woke up at 9.45am this morning.. to say in exact.. i like didnt sleep at all.. cause, i have been waking up every one hour.. hais! i also dont know what's wrong with me.. i just cant sleep well this few days! maybe after hearing what a close sister of mine told me last night, it even worsen my condition of insomnia.. was telling mom that i think i should go to the doctor if the condition worsen.. mom was telling me if i am hungry in the middle of the night that's why will be like that, or because i too stress.. i also dont know why.. BUT, i am dying to know why..
woke up, prayed, and showered.. then took a really full breakfast then at about 12pm, i headed off to Clementi for my discussion meeting.. meeting was quite GOOD today.. but a PITY that my YWD members are not present to take the picture to be send to Sensei.. only got Clara and her aunt, Vivian and WCT Zone YWD Chief, Janice..
had a short review session.. feel so guilty that i didnt manage to do any homevisit this month.. hais! everytime, my attachment start, everything will be in a mess! :( got to chant more and send prayers to my members despite not being able to be there for them.. had a GREAT break through this week.. chanted 5hours this week! will continue to strive harder.. actually, i have target myself to do 1hour per day, still striving to do it..
after meeting, went to meet Mom at her work place.. then waited for her to finish work before we headed to Clementi central for dinner.. had chicken rice for dinner, then headed to Cake shop to get my breakfast for tomorrow.. my head really aches till going to burst! thank god got two panadols with me, if not, i'll be dead! will be on morning shift tomorrow... going to sleep le!:)
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