woke up at about 10plus this morning.. i must say that i am really TIRED.. slept almost at 1am this morning cause i was trying to finish reading the HR (Human Revolution) chapter - "Emerging from the Earth" for my sharing with Wei Zhong on the coming institution meeting.. managed to finish HALF yesterday.. and think i'll be able to finish yesterday it today.. Mom dont really like the Bonia bag she bought and hopes to change it.. so, i prayed and went with Mom to Northpoint..
went to change the bag and still got some spare money.. so Mom bought another wallet.. then i saw a shoes stall.. so went to take a look.. and bought a pair of shoes.. i LOVE it!! show casing the shoes!! =]

it cost me $23.90!
then me and Mom went to the foodcourt to have our brunch.. had Chicken chop with mom.. then after which, mom wanted to buy some bread from Fourleaves de.. but we knows.. that area of shops are closed for renovation.. then i told Mom i would want to go to NTUC to search for the pen torch that i NEED to get it no matter what for my attachment.. search all the shops from Yishun central all the way to my house.. BUT, i didnt get it! SH**! but still managed to get the small calculator i need.. thinking of the calculator, it reminds me that i need to revise for my attachment.. HAIS!
i'm still in a holiday MOOD! HOW? went home, showered and was taking a super LONG time to see what i should wear.. then decided to wear my black jeans at a white top i got during chinese new year and match it with my shoes and my new Bonia bag! =] loves loves!! ♥
supposed to go to Ngee Ann to meet Xueyun.. but, end up, her project meet up with her friends was cancelled.. so went to JE to meet her instead.. and then we went to the NTUC to continue my search for my pen torch.. hais! dont have!! *sad sad* :( then we headed to IMM.. went to walk around.. and Xueyun went to look for her friend, Eileen as well.. my legs HURTS! regretted wearing a new pair of shoes out when i have to walk around throughout the whole day! hais!
then at about 5plus, we left for Orchard.. went to meet Stella first and went tot Wisma and Taka to look for Willie's birthday cake.. he didnt know that we are celebrating his birthday in advance for him.. actually his birthday is on the 15th.. but, we wont be meeting that soon again so i propose the idea to celebrate his birthday for him earlier.. hahaz!
was at Orchard MRT waiting for them.. many were LATE.. as usual.. and seriously, i dont like people who dont have a sense of time management.. BUT, i guess my MOOD is just BAD recently.. therefore, everything seems to be going WRONG.. i know you guys are late NOT on purpose.. so yup.. headed to Far East after everyone reached except Gina who will be extremely late because of her work.. understandable.. we went for the Indo restuarant i brought Woanlan to the other day.. and we tried new dishes this time.. beside eating the MUST EAT - Ayam Penyet.. we tried the egg plant and kangkong TOO! NICE NICE ! ♥LOVE it manz!
then Gina came.. we had lots of jokes through out the dinner! and one of this was the sms Sky (loo) send me yesterday night before i sleep..
i just CANT stop laughing when i saw this sms.. so was the people i shared this sms with!! hahaz! another FUNNY thing was.. Gina and May was quite late.. and they havent write the card we are giving to Willie.. so, i have to ask them to go toilet and write it in the toilet.. LOLX! funny lohz!! after dinner.. we headed to look for an ideal place to chill.. and we end up at Taka Coffeebean.. was hoping to go to Starbucks.. cause i have the voucher that i want to use.. and i prefer drinks from Starbucks too..
then.. we got them to settle Willie down.. and me and Xueyun went off to buy for the cake.. was a CORRECT choice made.. the CAKE was NICE! and we really SURPRISE Willie.. he was totally SHOCKED and had a LOSS of WORDS! hahaz! Willie, be GRATEFUL that you have GREAT FRIENDS like US! heez!=]

The BIRTHDAY BOY - WILLIE! with the 2pieces of chocolate.. *dots*

his FIRST 19th year old BIRTHDAY CAKE!

(( Willie, May, Stephanie(lam), Gina, Kevin, me, Xueyun and Stella!))
it is SAD to say.. we cant always have the FULL STRENGTH around.. MISSING IN ACTION are Dixon, Darrell, Bryant, Yong Sheng, Penny, Liyan, Melvin(tang), Trey, Eunice and Jih Yang.. if Penny comes, we'll have FULL STRENGTH for female trainers.. and as for Cheoro.. only Gina representing this time.. and our Chingay I/Cs, Eunice and Jih Yang.. beside Chinese New Year gathering.. they are always not there for other gatherings.. *SAD SAD* while eating the cake, I was making Willie guess our birthday.. and i must DECLARE! he cant remember MINE! Ooi! what kind of comrade are you sia!?! i want to PROTEST! lolx! and Stella.. CONFIDENTly say WRONGLY! lolx! you are FORGIVEN cause you are part of IRON LADIES!!
on our way HOME.. not forgetting to ZI LIAN a bit! hahaz! YEP family are at Far East for gathering too! thank god didnt knock into ***.. i dont know whether i am happy or sad not knocking into *** but.. this just prove one thing.. we DONT hav FATE.. shall not think about it too much! i just want to stay HAPPY!=]

Stella and me!! ((iron ladies missing one!))

happy moments are REALLY SHORT! a short few hours meet up make me MISS THEM even MORE! meet up SOON again OKIE! i am starting attachment! i am DYING to see my schedule so that i can start planning for my gakkai activities and meet up with friends!! MISSES WOANLAN, MEDY, BEN BEN and HOOI YING.. MISSES ROSALINE and HUIWEN too! and MISSES XIANYUN too! didnt get to meet up with her during this holiday of mine.. think she's BUSY and i am VERY BUSY..
- Daimoku chanting @ 1pm at SYC!
- meeting Eunice and Weizhong at Cityhall @ 3.30pm
my life is kind of like a plain piece of paper now..
am i still hoping for the RIGHT one to come?
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