Goong liao..
I jus wanna ask a quest... Which girl dun long 4 a simple love?? i asked Penny tis quest too.. then she sae relationship is like.. errrr.. i cant rmb.. but is sumthingy like tuo lei?? correct if i'm wrong, Penny.. so guess wat i sae?? i told her.. is bcos we didnt find e right person in our life.. agree?? MMMM~ .. all a sudden it reminds mi of a song by zhou hui - ai qing wu guan shi fei.. "ni shi dui de ren, que zai cuo de shi jian, cuo de di dian chu xian, dai zhe cuo wu de gan jue, cai hui zhao bu dao dui de jiao dian.. ta shi cuo de ren, que yong dian de yu yan, dian de jiao se chu xian, dui de rang wo wu fa ju jue, cai rang wo shen shen xian zai cuo wu li mian ........"
Mani pple tink tat time is a crucial thing.. but actuall e most impt thingy is e rite person.. i jus rmb wat Pin Wen once told mi.. mayb both of us jus arent suitable 2 b in a relationship at tis point in time.. then guess wat i actuall sae?? i sae.. is not suitable or not suitable.. but bcos we didnt meet e rite person.. agree?? MMMM~... hahaz.. tot of another song.. "ai qing rang ren kao de tai jing, wan le liu dian yi di...." lolx.. y all a sudden bcum so bei guan.. hmmm~ .. mus be positive at all times.. Gambatte!!
Thursday, November 09, 2006
ah choo~
guess wat.. tis weak princess is sick again.. oh sobx sobx (T.T).. actuall didnt realli rest well tis few days.. been veri busy as i hav mentioned mani times..plus..last whole week, i shi mian.. dunoe wat happened oso.. therefore all these led 2 lack of rest lohz.. actuall alread feelin tat i gonna gana sore throat liao.. but i veri stubborn.. yester lunch still eat laksa.. summore buy chocolate pocky n finished up myself.. lack of water oso.. so nw.. havin sore throat.. n sneezing my way spreadin my gems..
2dae is e 9th of nov.. exactly one more mth 2 our alumni concert.. OH NO~ time waits 4 no man ne!!! we still got our invitation cards still printing in process.. n out contacting committee hasnt start 2 work yet.. oh no.. hmmm.. all e a'levels students r away 4 their exams.. n so r those taking their o's.. instrumental ensemble side has stopped their practice at e moment.. vanessa is away 4 exams..but they shouldnt hav a probz i guess.. it isnt their 1st time performing instruments.. tml gonna b e 2nd time vivien n darrell r meetin up..i'm quite worried 4 e 2 of them.. cos one is more western n another more eastern..n e guy is friendly n e girl shy..
most imptly, e songs has yet 2 b decide.. OMG~ ... liveband side.. been progressing smoothly.. but e songs arent confirmed yet too ne.. everytime they practice.. i can see e improvement in them.. most imptly, they realli poured in their heart n soul n make lotsa efforts.. cos 4 out of e 5 pple r soka mbers but non-alumni.. tis is e only item i feel e most guilty wif.. cos everytime they practice.. they mus book e music studio.. n mus fork out their own pocket money 2 pay 4 it.. sobx sobx(T.T).. sometimes they still hav go 4 their practice empty stomach ne.. aiyoz.. as 4 wushu.. jus had a meet-up last sundae wif his vice-chief, Guo Yao n his instructor..they kinda of helpful.. so i kinda relieved..
exhibition side really got lotsa stuffs 2 do.. e sub-committee started working on e research alread.. n tml is their deadline 4 editing.. as 4 e design grp, been progressing quite well.. is jus tat e manpower arent really enough.. n their ah heads are away 4 exams.. Stephanie, Qi Sheng n Wei Han are away 4 their a'levels.. misses u guys ne!!! as 4 Wei Min.. still missing in action.. HAIZ~..
luckily, i still got May, Penny n Kenji 2 help mi.. if not, really will suffocate cos of e workload i hav.. BUT.. Kenji oso sick now.. 2nitez got exhibition committee mtg he oso wont b joinin us.. HAIZ~.. i'm so SICK ne.. now having a high fever!! many pple didnt turn up 4 e mtg too.. many were sick.. guess nowadays e weather is pretty bad.. n many jus finishes their exams.. exhibition sub-com progressing quite smoothly.. jus tat we are afraid tat they dun hav enough time 2 do up the exhibiton stuffs..
Was quite relieved tat i jus heard from lao shi tat e contacting committee had started workin le.. YEAH!! at e same time, they r encouraging those who will be sec1 n above next yr 2 join e chingay'07.. hey~ Soka Frenz out there.. if u see this entry of mine n noe of any ex Soka Kindergarten students.. do encourage them 2 join e chingay.. as.. next yr chingay r meant 2 b 4 SK Alumni students de.. Muahahaz~ Guess it will b a veri happy n grand event..
Jus heard from lao shi 2dae tat GD Ong is inviting those Soka school system ex students who are in spore rite nw 2 join us in e alumni concert.. n heard tat they hav alread set up a committee bcos of us ne.. Good news rite?? they are actually putting up a performance.. n working on a song 4 us.. n e teachers of SK are oso performin 4 us ne.. really looking 4ward 2 tis dae ne.. cos i noe it will b a dae of relief 4 those in e main com.. n will b a dae of excitment though i can foresee tat i'll b super busy tat dae..
just called Guo Yao jus nw 2 tell him tat mi n Xue Yun cant make it 4 e wushu practice this comin sundae morning.. n accidentally told him tat Pin Wen is oso a chingay trainer.. OMG~ .. lao shi havent talk 2 him yet.. OH NO~ .. n i didnt noe.. and when i told him.. he was kinda shocked.. n it was negative comments thru out.. he told mi Pin Wen is in special grp so he is actuall nt allowed 2 join.. i'm oso in special grp ar.. But my chief allowed.. is onli 3 mths.. n in jan n feb.. due 2 e chinese new yr.. soka dun hav much activities de..
sometimes i jus dun understand y chiefs are alwaz sticking 2 rules so strictly.. As leaders of a big organisation.. following instructions n rules is impt.. but mus hav a limit oso.. we mus b flexible at times ar.. worry tis worry tat.. Sensei alwaz sae : "Youth cannot grow without struggles"... yet... our chiefs alwaz stop us from doing tis, stop us from doing tat.. tis is stoppin us from goin thru e neccessary struggles we mus go thru.. it's stoppin us progressing.. lao shi goin 2 call him tml.. n it seems Guo Yao offended lao shi in some way.. n lao shi arent realli happi over it.. OMG~.. from jus now e expression lao shi when i told her wat Guo Yao said.. i can smell lava flowing from e volcano.. n it seems tat it's gonna erupt soon.. *scary*
i jus hopin n prayin earnestly tat Pin Wen can be in e Trainers' team.. he's in e main com.. but has been MIA 4 quite sometimes due 2 his busy schedules.. As wat May they all hav sae.. " Pin Wen, those in e main com misses u ne.." kekez(>O<).. as 4 Xue Yun.. HAIZ~.. was quite disappointed actuall.. she went 2 work ne.. Da jie, u seems 2 4got wat u sae ne.. i tink work really affect her gakkai activities.. but wat i sae is how i feel onli.. n once again.. i down wif lotsa burdens on mi.. luckily.. nw still got May n Penny 2 help mi.. at least.. i can feel more relieved now..
i'm somehow tired.. tired of all e empty promises made.. after so much hav happened.. Guess i'm alread used 2 working alone.. alread used 2 endure-ing alone.. alread used 2 cracking my brain 2 solve probz alone.. rmb e theme of e youth camp i mentioned b4?? "friends 4 life, comrades 4 eternity".. if i were 2 hav comrades who cant b firm n flexible at times, i tink i'll rather b alone.. heard of e chopsticks story?? 1 chopstick can b easily broken, but if u put 10 chopsticks 2gether.. e strength of e chopsticks increases making it difficult 2 b broken.. i truely n deeply understand tat i cant work alone.. wif my strength alone, i cant do much actuall.. but.. it seems like i'm forced.. FORCED 2 work alone..
