sleep at about 2am this morning again.. and was awaken by Sakinah's phone call.. well, it's just so NICE to sleep in today.. cause, it's raining cats and dogs at my place.. Mom was commenting that i am a LADY BOSS.. so BUSY.. wake up only on the phone liao.. initial plan was to go to Chong Pang for breakfast today with Mom and didi.. BUT, i woke up too late, so is didi.. end up, we just settle our stomach at the coffeeshop near by..
my whole body just ACHES.. i just feel that my vetebral column is CRACKING.. too TIRED i guess.. and having HEADACHES that never stops coming.. reached home, showered and went online to settle some red cross stuff.. suddenly thought of Woanlan, Hooi ying and Medy... i guess they are enjoying themselves at Genting ba.. Hahaz! finished up all the necessary things i need to do.. then went to changed and get ready for my meeting.. meeting with Itesd supposed to be at 7.30pm.. but i was EARLY.. so that the stupid 969 wont be that crowded.. dinner was Mac's chesseburger meal with fries and ice milo..
while eating dinner, Ben Ben called and chatted with me.. was discussing about going to makan together next week.. and that guy.. will never fails to IRRITATE me.. lolx.. was thankful that he cheered up mood up.. was having headache and my mood was bad today.. but after talking to him, i really felt much better.. meeting starts at 7.30pm, me, Colin, Qiao Er and Meihui chanted for about 10minutes while waiting for the rest to come..
Quite pathetic.. only got 3ywds today - me, Qiao Er and Meihui.. Ymds are - Colin, Weiming, Weizhong, Kelvin and Victor.. our item - was to sing a song rewrite by Colin.. really thankful about it.. sad sad, Colin and Meihui leaving ITESD le.. Colin will be going to NYPSD and Meihui to RPSD.. but, there will be 2 new IICs coming to ITESD.. the ywd is Eunice.. and the ymd.. still dont know who is he..
after the training, i went home with Victor.. and saw Melvin(tan) and Siyi at Tampines interchange.. took 969 from tampines interchange.. had a great chat with Victor.. hahaz! got to go and sleep le..
plans tomorrow -
1. World's Donors Day at the zoo frpm 8-6pm (will be going half-day only)
2. SD nationwide meeting from 3-5pm
*not all scars show, not all wounds heal, sometimes you just cant see the pain someone is feeling.. *
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