woke up very EARLY today.. was the EARLIEST of this week.. i must ADMIT that i was suffering from OVERDOSE of SLEEP this few days.. i will never climb out of bed till 1pm! set my alarm clock to 8am last night when i went to bed at about 12plus 1.. well, few hours of sleep today almost KILLED me! cause my eyes can barely open and my mind dont seems to on it's engine.. showered, prayed and left home for SGH.. yup.. after pondering time and again, i have decided to SGH to donate the blood to Kelly's dad and give Ah peng's dad cremation ceremony a miss.. Sorry Ah Peng..
wake up early morning.. and Mom was nagging and asking me why i'm waking up so early.. i didnt tell her i going to donate blood.. cause like what i said, she's not happy with me donating blood ever since she knows i have low HB the last time when i attempted to donate blood.. so, i must hide from her.. just tell her that i am going back to SK (Soka Kindergarten) for some meeting and stuff.. took bus851 from Yishun Central to SGH.. and before that, i went to Northpoint Mac to grab something to eat.. before i faint later.. LOLX! during the trip there, i dont know what's wrong with me.. just feel like VOMITING! and headache suddenly strikes me..
got down the bus and walked towards SGH.. the weather is seriously BAD! no wonder everyone is falling sick and epidemic is spreading everywhere.. make my way to Block 7, Ward 72.. and went to the Nurses' counter to ask for help.. and happenedly, there's a nurse at the counter.. i must say she's NICE! at least i was given the immediate help i need.. after asking what i should do, i was asked to go the Haemotology ward at the other side.. and went into Room 7 - "Apheresis".. hmmm, when i saw this word, it strikes me AGAIN whether i should go or not.. cause, my veins are small, and have been advised that i cant donate platelets, only can donate blood..
BUT, i just still went in.. just want to try and see if i can help Kelly's dad.. the sms has been passed down to many.. i received it from Xueling, then by Ann Nee and Stephanie (lam) this morning.. went in.. and they scanned my ez-link and took 2 tubes of my blood.. for testing.. and tells that they will inform me again tomorrow if my blood is suitable to Uncle Soh's.. actually, i dont know who's Kelly nor Uncle Soh.. just want to help and make a little difference to others's lives.. hope to receive GOOD NEWS from SGH tomorrow.. *praying* after that, i went to visitors sitting area.. trying to get Carolyn.. and thank god.. saw her walking past.. just pass her the Muffins i bought and had a short chat with her..
so coincidentially.. when i want to go donate the blood then i realised Carolyn is working in that ward.. so, drop by to visit her as well.. after which, i headed to SK... met Mrs Tay, Mr Tan and Ms Jo for lunch before going to SK to do the calling.. had miao fen guo and lime juice as my lunch.. after lunch.. went into a bread confectionary to get some buns and cakes.. and Seeleng jie called from malaysia.. she was just concern what had happened to me.. hais! i'm just and still TROUBLED over it.. BUT, i didnt reply his sms le.. i think he's busy with his graduation attachment.. after he graduate, i bet his terrible acts will come and haunt me again! and planning to have a cousins meet up next SATURDAY and visit Ah gong at the same time=]
started calling from 2pm.. and luck doesnt seems to be on my side.. alumnis i called doesnt seems to pick up my phone calls.. well, it's making my confidence level DROP! but i must say.. i still managed to get 22people in the list.. not counting those that never pick up my call.. what an achievement! i not only call to ask about the SK 15th anniversary and SK independence camp.. i gave ENCOURAGEMENT and GUIDANCE too! hahaz! *one stone hit two birds* hahaz! =] be PROUD of ME!^-^ Daphne called and chatted awhile with me too! nothing much just plain catching up!! =]
had a short break at about 3.30pm.. and ate the cakes we bought.. Chocolate chip and Blueberry de - 2favourites! it's SIMPLY NICE! cannot describe... Stella and Xueyun - we shall try it the next round okie? dont jealous! hahaz! left SK at about 5pm.. and headed to the bus-stop to wait for bus59.. and it doesnt seems to come.. till i called Stella.. she's definitely my LUCKY STAR! once i put down the phone with her, the bus came! hahaz! it took me less than 20minutes to reach Toa Poyah.. and we headed for dinner at Long John.. before, Lala and me passed by this stall selling shoes and bags.. and we got ourselves the same pair of shoes.. a gold colour pair of 玻璃鞋? dreaming TOO MUCH to be CINDERALLA.. i simply LOVE it!
dinner was at Long John.. i tried the new feast from Long john with my favourite clam chowder soup and sprite.. Lala had chickens with coke i guess? hahaz! and we had a GREAT time laughing and gossiping.. but not forgetting the iron ladies's job.. the updates of the calling.. after that, we went window shopping around central area.. and i knocked into some of my friends.. Isabella.. who reminds me of telling Lala about the "shocking" someone.. and saw Nabil TOO!
and not forgetting to tell her about Mr "F" and my NTU peeps! and my best buddy NOW!! hahaz! we had bubble tea as our after dinner drink.. and sitting down at the interchange talking.. and saw this DIGUSTING couple.. whom almost got our FOOD retracking from our STOMACH to our ESOPHAGUS! lolx! super LAME but it keeps us LAUGHING NON-STOP! STOP all these DIGUSTING acts outside lahz! do it at HOME! need parental guidance one you know! R21 i still cannot see.. hahaz! and Lala's 有怪兽's songs that makes us really LAUGH our A** out! hahaz!
headed home after that.. Mom bought my favourite 鱼翅汤! i LOVE you MOM!! didnt have a chance to talk to Ben Ben much today.. just hope he's still feeling better NOW! think he should be ba.. with his girlfriend around.. was really ANGRY with him today.. seeing MONEY bigger than his HEALTH.. what to do? wants to give the BEST to his girlfriend.. i just dont understand why.. what i feel that what you can give is just 身外务, what's IMPORTANT is the HEART and the LOVE.. not anything else Ben Ben.. i do my part by advising, it's up to YOU to decide..
and SORRY friends that i arent in a good mood recently.. i just need a BREAK from everything.. and think through and sort out my mind.. haiS! and not forgetting to thank STELLA! thanks for everything today! and thanks for listening and advising me what to do.. i just need some time to sort it out.. i'm sure i will break through it and find my HAPPINESS! i wont be PRISONERS of the PAST! i assure you that!! =]

the pair of 玻璃鞋 Stella and me owns!

my trusty notebook - that will keep me reminded of all my SK, SD and gakkai activities..

the BEST pic of the day!

we are the IRON LADIES! whos's missing? XUEYUN!

we can be INNOCENT too!

the SEPIA us!

our LAST pic of the DAY! *muacks*
plans tomorrow
- to wait for SGH to call and see if i can donate platelets to Uncle Soh.. if yes, i'll be going SGH..
TIRED.. sleeping.. *yawns*
answer: 一亿 because of 一心一意
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