ever since i returned from e youth camp.. i feel tat i got a stronger belonging 2 tis association.. a stronger belonging 2 SK.. Guess i'll nv leave tis association i grown up wif from young.. Xue Yun is back 2 e trainers' team.. But.. bcos of tis, i felt so guilty of wat i hav done 2 May.. imagine i alread persuade her 2 join e trainers' team, n she is convinced of tat alread.. now.. everything changes again.. tis kind of feeling is like giving a dying person a feeling of hope, n now, u jus tell tat person, u r dyin soon..i realli hate tat kinda of feeling myself.. though May didnt sae anything, i still feel bad 4 her.. xi wang yue da, shi wang yue da.. when u shi yang a long time, u will bcum jue wang.. I'm sorrie.. so sorrie 4 everything~
Sunday, November 05, 2006
hmmm... tat incident which i mentioned abt my fren gettin in a triangle love seems 2 hav cum 2 an end le.. *cold sweat* .. luckily.. luckily it ended.. how izzit be like 2 b in a triangle love?? is creating bad karma, will hav retribution de.. she felt e stress.. tat guy 1st told her tat he got feelings 2wards her.. at 1st my fren tot he onli kiddin de.. end up.. he kept askin her.. wat if he's single, will my fren accept him?? now.. here e stress is comin.. tat guy seems 2 askin for confirmation b4 his next step.. so my fren start 2 give him cold shoulder.. then e guy feel tat something is amiss.. so ask my fren.. luckily my fren is clever enough 2 grab hold of e opp.. she told him tat they shld remain as frenz.. luckily tat guy understand.. wat is urs is urs, wat fated not 2 will not b..muahahaz.. i feel tat i'm teachin how 2 handle tis kinda of situtation thru tellin u guys my fren's experience.. anyway.. it has cum 2 an end abt tat..
i'm super busy recently.. busy with my alumni concert tis yr end.. n comin up.. is chingay.. gonna b a chingay trainer.. will b busi till after new yr is over.. STRESS~ got so much involvement in my religion.. till i dun hav time even 4 my family n myself.. i need a break badly.. jus 2 slp but nth else.. cos slpin time is now so precious 2 mi.. tat's e onli time my machine stops workin..
jus had a hair-cut yester.. omg.. my hair seems short.. sobx..
"I am weaker than I realized.. Foolish-er than I know. What had happened in e present will b my destiny in e future..."
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
hmmm...guess wat?? i blogging at vanessa's place.. 4 those in my sec sch.. is not siew jia.. it's my kindergarden's junior.. hmmm.. kinda tired nowadays.. mayb bcos i'm troubled.. troubled wif my frenz' probz.. not my probz.. hahaz..kinda of stupid ne?? hmmm.. i guess so ne.. my bro's relationship probz, my frenz' relationship probz.. guess their probz makes mi put aside mine?? n thanks 2 xueyun.. she's alwaz e one who is alwaz sharing my probz.. especiall my relation's probz.. thanks da jie!!kekez.. kinda sad seeing him.. now especially durin mtgs.. HEART-BREAKING is e word.. i'm tired.. i need a break..
was pretti unhappi at work oso.. n cause big probz at work oso.. i got e design of e cutters wrong.. n guess wat.. e cutters were sent out 2 e customer in thailand.. oh no.. if tis proj fails, my company mus hav 2 pei chang.. i'm tired ne.. sumbodi.. jus save mi from e world of hell.. i jus wonder how izzit like 2 b in a triangle love?? it mus b veri xin ku.. i'm nv been in tat.. so luckily of tat.. but one of my fren was in2 it.. n she told mi her probz.. how?? *worried* 4 her.. haiz..
i'm jus back from camp 4 abt 1 wk.. n my camp mates r still n high spirit abt e camp.. though is jus a 3days2nights camp.. guess everyone present enjoyed it?? though i nv realli interact wif all e grp mates but guess they r influenced e "baby" in their grp?? kekez.. i'm e youngest in e grp.. so they jus treat mi like a baby.. actuall i realli struggle a lot during e camp.. but i tink everythingy is worthwhile ne.. i have grown and matured a lot during tis camp ne.. hahaz.. n i'm back 2 e bubbly n cheerful mi.. yeah~ i hav noe how 2 let go 2 thingys tat dun belongs 2 mi.. i wanna b e own mi back.. yeah~
tink bcos of my tiredness.. i'm slacking a lot.. mus buck up!!!! cannot slack.. especially in faith.. if not sansho shima(3 obstacles,4devils) will attack mi.. hahaz.. our Soka Kindergarden Alumni Concert is drawing nearer.. Everyone in e committee r gettin busier.. n e a'lvl students n o'lvl students r havin their exams soon.. so.. xueyun n mi r preparing 2 mutli-task.. takin care all aspects of e concert.. oh no.. guess i mus double my daimoku daily.. mus set daimoku marathon 4 myself.. n yr end drawin near.. n so it's my bdae ne!!! hahaz.. i'm truning 18 soon.. lookin 4ward ne.. mus start 2 tink our resolutions 4 yr2007..
n i'm tinkin veri simple nw.. jus chanting n prayin hard 4 my 2 new frenz 2 enshrine e Gohonzon by dec 2006.. tat's my goal 2wards yr end.. n wan my family n frenz 2 hav eternal happiness.. i felt tat i'm easily contented ever since i came back frm e camp.. as long those ard mi r trouble-free n living everydae 2 their fullest, i'll b happi alread..
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Life is like Bonbon au chocolat, a box full of chocolate
i jus finished watching the episodes of e korean drama "My Name is Kim Sam Soon".. super nice.. super touching n super funny.. it realli gave courage 2 those girls who lacks looks n appearance.. lolx.. didnt mean tat u dun look pretti u can hav eternal happiness.. hahaz.. actuall Kim Sam Soon b4 she gain weight bcos of this show, she realli a chio bu.. And Jin Hun (Sam Shik).. oh my god.. he realli veri dashing lohz.. *faint*..
Summore got jiu wo.. oh my god.. jus like kim sam soon in e show.. i jus wan a peaceful life with a simple love.. with someone i can depend on n someone who trust mi no matter wat happened.. after i seen tis show, i noe i wont give up on u so easily.. So anyone who has someone in mind.. bear in mind.. perserverce on.. nv give up!! nv give up worz.. happiness is in ur own hands.. so hold it tight.. though a bit bad, zhen xian give up xi zhen.. his gf 4 8yrs.. but.. afterall kim sam soon is e rite person..
i noe.. i noe i wont give up on u so easily.. jiayou!
Saturday, August 26, 2006
[ tired.. i need a break ]
haiz.. 2dae got sd cic mtg.. n i attended though i not a cic in sd.. hmmm.. quite tired 2dae.. shld sae quite tired tis past few daes.. as my work r piling up.. n was super busi wif my gakkai activities oso.. jus finished wif my ssa district family dae.. n guess wat.. we hit e target we set.. yeah.. super happi.. n thankie 4 all e leaders who came 2 support mi.. after e mtg itself on 20th which is last sundae.. went 2 soka rites.. in other words went 2 attend a funeral wake.. it's a WD mber in my district.. she jus passed away at e age of 90.. wow.. old rite?? actuall my mood was badly tat da.. i onli noe of e news on e sundae mornin itself.. n.. on e other hand, i mus make sure i'm happily facing my new frenz in e ssa family dae in e afternoon.. haiz.. tis is e 1st funeral wake i attended as e status of a leader.. realli upset..
now.. my concentration is on e musical byakuren mbers supposed 2 put up durin our sept byakuren mtg in sept.. onli left wif abt 2 weeks b4 e actual performance.. n then at e same time.. yr end soka kindergarten alumni concert oso goin in2 e preparation period le.. oh no.. will b super busi.. actuall was sick 4 abt 2 weeks le.. i veri stubborn.. noe i sore throat badly yet it took mi 1 wk later 2 then consult e doc.. by then, i alread lost my voice.. jus managed 2 recover my voice onli..but still havin flu n sore throat..
though i'm sick, i still continue 2 attend my gakkai activities as per normal.. till mondae, was pretti bad.. mayb i shld sae is gd fortune ba.. boss ask mi go hm rest n gave mi half dae leave.. n tuesdae itself, i was on mc.. went 2 consult doc e 2nd time.. actuall i shld b still on medication de.. i didnt take actuall.. cos takin e medi makes mi drowzy.. so i insist not 2 take.. tat's y i arent recovering fast.. e road of kosen-rufu has no resting.. so i mus jiayou.. n then my work.. quite a lot.. cos my director on mc cos he terribly sick..
