slept at 2am yesterday.. was talking to Cliff last night on msn while waiting for Daryl to call.. he's unsure of how to get to Senja Soka Centre.. so have to explain to him how to get there.. if not, he sure have problems finding his way there.. set my alarm clock to 10am this morning.. woke up and my whole body aching.. must be because yesterday was hopping around and dancing too much..
woke up, showered and did my morning prayers.. have laksa and ice tea as my breakfast today.. the weather is kind of good today.. though i feel it's a bit too warm liao le.. reached Senja at about 12.40pm then went to draw the keys for Sunrise room.. then went up to leve4 main hall.. Aunty Hiang Hua tied my hair for me.. hahaz! all the girls are saying i look YOUNGER!! :D hoho! i am YOUNG what...
am HAPPY today.. all the GIRLS enjoyed themselves to the MAX! and the CFG was a GREAT GREAT success!!! and thanks for all we came to support!! especially Daryl and his sister, Pearl!! :D they are my real victories!! =] have no idea if Wen ting, Wendy and Huimin came or not.. but am happy that we managed to hit our target for the cfg!! half a year's efforts has been paid off.. though i didnt really do much lahz..
headed home after the CFG ended.. am really TIRED!! i swear i will sleep in longer tomorrow.. somemore nobody will be home.. had Beef fried rice and rose syrup as my dinner today.. SUPER super TIRED and SUPER super hungry! did some changes to my blogskin again.. though this one i also not satisfied.. cause i dont know what happened to the template.. cant see some of my past entries.. HAIS! dont care liao.. can see recent posts can liao..
hmmm.. last year of today, it's actually my 5th day in Yunnan.. lolx! thank god CFG didnt happen yesterday.. if not, i'll missed out a lot manz.. looking through the photos, i really miss those moments in China.. waking up early to shower, sleeping late, facilitation nights in Ms Jill's room, seeing stars together at the rooftop!! so COOL manz! miss Dan shu a lot!! :D
am FRUSTRATED till i cried in front of the laptop.. it's my blog and yet i have to hold back my thoughts, my words.. why am i tolerating all this NONSENSE? WHY!? ARGHhhhhhhhhh.. BO WEI GONG lahz! silent can be the BEST choice now........

my girls! :D

the other half! =]

me and my godsis - Yue Chang! :D

that's me lahz! *peace* :P
i just want to say something...
i have my LIMITS and TEMPER too..
DONT EVER THINK of testing it..
*PEY CHEY* lahz!! #%&$@
P.S.Sorry Stella that i lost temper on you...
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