HAPPY VALENTINE DAY! how good it is to work in the morning shift on Vday?! hahaz! it is INDEED NOT GOOD if you do not have a valentine.. let me tell you why later.. on morning shift today.. Ninie was late so i didnt wait for her and went to work on my own.. was assigned in team 1 as usual.. i just dont know why.. dont seems to have the MOVITATION to work in this ward.. more over, we are rushing for skills.. how i wish i spent 4weeks in this ward and 5weeks in ward12D instead.. I MISS WARD 12D lots!
i cant imagine not having to get a chance to go sauna with patients together in the toilet.. lolx! i mean to bathe patients.. and all we did is report passing, serve breakfast, do changing and turning if there's any and then parameters.. our time is take around 9plus.. so 4hourly.. the next one should be around 1pm plus.. BUT, this ward.. i dont know how the system works.. the 4hourly parameters turns to 6hourly.. usually they will take around 3plus.. my godness! what if patients were to collapse during this 6hours? i cant imagine that happening..
i think i would NEVER like this ward.. the brother S***** and the sister W*R*E.. SUPER NAGGY till the first time i feel like SLAPPING somebody.. i dont see a need why i get scolded for NO REASON! what's wrong with informing the sister that the dinemap has a problem with the BP cuff? this ward SUPER CHEAP! 1 team only one dinemap.. if 1 spoilt, left with 2 in the WHOLE WARD! how to make work EFFICIENT? and the WORSE thing.. you get to DO SAI GANG! hais! more SHIT than you can EVER IMAGINE..
BUT.. this uncle BRIGHTEN my day! cause i have brighten his! he wrote compliment letter about ME! my GOODNESS! this is the GREATEST GIFT you can ever get on VALENTINE DAY! hahaz! cause he said i'm the FIRST student he saw talking to him with a SWEET SMILE! hahaz! and he said every student should start to SMILE like me! WAHAHAZ! told teacher about the letter the patient wrote .. and he said he is so PROUD of ME! feel so HAPPY!
didnt really get to do skills today.. and we are banned from doing neubliser for 5rights skills! i feel so ANGRY when those have completed say those 风凉话!hais! DISAPPOINTED cause it came out from my good friend's mouth.. this is the SELFISHNESS i see in people and makes me give a second thought.. i can SWEAR that when ever i do skills, i make sure if i have completed it, i will make sure my friends get to do it too.. and if this patient belongs to my friend's cubicle, i make sure she give me the permission to do it and make sure she already did it.. i bother about their 生死 BUT do they? sorry to say.. they DONT!! ..
finished work at 3pm and CHIONG home.. going to meet Xueyun dajie for dinner before we attend the meeting at HQ.. had a quick shower and i left home.. decided to go to Nokia Care centre to check if didi's phone is ready for collection.. and indeed it's ready.. and saw this 2 shuai ge! really SHUAI lohz! okie, let's not make myself sound so hua chi.. heez! anyway, i feel i'm still NOT READY to step into another relationship yet.. dinner with Xueyun at 中环茶餐厅!dajie had cheese baked rice with chicken chop and honey lemon.. and i had egg and luncheon meat nissin noodles and of cause milktea..
the dinner is so CANTON style.. ya.. my dialect.. and during the mealtime itself, SO MANY COUPLES came to the cafe.. and i'm like so ENVY! how i wish i can spend my Vday like that TOO! this was the REASON why i HATE going out on Vday without a valentine.. you will just ENVY and makes your old wound aches AGAIN!
and received an sms from Siyi.. she cant make it for the meeting as she has a daimokukai to attend.. what a PITY! cant get to see her.. dinner.. went to Sans bookshop and Isetan.. dajie eyed on a pouch, but the person cant find a new piece for it.. think she's really SAD that she cant get the thing she want.. and left for HQ.. 293 is SO PACKED! i'm like a roti prata! and saw Ms Jo.. ya the moment she saw me, she said, " HELLO, my SWEET GIRL, how are you?" hahaz! didnt know i'm so well known in SK.. but anyway, i'm one of the MOST REGULAR alumni student who always go back to SK to help out.. hahaz!
the video on the 13th General meeting was GREAT.. get to learnt a lot today.. how good is it to spend my VALENTINE DAY with Sensei.. hahaz! so FULFILLING! left and at the bus stop, saw Mrs Chan and Ms Jo again! and this time round, she said i SLIM DOWN! and my pimples seems to subside.. hahaz! feel so HAPPY to hear this! wahahaz! got to work down to slim down more! saw Victor kor and our Liyan da jie whom i know from the Youth camp.. took 969 with her and xueyun took the mrt.. and on the way back, was chatting to Cliff on the phone regarding the discussion meeting.. and then had a short chat with Liyan too.. so HAPPY to see her after so long!
well, back home FINALLY! but got to chiong my RESEARCH! need to submit tomorrow.. guess i wont get to sleep till midnight! afternoon shift tomorrow! =]
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