2dae attended e sd cic mtg.. actuall i not cic lahz.. but attended it wif xueyun.. was hopin 2 c him.. but once again.. i dropped 2 world of hell.. *misery* .. haiz.. it's okie.. every sat n sun.. one dae at least mus chiong 3 sessions.. hopin from mtg 2 another mtg 2 concert events 2 homevisit.. veri tired ar.. i need a break badly.. jus hope i can slp 1 wk dun wakey.. lolx.. tink i'll b paralysis after tat.. lolx..
Sunday, August 13, 2006
i'm working on others' happiness n let mine b found eventually
tis few daes been veri busi.. every dae is chiong-ing 4 my work.. my work is piling up.. n it jus gets taller n taller on my desk.. jus like fridae.. i got planning mtg at 8pm at bukit batok.. guess wat.. i onli managed 2 leave my work place at paya lebar at 7pm.. oh no.. luckily tat dae my admin manager cum sales personel goin hm early.. if not, i tink i 8pm oso dun need 2 go back.. haiz.. jus like yester.. i planned 2 work till 2pm n chiong 2 tbsc 4 e sd nationwide mtg de.. but office pple goin back early.. i left my work place ard 1.15plus ba.. oh no.. got lotsa work haven finish yet.. die lahz tis time round.. mondae sure got lotsa stuff 2 finish..
was pretti fun yester during e mtg actuall.. got lotsa sd seniors shared their testimony.. got mani cic n iic graduated oso.. got sum newly appointed ones oso.. was quite happi 4 them oso.. though i dun realli hav any institue.. but attending nrpsd de wif xueyun.. but xueyun has 2 leave early.. sobx.. luckily still lay leng ard.. was hopin 2 c him.. till e end of e mtg.. i tot it will b a disappointing dae 2 mi.. wanna sae gd bye 2 yvonne, caifeng n soo shan they all.. then when i turn round facing e exit door of e main hall.. i catch a glimpse of a person's back who realli look like him.. end up they sae take grp photos.. once again.. tat person disappear in front of mi.. after e photo taking, i left tbsc wif soo shan.. at e lobby area.. saw one of my close sista.. i dun realli feel e close-ness wif her anymore..
tat's wat how mi after she was attached.. tat's wat i hate 2 c oso.. i noe having a bf 2 mani gers is e most impt thingy in life.. but dun u need frenz n close frenz ard too?? last time.. when i was deeply in life in my sec sch life.. i oso tink e same way.. tink back.. i realli feel tat tat's a veri stupid way of thinking.. oops.. shld sae foolish.. i'm realli naive last time.. love is not everythingy.. jus like i once quote from sensei's guidance : " love is not 2 pple gazing at each other but 2 pple lookin ahead in e same direction ".. i can live out a bf's love.. but i noe there's lotsa frenz loving n caring 4 mi.. tat's enough le..
at e bus stop outside shell petrol kisok.. i saw him.. was quite happi actuall.. n my bus came.. i boarded e bus.. yet he didnt notice mi.. so sad.. n didnt hav e courage 2 call him oso.. was even more upset when i saw him not realli happi n feelin a bit down.. heartbroken.. but i'm praying 4 his absolute happiness everydae.. " You must be happy worz.. I'm praying earnestly for you.. "
thankie for waking mi up 2 my senses.. after seeing u yester.. i realised tat i should not be hopin 2 find my happiness so selflessly.. buy workin hard on others' happiness n let mine be found eventually.. jus like when we practice.. we mus practice 4 oneself n 4 others..
took a small test on chinese fortune thingy de.. n tat's how i'm being described..
[ Your life is represented by the garden full of rich soil with a devoted spirit, so you like to help people without asking for anything in return. You keep your word and you like kind and determined people. You look like an easy-going person but you are actually quite determined. It's hard to tell what's on your mind and you tend to keep a low profile.]
jus feel tat it's realli describe mi well.. i help pple n wont ask anythingy in return.. i do keep my words.. hahaz.. n as 4 relationship.. tat's wat they sae abt mi..
[ In your relationship, you are mutually loving and respectful of each other. Your love is full of romance and happiness. In romance, according to our analysis, you are easily attracted to someone you admire in your heart, but you often end up empty-handed because you are too shy to go after him. Generally speaking, men do not have deep first impression of you, so they need time to discover your inner beauty. You, however, tend to like a person at the first sight, but not after a period of time. Therefore, if you are still waiting for a good romance, try to show your inner beauty by doing more activities, establishing better habits, and socializing with more people. This way you can express your inner beauty naturally all the time, which makes your romance go more smoothly. In the journey of life, your romantic or marriage partner might be introduced by relatives and friends, or through matchmaking. You tend to be inexperienced in love, unable to express yourself, and do not know how to actively pursue someone without being too sticky or giving up easily. You have opportunities but are afraid to get hurt, so eventually it is not easy for you to have the spark of love. If you are still seeking your love partner don't rush because someone nearby likes you, so as long as you sincerely give a little hint, the happiness is right beside you.]
i'm tat kinda of timid person 2wards love.. n tat's true.. n i alwaz believe in 1st sight love a lot.. mayb bcos of my horoscope - sagittarius ba.. hahaz.. n i'm alwaz afraid 2 get hurt.. and n as 4 wealth.. they sae i noe how 2 make money but not gd in saving.. yup.. tat's true.. i not stingy type of person.. i'll spend wat i hav 2 spend even when i finacially tight.. lolx.. 1st one mus improve.. so i'm savin money now.. kekez..
P.S. A little of LOVE n COURAGE is all i ask from u..
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
yester.. was a bad dae 4 mi.. i was havin a bad flu n gastric pain.. yet i was forced 2 work till 8plus.. customer last min fax their sketch of e cutters they wanna order over.. so i was forced by my sales personel 2 stay back 2 draw.. then they oso sae wan straight fluting or spiral de.. end up.. from e customer's sketch, i feel is straight fluting de, so i draw straight de.. end up.. finished liao e sales personel sae is spiral fluting de.. i'm like so tired le lohz.. cant i b granted a break??
but hearin lotsa bad feed back abt mi from my senior.. pple tink tat i'm e one who stole 2 ricebowl of my senior, n make boss transfer him 2 another department.. i dunoe any inner news oso.. i'm innocent.. yet.. pple love 2 back stab n gossip behind my back.. it's okie.. i can endure all these.. but i jus wanna cry out when i ever tot of tat.. mani a times, it isnt my falut, but i'm alwaz e one who get all those stupid scoldings n 2 bear all e mistakes n responsiblity i dun hav 2..
mayb i'm young ba.. nian qing jiu shi ben qian.. pple envy.. no choice.. but i'm tired.. how i wish i can fulfill my dream of goin back 2 school.. i wanna fulfill my ambition.. i alwaz believe in tryin.. cos i noe if i try, there's a glimpse of chance of succeedin.. so i try.. try 2 make engineering design as my ambition.. i try 2 make tis my dream.. i need tat courage.. 2 b xin fu..
i alwaz tink u r e one i can turn 2.. is u who came in2 my mind when i almost burst out in2 tears yester while workin.. is u who makes mi hold back my tears.. 2 at least struggle on wif a glimpse of courage tat i hav.. but whenever i feel like calling u or sms-ing u.. my hands trembled wif fear.. i'm jus afraid of rejection from u.. i noe.. wo xin zi du ming tat i'll nv b e one who comes across ur mind be it when u r upset or filled wif joy.. i noe.. u dun hav 2 explain.. but.. i jus cant stop tinking of u.. i jus cant tellin myself not 2 love u or care 4 u.. u're e one who pick mi up when i fall badly.. u're e one who opens e door 2 happiness 4 mi.. if not of u, i'll nv b able e door of happiness is open 4 u.. plz brin mi along.. plz wait 4 mi at e finishing line.. dun worry.. though i'm far behind.. i'll catch up wif u................................
P.S. A little of LOVE n COURAGE is all i ask from u..
