SATURDAY today! woke up at 10plus this morning.. cant SLEEP cause of the construction going on under my block.. just so NOISY! watch "sweet relationship" this drama.. really NICE! zaizai so HANDSOME! lolx.. had mee soto for breakfast cum lunch.. cant finish it because the uncle put chili inside the soup and it's like so SPICY till i drank a cup of plain water plus carrot juice.. was FULL because of the water not because of the food..
left home at 3pm... have decided that i'm not going for the Yep family gathering at Suhui's place but meet Xianyun to shop instead.. went to City hall.. and every place is ON SALE.. Xianyun tried almost every clothes she eyed on! my goodness.. then comes to Suntec city.. and we stepped into this shop call " Fashion. Lab".. and it's having SALES too! i eyed on a dress but didnt want to give it a try though i really feel like buying it.. and after being FORCED and PRESUADED, i tried. and it's on SALE! 50% discount.. so me and Xianyun bought one each..
and must really thank her! for paying for me first.. cause i have no intention to buy so didnt bring enough money out.. really THANK YOU.. then continue shopping.. and Xianyun bought another formal top from Osmose.. 50% too! just only 16bucks! then continue to shop.. my legs are aching.. my stomach calling for me... then Xianyun.. i think the clothes, dress she tried on.. both my limbs also not enough to count.. then we stepped into the shop " NOVO".. she bought a pair of shoes at 12.90!
then we went Subway to rest our legs and filled my stomach.. had subway melt for dinner with coke and chips.. nice nice! then continue our shopping.. at first, i can say that i totally have no mood in coming out to shop.. i also dont know why.. many things has happened lately.. and i'm super busy with my attachment.. till.. i feel that beside going to work, i dont wish to step out of my house.. and i get tired easily.. i also dont know what's wrong with me.. maybe i'm down with some illness ba.. SHOPPING was great today.. just a bit TIRED..
Xianyun was telling me about her confidence in having a good boyfriend and will definitely be her husband.. lolx! so i told her that i'm quite CONFIDENT that my next relationship.. i've the COURAGE to let my parents know.. wahahaz!maybe it's because i have GROWN UP le.. NO MORE TEENS! stepping into my FIRST 20s! left home at about 9pm.. and saw the CROWD outside suntec.. thank god we didnt go to orchard.. have forgotten there's chingay tonight.. lolx! on the way back, i missed call Daryl.. and he called me back.. and so we actually had a short chat..
he was teasing me about Tien Soon and i was making fun of him and Yanya.. ya.. two persons me and Daryl would never want to see.. and told Daryl that me and my boyfriend broke off le.. then.. Daryl was saying he didnt want to know and say ..... " because... "... didnt know what he was trying to say.. but i can sensed that he still has feelings for me.. well.. i still hopes for the best for him.. for him to find a better girl..
have a fruitful day tonight.. and going to RECHARGE my battery.. got another gathering with my chapter side tomorrow! hoho! hopes it's going to be FUN!
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