yesterday.. a joke happened before i went to bed.. before i go to sleep.. was trying to clear some sms from my inbox.. and then when wanting to delete one of Medy's sms.. my phone rang.. and i rejected the call.. i thought it was my mistake that i called him accidentally.. but the actual fact is.. Medy called me!! hahaz! i'm really a BLUR QUEEN manz! how can my phone be ringing if i'm the one calling out? lolx.. so i called him back using my home phone.. then i realised it was my mistake.. i rejected his call accidentally..
i guess it was really KIND and NICE of him.. he called me to ask me to join him and the rest for movie tonight.. BUT.. i cant.. cause they are watching at 8.45pm and i got to accompany ah gong for his medical check up tomorrow.. so yup.. woke up at about 12pm today.. was having a terrible headache.. so, i have chosen to stay home and REST.. and conserve my energy.. wanted to have spring chicken for brunch.. BUT, the stall didnt open.. then decided to walk a bit further to get mixed veggies rice.. then, when i reached there, realised that there isnt much of a choice..
so decided to eat the Xin hua's 卤面 while i get didi fried rice.. then i went home.. watched tv and stuff.. seriously, i cant sleep anymore.. after sleeping for about 12 hours.. maybe my headache is because of overdose of sleep.. was blogging while i received Daphne's call.. she told me the result of the appointment and stuff.. shall not revealed what is it all about.. BUT, anyway, Daphne.. dont worry alright? it's a SIN!! *我没有!* catch the JOKE? yes, only our CLINQUE knows!! Jessica's FAVOURITE phase!! hahaz!
just sms 小舅 just not long ago.. and he told me he made a mistake.. Ah gong's appointment is NOT tomorrow but THURSDAY!! aRGH! if i know, i would go for the movie with Medy they all.. well, i guess i cant go also lahz.. having such a terrible headache that is really killing me!! i'm going to sleep early.. plans for tomorrow..
meeting Meng Har 12.30pm at HQ for lunch.. meeting Clinque in school at 2.30pm.. and Dialogue with Wendy, Huiqian and Xueling at 7pm at JE.. i'm running from place to place.. i need ENERGY!! hahaz! =]
it's been 5months and 9days.. and guess.. YOU are almost ERASED from my memory.. not seeing YOU for the past 5months was a CORRECT CHOICE.. cause i know YOU cant treat me as a friend anymore.. life has been tough not because YOU are not around with me.. but because i was TRYING to get YOU out of my mind.. 6months of deadline is coming soon.. and i know i will FORGET about YOU totally.. i do admit we did have happy moments.. BUT, i'll NEVER FORGET the hell period YOU have given me.. what makes YOU think that i deserve this kind of treatment from YOU? dont YOU think it's UNFAIR for ME? have YOU spare a thought for ME that i'll be really HURT? i guess YOU dont.. or maybe YOU did without me knowing.. i seriously need to get YOU out of my mind...
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