Monday, August 07, 2006
[[ my heart is bleeding - guess i NEVER be e one in ur heart]]
My heart bleeds when i tot of u.. mom sae sumthingy 2 mi tat dae.. she sae " bei ai shi xin fu de".. but i simply dun agree.. if e person who loves u deeply yet u dun hav any special feeling 2wards tis person, then u will b equally nan shou.. n i alwaz faced in such a situation.. e person who loves mi wang wang is not e person i love.. e person whom i love deeply simply dun ever bother 2 look at mi.. ai shi bu shi hen tong ku nen??
i start 2 feel tat pple ard mi arent appreciating my efforts.. i done so much.. yet.. i tink they dun feel grateful but presurrized ba.. pin wen.. guess u r realli my lucky star, my best listener.. he is my soka ex school mate.. he is as old as mi.. so lucky of mi though we arent from e same class, we'll able 2 meet one another after we graduated 13yrs from soka kinder.. bcos of his words, he realli makes mi feel tat i'm a person pple can give great respect 2..but cannot alwaz ba zhan u later she complain.. kekez..
realli veri stressful tis few weeks, my slp everydae gets lesser n lesser.. n i'm alwaz woken up by nightmares.. sumtimes.. i'm jus terrified.. n my religion stuff.. in aug.. i actuall did my 1st byakuren duty on a super impt event.. n tat's e ltg.. n i'm in charge 2 help out in e award presentation.. while i was holdin on 2 e cetificate 4 GD Ong give out.. he smiles at mi.. heart simple melted.. seems like how tough n busi tat dae can b.. everthingy is enlightened.. n one of e in charge, melvin.. mani gakkai pple shld noe him ba.. he's e chorographer 4 yr 2001 youth ndp.. actuall got tok 2 him b4 last time.. but guess he cannot rmb..he oso thankie mi 4 my efforts.. sobx.. almost gan dong till drop teard..
jus bein appointed as a district leader on e 4th of aug.. busi preparing my ssa family dae discussion meetin as well as workin on hard 4 e yr end concert..guess i realli tat chiong type.. every week end is gakkai activities.. on sat.. usuall after work will atend meetin in e afternoon then hop 2 another place 4 another meetin.. jus like last sundae.. after work, i went 2 e plannin 2 at sk.. n hop 2 clementi 4 homevisit.. then sundae oso.. usually i'll attend mornin gongyo session at e kaikan then go 4 another meetin in e afternoon n another in e nitez.. so sorrie xianyun tat i'm pretti busi tis period tat i hav no time 2 shop wif u.. sorrie!!
my work.. is givin mi probz..i jus dunoe how 2 de-stress now.. n those gossipers in my company makes mi feel tat i'm workin meaninglessly.. how i wish dun need 2 work but onli strive 4 kosen rufu.. n i'm tinkin of goin back 2 studies.. jus like all my frenz.. realli envy them studyin in poly 2 accomplish their ambition.. but i'm afraid tis will actuall increase e burden of my finanical needs at hm.. i dun mind suffering jus 2 let my younger bro complete his education n gets in a gd uni..
of cos.. xueyun.. u oso done a great part encouragin mi.. u 2 will alwaz be one listening 2 my grumble, sharin my sorrows n happiness.. if not 4 u 2.. i'll hav given up durin tis period le.. realli thankie a lot.. down wif a bad flu n hav been continously havin gastric pain 4 e past few days.. mayb i jus too stress up.. but i realli accomplish sumthingy gd yester.. i managed 2 invite 2 of my new frenz 4 e public lecture yester.. guess they realli hav a deeper faith in out religion.. great yeah!!! hor hor hor.. at least tat's sumthingy gd i can share wif now..
as 4 him.. haiz..wat u promise.. u nv do.. i'm realli disappointed when i saw sumthingy on other pple's blog.. i noe.. i'm nv important 2 u.. ya rite.. u r jus a fren.. a pu tong peng you.. wat rights do i hav 2 ba zhan u?? wat rights do i hav 2 obstruct u attaining eternal happiness?? hav been listening veri deeply in S.H.E. "bu zhou ni de peng you".. tat's how i feel.. can i not b ur fren?? can i?? i nv love envyin pple bein so loving n happi.. i nv love tis kinda of feelin.. when will it b my turn?? i do hav lotsa frenz.. i hav been workin hard 4 pple ard mi 2 b happi n 2 attain eternal happiness.. gohonzon.. will mine be comin??
P.S. A little of LOVE n COURAGE is all i ask 4 from u..
Saturday, July 29, 2006
[ a dae of excitement n misery ]
yester.. i took leave 2 rest n 4 a veri impt reason.. n tat's 2 attend e nrpsd graduation at e botanic garden.. it's been super long since i last step foot in2 botanic garden.. now.. e botanic garden veri nice.. after all e renovation.. 2 seniors graduating yester.. they r sharon n elaine.. pretti happi durin e events yester.. but.. as wat xueyun sae.. i mus b veri upset he's not there.. anw.. no worries.. i nv give myself hope tat he's gonna b there actuall lahz.. i noe though he veri active in gakkai activities, he hardly attend sd stuffs.. summore yester is e ndp preview.. so is expected he wun b there lahz.. quite fun yester.. n we were given 5 questions 2 reflect yester..
=> 7mths has passes, wat's ur greatest achievement?
=> wat's e greatest regrets u hav?
=> wat's ur happiest moments ?
=>wat's ur saddest moments?
=> n e last question, wat's ur goals 2wards e end of yr 2006?
i wrote quite a lot but didnt manage 2 finish all e questions actuall.. tis yr has been a veri challengin yr wif lotsa suprises.. in jan.. i took up basic german language course as i will b goin 2 germany 4 training..n tis started e dispute n unhappiness of my manager 2wards mi.. he kept findin faults wif mi when i didnt even do anythingy wrong..2 him, wat i do is wrong, onli he's rite.. bull-shit!! n struggled thru e 2 n a half mths time 2 cope wif my work n my part time studies.. startin work everydae 2 mi is like goin back 2 hell.. n tat veri moment, i was selected 2 b in e byakuren renaissance course.. in my heart, i noe i gonna face lotsa sansho shima.. anna left my district tis yr oso.. leavin mi wif no ywd district leader 2 take care mi..
then in may.. i moved hse.. moved back 2 our own flat in yishun.. n tis started e dispute of mi n my paternal relatives.. includin my blood-related uncles n aunts, as well as my grandparents.. after one week stayin in yishun, one fine fridae afternoon, boss talked 2 mi wif e presence of my director.. he asked mi if i wan 2 transfer 2 e design department n b a designer.. without even givin a second tot, i agreed.. oh no.. hahaz.. but.. in my new workin environment, everythingy seems 2 b veri gd.. but.. in e hidden part.. is another hell.. mani pple dun recognise my capability.. cos i'm young n e youngest in e whole company.. n they feel tat i'm given favourism from my boss cos he's my dad's best fren.. my dad is oso one of e manager in e company n boss trusted him e most.. but tat's not true.. pple jus love comparin mi wif my dad.. haiz.. so.. sumtimes.. it isnt too gd workin in e same company wif ur own parents or relatives..
workin under my director.. he's quite nice.. but i nv seems 2 learn lotsa thingy from him.. cos in my company, there's a trend.. seniors r afraid tat their status will b replaced.. so cumin 2 teachin juniors.. they teach half then keep half 4 themselves so as 2 protect their ricebowl.. wat e hell rite?? pple wif capability n qualities dun hav 2 worry their ricebowl.. dong jia bu da, da xi jia lohz.. wat 2 worry.. haiz.. i oso faced sum dispute in my district.. n it realli makes mi learn lotsa experiences.. i'll b appointed as district leader tis cumin fri.. those pple who r fang bian should alwaz try 2 give in 2 those not veri fang bian de.. rite?? isnt tat b e way 2 work well wif no politics??
now.. i'm became one of e main commitee in e yr-end-skalumni-concert.. my job is a co-ordinator.. but there seems 2 b no unity in e grp mbers..without unity, there wont b strength and joy.. n sumtimes pple jus dun tink b4 2 sae.. sorrie 2 sae tat.. but we mus b realistic when we works.. n musnt b selfish.. quite disappointed when i heard my frenz sayin tat we should not give in 2 guys so much when i tried 2 persuade them 2 accomodate wif one of e grp mate.. when cumin 2 kosen-rufu spirit, it's no matter of gender.. we shld accomodate wif those who r not so fang bian de.. practicin nichiren daishonin's buddhism as his disciple, we shld noe how 2 practice not onli 4 oneself but 4 others.. if u're so selfish in ur tinkin, then all i can sae tat ur ichinen is wrong n u're on e wrong track of ur life.. i jus hopin tat everyone can work n bearing in mind e spirit of "many in body, one in mind".... tink is gonna b a great challenge 2 fight 4 e unity of all our commitee mbers.. *upset*
P.S. A little of LOVE n COURAGE is all i ask 4 from u..
Sunday, July 23, 2006
[ gua mu xiang kan.......... ]
it's been a super long time since i last blogged ba.. actuall i jus too lazy n too busi ba.. in july.. all a sudden.. i jus got involved in mani mani stuff.. n july was a pretti busi month actuall.. cos.. we celebrate our 55th ywd formation dae.. n so it's e ywd.. yeah~
guess i'll b gettin more busi in august as well ba.. sorrie xianyun.. i noe i neglected ur feelings.. i'm jus tired.. i dun even hav time 4 myself.. sobx(T.T).. jus attended my BTC on e 16th.. was pretti gd.. quite interestin actuall.. n got 2 noe a few gers from byakuren as well.. i hav been in e byakuren 4 more than half yrs time le.. yet.. i dun realli mani pple there.. except e same few old frenz.. but my relation wif e byakuren chief quite gd.. kekez.. tat's suprising yeah??
as a co-ordinator in my soka kinder yr end concert, i was realised tat i got mani thingys 2 do.. haiz.. jus feel super stressed lohz.. haiz.. n.. i'll b appointed as my district's leader in my district in august.. but.. i'll hav alread been involved in e plannin.. 2dae was my discussion meetin.. i performed quite well actuall.. hahaz.. sound i'm like praisin myself.. but was given too little time 2 prepare.. jus had our plannin on mondae.. n had my homevisit on wed.. n went 2 e lders' study meetin on thurs.. n attend my dad's han's discussion meetin.. so realli no time..
actuall wanna slp a bit longer 2dae b4 attendin my discussion meetin at 2pm de.. end up.. was awaken by didi's noise n xueyun's sms.. n rush down 2 tsc 2 c e golden lion's training.. wanna invite them 2 perform durin our alumni yr end concert..
oh no.. i'm sick.. havin bad flu.. n tml.. goin back 2 work again... haiz.. sianz.. i jus wanna go back 2 sch.. n pursue my interest.. haiz.. e dream seems so far..
Saturday, July 08, 2006
[ another dae of hope..... ]
jus like all other daes.. 2dae is a fresh new dae.. n another dae of hope.. been veri busi spendin every single weekend havin soka activities.. last sat.. jus hav a meet up wif my soka kinder chinese teacher who is alread e vice-pricinple of e sch.. she's e teacher-in-charge 4 our yr end alumni concert.. wif her alone, she cant do much.. so she jus great helper like mi.. lolx.. kiddin.. great ex-students as helpers lahz.. e main commitee members r xueyun,mi,may,pinwen n elvin.. 2 more nv cum.. they r stella n penny.. xueyun is e veri head person.. she's e program director 4 tis event.. as 4 mi.. big task as well.. co-ordinator.. haiz.. lotsa thingy 2 do.. n then rush down 2 hq 2 meet benn.. 2 get sum stuff from him.. lolx.. seems so long i last c him le.. haiz.. last sun.. went down 4 e milkrun event.. representin soka there 4 a dance event.. realli hav a great time though e weather is pretti warm.. n i'm havin flu..
tis week has almost cum 2 an end.. 2dae seems 2 b my onli free dae.. yet.. i didnt cum hm early 2 slp.. i went shop shop wif yun at orchard.. thouhgh there's quite a lot of work 2 do.. i still left early.. oops.. feel bad.. dunoe if my director will b angry not.. hack care lahz.. weekend cum.. i mus rest.. haiz.. tired.. my legs r aching from cramps.. had our lunch at sakura cuisine.. ate a claypot tom yam guitao,oats prawns n hotplate beancurd.. oh no.. tat's a pretti big share of lunch.. luckily i didnt take breakfast.. haiz.. i hav made up my mind le.. i wanna jian fei.. cos i realised i dun look as cute as i was when i'm young.. hahaz.. let's take a look at my baby fotos..

e 1st pic was mi when i was a yr old.. n e 2nd pic is when i'm 3 yrs old..cute rite?? lolx.. now.. i dun find myself cute anymore.. i jus change a lot.. guess e onli way 2 look prettier,healthy n cutier is 2 slim down ba.. hahaz.. my resolution.. 2 slim down.. yes.. tis time i'm serious.. got 2 noe quite a no. of new frenz thru e milkrun event.. realli happi 2 noe all of them.. n i'm transferring from asd 2 nrpsd le.. cos now.. i got frenz at nrpsd.. i'm not alone.. actuall i'm workin le.. but i jus dunoe y.. my name was in asd list.. now.. i dun realli hav frenz in asd.. so i decided 2 transfer 2 nrpsd so at least i can still attend sd meetings regularly wif xueyun..
went 2 pei xianyun take her contact lens 2dae.. n got a 5days acuvue define free lens from uncle alan.. it's sample 4 us 2 test lahz.. hahaz.. it's transparent de.. guess i'll hav a hard time wearing it.. still prefer coloured lens.. a bit tired.. stomach having cramp.. tml havin mbers kenshu at jurong kaikan.. almost went 2 e wrong place.. cos i tot is senja kaikan.. lolx.. luckily steph sms mi.. goin 2 attend btc next cumin sun.. n will b appointed as leaders in aug.. it's a veri special yr tis yr.. cos we r celebratin e 55th ywd n ymd formation dae tis yr.. keez.. n i'm markin on a new journey.. jus i wun b alone..
my district leader left my district in jan tis yr.. she nv even notify mi.. i'm her mber n veri close fren.. i'm jus so upset n angry over tat.. bcos of tat.. as a person who gone thru tat.. i tell myself: i'm not gonna abandon my mbers no matter wat happened.. i grow up mature wif my mbers 2gether.. i'll bring them wif mi n not neglect them.. it's veri painful lostin a pillar of support.. i wun let history repeat.. work been goin quite okie 4 mi.. jus sumtimes, i'm can b quite careless at work... not bcos i'm not xi xin enough.. it's jus over careful tat i'll make small n veri careless mistake.. but those stupid mistakes made mite lead mi 2 bearin a veri big responsiblity.. guess i shld chant harder 2 make sure my work goes smoothly n get my increment tis yr end.. haiz.. i jus wanna go back 2 sch n study like all my other frenz..
my ambition is 2 b a teacher.. i love kids.. truely love kids.. so i wanna start off wif teachin kinder n nursey kids.. then 2 pri n sec... i love doin volunteer works.. i dunoe i realli love helpin pple.. until when i was in sec 3, i'm hav 2 serve at e special sch.. when i'm takin care of e special kids.. i noe n realised i love volunteer works.. when i was in sec4, i took a quiz 2 find jobs tat suits my character.. jobs like nurse, social work, teacher n mani volunteer works n government jobs came out.. even teachers in sch sae i look like a social worker.. none of them seems 2 believe i'm in engineering line now.. 2 mani of e teachers.. i'm a decent n obedient ger wif kind heart i believe?? hahaz.. so when after teachin mi n my bro.. they dun believe we r blood related.. cos we jus possess diff character.. kekez.. my didi veri noti.. mani of e teachers dun believe he's my blood related bro.. kekez.. funny rite??
so i hope.. 1 dae.. i can pursue my studies.. n get a job of my interest.. n.. i oso hope 2 go 2 soka university in japan 2 study.. but guess tis dream seems veri far from mi.. n i noe it's gettin further away from mi ba.. a sense of hope is all i need..
P.S. A little of LOVE n COURAGE is all i ask 4 from u..
Saturday, July 01, 2006
[ havin a tough time ]
been havin a tough time few weeks.. been so involved in soka activities every week end tat i hav realli hav no spare time 4 myself n my best bud ah yun.. so sorrie abt tat.. seems 2 neglected u.. will be havin my appointment tis month as district leader le.. guess i gonna b more busi.. as 4 him.. my heart seems 2 fly there alread.. now.. mayb i'm jus tired..i'm alwaz so restless at work.. even my boss oso noticed liao... die.. mus do sum reflection liao le.. i jus wanna shop badly but i jus dun hav time 2 do.. i wanna shop 4 my office clothes oso.. haiz..
gonna c u 2dae.. though had realli got beta btw e 2 of us.. but i jus dunoe wat 2 tok 2 u abt when i c u face 2 face.. guess i'll b tongue twist?? definitely will ba.. thankie 4 bein so sweet 2 mi.. n thankie 4 bein more concern abt mi.. it will realli motivate mi 2 move on.. though mani a times u arent wif mi.. but i noe u will give mi moral support jus like i will rite?? r we realli possible.. xue yun sae we will wif e help of gohonzon rite?? i'll chant double hard 4 u... n thankie xue yun 4 comfortin mi.. u r realli sum1 i can share my gakkai n personal stuff wif.. heez..
hmmm.. gonna start work soon le.. jus hope tat everythingy will go smoothly.. n pray tat e dance performance at zouk will b a great success.. cheers~
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
u give mi hope n smash them in2 pieces again
i seems restless 2dae.. u give mi hope.. n smash them again.. u alwaz go MIA.. mayb i'm wrong again.. i jus cant force u.. how am i goin 2 face u?? ur bdae cumin in a mth time.. will u invite mi?? will u?? if i c u tis cumin wkend.. should i greet u?? or should i avoid?? it's confusin mi.. thank u 4 givin mi all e encouragement, care n concern.. i realli appreciate it.. mayb we will jus remain like tis 4ever ba.. remain in tis state.. tis status.. we r nv close.. i alwaz tot we r close.. veri close frenz.. but we r not.. i'm e one bein concern 4 all ur stuff.. but 2 u.. my stuff r my business ba..
haiz.. wat should i do?? 2dae work quite occupied.. at least i'm doin my job- drawing.. lolx.. though i noe pple still questionin my ability.. but i new 2 everythingy.. i need time badly.. lolx.. last week got a new guy workin under my dad.. lolx.. he realli looks like jay chou.. his looks.. his hairstyle.. e way he work oso.. lolx.. but he got hearin impaired.. oh no.. wat a pity rite?? hmmm.. but too old 4 mi.. b my bro is a beta choice.. nv tok 2 him b4.. so dunoe wat kinda person is he... but he smokes.. though my 1st impression quite gd.. but 2nd impression but gd liao.. i jus dislike pple who smokes..
got hearin impaired still dunoe how 2 cherish life.. wat is tat?? haiz.. i'm upset.. veri upset.. can any1 cheer mi up???
Monday, June 12, 2006
tis few daes veri busi.. yester work till 1.30.. cos co co nv cum work.. summore got drawings need 2 draw.. i jus do my veri best 2 draw it out.. till hav 2 pick up calls 4 e admin oso.. mutli-taskin.. haiz.. then hav 2 rush 2 tampines kaikan 4 e youth peace lecture on e topic "e triumph of mentor-disciple spirit".. e speaker is soka(india)'s president.. dun realli seems 2 catch him well.. cos of his essen.. plus.. i'm jus tired.. after which.. went 2 eat sakae sushi wif anna, yvonne n another fren whom i 4got e name.. oh gosh.. lolx.. saw ah mui there oso.. she seems happi workin there.. i'm happi 4 her too.. then went hm.. slept quite early.. abt 10 plus i'm alread in bed..
2dae.. woke up quite early too.. cos goin down 2 telok blangah 2 chant.. every sun we hav mornin daimoku/gongyo session from 8am to 9am.. n i was late.. cos of e stupid bus.. but late is alwaz beta than nv turn up.. i jus hardly c any youngsters goin.. 2 mani of them.. sundae is 2 slp as late as they can.. n wake up wif a fresh mind 4 shoppin.. lolx(=.=!!).. after which.. went 2 out book store n bought a book entitled " a piece of mirror".. gonna finish it in 4 daes time no matter wat happened.. cos tis cumin thurs is my 2nd ywd plannin meetin 4 our june's ywd discussion meetin on e 24th.. yvonne treat mi 2 eat dim sum at raffles place tat side.. quite nice.. realli veri long nv eat dim sum liao le.. mayb bcos i'm cantonese ba.. so i love dim sum a lot.. heez(>.<)..
after which.. yvonne went 4 gym.. haiz.. she got free 1 mth membership wanna give mi.. but i'm under 21.. so cannot go.. oh.. so sad(x.x).. i almost fall aslp at e gym there waitin 4 her.. after which.. went 2 her office wif her.. she wanna grab sum stuff done.. then took mrt 2 tampines kaikan 4 2dae's women's peace lecture on e topic " e future lies wif women ".. learnt quite a no of stuff thru e 2 talks.. though is still e same speaker.. lolx(^.^).. after which went 2 eat genki sushi wif them.. it's realli bad.. worse than sakae de.. yvonne realli regret.. n she looks so upset.. haiz.. wat a pity.. nv take pic wif them though i hav camera wif mi.. sobx sobx (T.T)..
took 969 from tampines back hm.. on e bus.. i realli tink a lot.. yvonne kept askin mi 2 go back 2 studies again.. she sae i musnt give up my education bcos of my work.. haiz.. it isnt i dun wan 2 study.. i love 2.. i wish 2.. i wan 2.. i wan 2 go back 2 sch jus like others.. but i cant.. finiancially no.. i cant affect 2 go back 2 sch n give up my job.. i cant even hav e ability 2 study n work at e same time.. time is too consumin 4 my life.. thru out tis 17 over yrs i'm been livin.. i jus realised i got lotsa regrets.. regrets in studies.. regrets in my work.. regrets in my personal love life..
i regret not puttin enough efforts in my studies.. if i do well, i mite not hav 2 work.. i mite hav 2 give up my ambition, my dream.. i mite hav 2 suffer so much.. i mite not hav b force 2 do thingys i hate.. i mite not hav 2 work a longer path than others.. i mite hav 2 give up on e one i love.. now tat i hav switch department.. i hav 2 learn 2 adapt 2 e new enviroment again.. tat's wat i hate.. i dun love 2 learn all over again.. i dun like 2 learn crawling again.. pple r flyin, so y mus i crawl?? quite sum time ago, i feel like movin out.. but i noe i cant survive..
2 mani pple ard mi mite hav e impression tat i'm courageous, daring, confident, determined n independent ger.. especiall those soka frenz of mine.. hahaz.. sorrie 2 sae.. i'm not wat u tink.. i seems courageous from my actions.. i seems daring from my style of workin.. i seems confident from my tone of words.. i seems determined from my thinking.. n.. i seems independent .. but it's all illusion.. cos i not.. i'm oso weak.. weak at times..
cumin 2 relation.. haiz.. well.. i'm quite gd in handlin frenship.. but cums 2 love.. oh no.. wat a mess!! my 1st stead.. he like mi 1st.. so i choose e one who love mi.. 2nd stead.. he oso like mi 1st.. again.. i choose e one who love mi.. my 3rd stead.. oso e same.. i choose e one who love mi.. my 4th stead.. oso like mi 1st.. again.. i choose e one who love mi more than i love him.. e 5th one.. oso.. e same.. y mus i choose e one who love mi?? y cant i choose e one i love??
u neglected mi.. u broke ur promise.. u abandoned mi.. u sae.. u sae if i need ur help.. u give ur fullest support.. but u nv.. u r alwaz MIA.. missing in action.. u r alwaz busi.. i wanna tell u my probz.. i wanna share wif u my happiness.. my sorrows.. liar.. big liar.. mayb i'm wrong.. wrong 2 keep u in my heart.. wrong 2 tink of u.. wrong 2 spare a though 4 u.. wrong 2 noe u.. i'm tired..
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Monday, May 15, 2006
[ a new place, a new start ]
everythingy gonna b a new start 4 mi.. i hav jus shifted from Clementi's 3-rm flat (my old hse) to my new 4-rm flat in Yishun.. a new place, a new start.. everythingy gonna start afresh.. i cant realli slp.. mayb bcos i'm slpin on my new bed.. no lahz.. onli new matress.. smell diff.. plus.. it's a 4-rm flat.. so i'm hav my own rm.. my own space.. a bit not used 2 it lahz.. lyin on my bed every nitez.. i tot of e past.. tot of my sch daes.. tot of e dae wif him ard.. my tears drop.. drop automatically..
last fri on vesak dae.. while pple r usin it as a shoppin or restin dae.. my whole family went 2 our new flat 2 do sum last min clearin up 4 our flat.. tian ming ( my dad n my collengue) actuall help mi n my family a lot.. i'm realli grateful abt it.. dunoe how 2 thankie him oso.. he actuall sacrified his time 4 movie 2 drive my dad back 2 my old flat 2 move sum electrical appliances 2 our new flat.. uncle lim gave my dad a fish tank wif a rack.. guess wat.. my dad didnt realised tat i was tat strong.. until he saw mi helpin him 2 move e fish rack.. lolx.. back at our old flat at nitez.. was packin my stuff n helpin my mom n dad.. n guess wat.. i slept at 2am in e mornin.. cos of my useless brother.. cos of e dust.. he kept sneezin.. n he went 2 slp.. pple busyin.. he went 2 buy supper eat.. after eatin he went 2 slp.. realli make mi angry..
woke up at 5.50am 4 work.. actuall i suppose 2 take leave on sat de.. but.. wat 2 do.. i cant take so mani daes.. plus vesak dae jus over onli.. haiz.. wat is tat man?? got annual leave oso cannot take.. haiz.. a bit upset over tat.. on sat.. i took time-off.. n bcos of tat 1 ½ hrs time-off.. i lost my 30bucks allowance.. if i take leave or mc.. cos i hav alread hav medical leave n annual leave.. they wun cut my 30bucks allowance.. but once i take time-off.. tat's e end of it.. haiz.. sianz..
i left e company at 11am on sat (14/05).. n took a cab back wif my dad.. then we again.. started 2 throw our unwanted stuff.. n pack my wanted stuff.. till abt 1.30 lyk tat.. e pple came.. they started 2 move out out stuff.. till abt 5pm.. then we r able 2 clear our stuff 2 e void deck 1st.. plus e lorry 4 hse removal spoilt.. so we actuall waited unpatiently 4 it 2 cum.. mi n my mom took a cab up there 1st.. cos we hav 2 clear e space 4 them.. when they arrive at yishun.. it's alread 7plus.. oh gosh.. end up.. my dad, bro n mi oso lend our hand 2 move e boxes n furniture.. till abt 9plus.. everythingy is move in2 e rm.. now our flat is in a mess..
we went 2 bed at ard 2 am again.. again okie.. oh no.. yester i slp onli abt 4hrs.. yet.. i not mentally tired.. jus physically tired.. hav cramp n aches all over.. but onli managed 2 slp at 5am in e mornin.. haiz.. n woke up at 9plus in e mornin 2 hav breakfast n buy so stuff we need.. another dae of onli 4hrs slp.. haiyo.. i'm havin dark eye rings now.. we went 2 chong pang 4 breakfast.. n buy sum extra bright bulbs 4 our hse.. n back at hm.. we started packin again.. i started hangin my own clothes.. n all a sudden.. i jus bcame e in charge 4 clothes.. i helped mom hang hers oso.. oh gosh.. her clothes realli alot.. double tat of mine.. double worz.. then i started cleanin my study table n e cabinets 4 my books.. n start 2 unpack my stuff.. it's unpacked, unpacked, n unpacked again.. onli mananged 2 hav my lunch at almost 6pm le.. tat oso bcame my dinner..
after dad left hm 4 e wake.. my mom, my didi n i went 2 central.. 2 withdraw money n we went 2 e fairprice at yishun mrt oso.. bought sum milo n stuff back oso.. back at hm.. i sweep e floor n mop it oso.. my mom sae.. 1st time c mi sweepin n moppin e floor everydae.. ever since i start 2 clean up tis floor.. i'm alwaz e one sweepin n moppin e floor.. cleanin e windows as well.. i jus suddenly bcum so motivated 4 household chores.. lolx(=.=!!).. after doin e household chores.. i help 2 unpack my didi n my mom's clothes again.. we actuall went 2 bed at almost 12am le.. i jus cant slp.. till abt 2am.. then i managed 2 fall asleep.. n woke up at 9plus.. i'll b back at e old flat later 2 retrieve sum of out stuff again.. gtg le.. i'm tired~
"It is an illusion to think that we can find happiness by going to some other place, far away from our present reality. Our happiness is determined by our mindset. If we resolve that the place where we are right now is the perfect place for carrying out our Buddhist practice, and if we challenge ourselves there, then that place will become the "Capital of Eternally Tranquil Light". It will shine as a bright citadel of happiness"
=> above is a guidance i read in daily sensei guidance.. it's veri meanin..
Friday, May 12, 2006
i'm runnin away from u........
i'm runnin away.. yes.. i'm runnin away from u.. no actuall lahz.. i'm jus shiftin hm le.. when i was young.. i'm stayin at bukit batok.. jus opp stephanie's place.. under my block there's a police post.. at e age of 5 (yr 1993).. i moved 2 clementi.. my current venue.. under my block, there's oso a police post.. in e yr 1998.. which is after 5 yrs, my dad sold e clementi flat 2 my uncle.. but we been stayin here till now.. cos he is alwaz overseas workin.. therefore.. we didnt move out.. plus last time my dad's workplace is near my hse.. n mi n my didi is schooling here..
now.. pple is back.. we jus hav 2 move out no matter wat.. i hav been stayin near 4 13yrs.. but.. i still e flat in bukit batok.. e livin rm damn big.. though now i movin in2 a 4-rm flat as well.. but e livin rm seems smaller than e 4-rm flat in bukit batok.. mayb when i'm young, things look bigger.. lolx(=.=!!).. tml.. yes tml.. which is e 13th of may.. i movin 2 yishun le.. is our flat bought 8yrs again.. but i hav nv stayed in there b4.. n under e block dun hav police post oso.. feel so weird.. haiz.. plus.. from yishun mrt station.. i hav 2 walk hm.. yes.. walk hm.. summore it takes mi abt 10mins lohz.. oh gosh.. i jus cant imagine when i'm so tired.. i still hav 2 walk..
mom is a bit worried 4 mi.. cos when i go 4 soka activties.. none of centres r near my place.. in other words.. i'll b returnin hm late after meeting.. she worried tat i hav 2 walk hm alone.. quite quiet.. but got coffeeshops.. i'm jus afraid 2 meet drunk drinkers onli.. alamak.. if i noe i'm goin hm late.. i wun dare 2 wear skirts tat dae.. lolx.. a bit worried.. everything gonna b a mess 4 mi.. haiz(@.@)..
actuall my intent is 2 take 3.5 daes leave.. startin from tml half dae 2 next wed.. but my idiotic manager dare not approve my leave.. cos he sae it's too mani daes.. so he went 2 speak 2 my director.. even uncle jonathan ( my director) oso sidin him.. haiz.. no choice lohz.. i'm FORCED.. i repeat.. FORCED 2 cut down e no of daes of my leave.. in e end.. i decided 2 work tml.. n take 1 hr time off.. n take 2 daes leave.. which is mondae n tuesdae.. 2 unpacked all my stuffs.. yes.. unpack unpack n unpack.. oh no.. where got enough time?? haiz.. it's not tat i dun hav annual leave... y cant i take?? last yr.. after i bcame a full-time staff in april.. they owe mi 5 daes leave.. n tis yr till end of e yr.. i got 7daes leave.. so in total i got 12 daes annual leave.. if i take 3.5daes.. i'm onli clearin my last yr leave..
if i dun take it tis time round.. guess i dun hav a chance 2 le ba.. tink prob, my manager will take in june 4 a holidae.. n my god-sis will take leave in aug n dec definitely.. n my fren, anna, she will take leave durin lunar 9th month 4 at least 3 weeks.. till she even use no pay leave.. halo.. pple take leave take till no pay leave oso can.. y cant i ?? do i hav 2 wait till i worked till 10yrs later then i can clear my leave at once.. every yr our leave accumulate 4 1 more dae.. in other words, 1st yr is 7 daes.. 2nd yr is 8daes .. then on e 8th yr u will hav 14th daes.. then 9th yr onwards, it will b 14daes every yr.. so after 10yrs.. i will hav 117daes leave.. so in other words, i can take 3months ++ leave rite??
it realli makes my blood boils talkin abt tis.. anw... e next time u will c mi updatin.. tink it will b 2weeks later ba.. cos hav 2 install e scv cable point at my new place 1st.. 2dae not gonna b a restin dae 4 mi.. i gtg le.. hav 2 go my new place n do sum cleanin up 1st.. take care guys~
Friday, May 05, 2006
[ i'm stuck at home wif u ]
oh no.. i'm stuck at hm wif u.. not wif sum1.. but wif e flu i got.. i jus cant go anywhere.. cos i'm havin mc.. n tat i'm takin medication.. i jus cant get out of bed.. e medi jus make mi drowzy ar.. haiyo.. wat 2 do.. stay hm lohz..hmmm.. actuall.. i went 2 c e doc on wed.. after workin abt 2hrs.. i jus cant stand it anymore.. so i went 2 c my company doc.. i tot he wun give mi mc.. but he did.. so i headed back hm 2 rest lohz.. i hav 2 call back office 2 tell tat bloody manager.. but.. he isnt ard.. so tat freakin kampong mei pick up e call.. n give tat kinda of xialan attitude.. wat u did 2dae, u will bear e consequence.. ni hui chi kui de.. wait n c ba guys.. u will die a natural death..
but.. after e medication given by my company doc, my flu doesnt seems 2 improved a lot.. so yesterdae, i went 2 e poly clinic again.. oh gosh.. i jus hate poly clinic doc.. but my dad ask mi go there c.. at least is gov doc.. they will hav nth 2 sae.. hahaz.. but guess wat.. e doc so nice.. he gave mi 2 more daes mc.. so i'm oso hm 2dae.. tml havin voting 4 election.. so dun hav 2 work oso lahz.. heez.. so tis whole wk.. i onli work 1 dae.. plus another 2hrs++.. heez... realli like holidae.. but i goin 2 rot le lahz.. cant meet yun oso.. cos i havin flu ma.. then she busi workin after finish busyin wif her cousin's weddin.. hmmm.. u realli tired rite, yun??
i jus spend 3 daes.. slpin slpin n still slpin.. cos of e medication.. it isnt my fault actuall.. so dun blame mi 4 not bloggin yun.. haiz.. i jus tired.. i jus wanna get back 2 sch.. i wanna hav a taste of havin unfinished hmwk.. haiz.. how i wish.. i movin hse le.. will b quite busi actuall.. but guess next 2 weeks i hav lesser time 2 blog.. sorrie 4 frenz.. my hm add n hm no will change.. but hp no n e-mail add wont change.. so u guys still can contact mi thru my hp n e-mail add.. dun worry.. heez.. will get back 2 u guys soon after i move hse de.. (>.<).. i'm jus tired.. when can get a chance 2 lean on ur shoulders?? when can i tok 2 u freely?? when can my dreamz b fulfilled?? i'm jus tired of tinkin these questions.. i jus wan a simple life.. jian dan jiu shi mei...
Monday, May 01, 2006
[ alignment tool(s) 21st anniversary dinner ]
2dae is 1st of may... but plz allow mi 2 tok abt yester's big event 1st..
- 30th april
yester is my company 21st anniversary dinner & dance.. hmm.. 2 mani.. is a veri big event.. but 2 mi.. it's nothin much lahz.. so.. i nv realli cares lahz.. jus bought a little jacket n a handbag.. e dress n heels is old de.. but hardly wear lahz.. nv realli go make-up.. jus put mascara n lip stick lohz.. hair oso nv style lahz.. so troublesome n waste money.. went 2 meet yun at tiong.. n saw jacqueline at tiong mac.. n hav our lunch settled at e food court there.. yun ate chicken rice n i ate pig stomach soup.. wah diaoz.. e ajinomoto realli a lot ar.. make so thirsty.. instead of gettin a drink.. we had ice-cream.. 3 flavours comprising of yogurt,chocolate n cookies n cream.. yum yum.. so long nv hav ice-cream le.. cos so called havin diet lahz.. cos i scare i cannot fit in2 e dress lahz.. lolx(=.=!!).. went 2 search 4 a block 2 do my manicure lohz.. yun volunteer 2 do it 4 mi de.. lolx.. oh gosh.. guess wat.. e mosquito there simply lurve us too much.. they jus keep kissin us.. oh gosh..
due 2 my work, i hav 2 get in contact wif chemical every single dae.. n tis makes my hands n my nails realli weak.. e skin jus peels off easily.. while buffin my nails, e skin tears, n blood came gashin out.. i tink it realli scares ah yun.. lolx.. it's pretti okie lahz.. jus not in e best or shld sae ideal place 4 manicure.. but still wanna thankie u ah yun.. thankie 4 helpin mi do manicure.. lolx.. after we had everythingy done, we headed back 2 tiong at buy bubble tea at tiong sweettalk.. wat e hell.. e girl serving us is jus too freakin rude.. cant stand tis kinda of pple.. service line.. i repeat it's service line lehz.. wif such attitude.. how 2 work in service line.. hmmmm... calm down!!!!
after which, we sat at e umbrella table outside old chang kee.. we chat till around 5pm b4 i send yun 2 take bus at e opp bus-stop.. her bus came quite fast.. after she boarded e bus, i crossed e rd 2 take bus16 2 orchard.. e bus is jus realli slow.. bcos of tat, i saw 2 person i hasnt seen 4 long.. it's huiqing n tiensoon.. but luckily they didnt c mi.. not bcos i'm in a sorrie state.. but jus tat i jus dunoe how 2 react if they realli c mi.. i'm oso afraid tat huiqing will diao mi.. jus dunoe how is he living now.. as 4 tiensoon, still as xia lan lahz.. jus bwg abt him..
i'm slightly late.. cos of e bus lahz.. my dinner is held at chengdu restuarant in hotel grand central (it's jus behind meredien hotel).. all e 4 qc gers r arranged 2 b e recieptists.. sound so funny.. y not e admin gers?? bcos they dun look presentable?? lolx.. hahaz.. my leader.. as usual lahz.. my manager drove her there.. tat kampong ger.. veri shan ding de.. country bumpkin type.. even specialist shoppin centre oso dunoe.. hopeless.. aiyoz.. y?? y tong ren bu tong ming?? i jus cant stand her.. my pinky dress is bought last yr.. but i onli wear twice.. it costs mi 50over bucks.. i bought a pink little jacket too.. 4 14bucks at far east.. a pair of heels bought at bata.. n a handbag from og.. but guess wat.. my leader bought her clothes at this fashion.. alamak!!! so cheap.. summore xue pple wear low cut blouse.. oso dunoe wat she wanna show.. yuck!!!
did quite a no of thingy.. run here n there n carry this carry tat.. finall.. i can get back 2 do recieptist.. oh no.. i jus cant stand her poor english.. english worse than mine.. my parents were late.. cos my mom hav 2 rush hm 2 pom pom from work n rush cab down.. e 1st thingy my mom saw my leader.. she sae.. alamak.. wear till so ugly.. so low class.. lolx.. though she got style her hair, she got make-up.. but e feedback abt her is jus bad.. oops.. my boss kept teasin mi in front of my parents.. sae i look great in my wearin.. olx.. it's jus simply 2 mi lahz.. our host 4 2dae is MC King.. he's realli cute.. lolx(>.<).. it's realli filled wif excitement.. my dad win a total of 250bucks voucher 4 bein e male champion 4 e best dress contest.. lolx.. gana sabotage oso can win.. lolx.. e food.. i dun realli like it lahz..
i jus dun hav e appetite 2 eat.. mayb bcos e muslim table r opp ours.. n tat kannan kept lookin over.. i hav a rumour wif him.. i jus dunoe who e hell create it.. if is my kor.. i sure chop him off.. lolx.. e whole dinner is filled wif laughter.. i enjoyed it a lot.. but i didnt take pics.. even wif da jie n kor..haiz.. wat a pity.. 1st prize is lcd tv.. guess who won it? not 8838 (my lucky draw no).. is 8828..it's jenny.. from admin.. hmmm.. an enjoyable but tirin dae..
- 1st may
hmmm.. after cumin hm late yester.. 2dae.. i suppose it's a holidae.. it's holidae.. shld relax.. actuall wanna go kbox de.. but au ben dan.. call him he not hm.. end up.. i caught a flu so is yun.. so we stayed hm.. i movin hse liao le ma.. so i'm hm packin all my stuff.. pack pack n pack.. after everythingy is shifted 2 my new flat.. is unpack, unpacked n unpacked.. oh gosh.. sick man.. so ma fan.. but i gonna hav my own room.. yeah!!!!~ my own space.. lookin 4ward 2 tat.. yes!!!!