was quite SICK yesterday.. i also dont know why.. didnt want to eat dinner at all actually.. BUT, mom FORCED me take a cup noodles with the chicken she heated using the microwave.. i think i almost FAINTED yesterday because of the headache and the chest pain.. and mom's so WORRIED.. she told me to take care of myself as i'm already a student nurse.. need to take care of myself in order to do well in my career.. just dont know why i feel so uncomfortable.. luckily mom's HOME if not, maybe i collapsed liao also nobody will know..
woke up at 10plus this morning.. did my morning prayers and once again i'm stuck in front of the tv set.. supposed to be at Kg Chai Chee community centre for the blood drive.. BUT, i didnt go.. i think i got to stay home and rest well.. and must at least FORCE myself to eat a little.. Mom's worried that i'm FORCING myself to be on diet.. and she was thinking that i feel giddiness cause i didnt eat enough.. hais! maybe i'm just too STRESSED UP...
was sms-ing my friends and asked for their address to update my address book.. and was sms-ing Wui Hou.. he thought that i want to sian him so i ask for his address.. lolx! diaoz! you're so cute.. and i told him.. after so many things has happened, think in many ways i think i dont wish to be occupied now.. you should know what i am saying right.. and he was encouraging me that i should not be discouraged by a small setback and told me that there's a long life ahead of me.. ya.. thanks for comforting me.. it did help in making me feel better..
was watching "Why Why Love" just now.. just feel that those love dramas episode are just so SWEET.. how i wish that in real life, relationship can be that sweet..... but in reality.. things wont always be going on the way we want it to be.. we just have to accept this fact..
will be on afternoon shift tomorrow again.. will have a chance to sleep more tonight.. i'm ROTTING at home.. HAIS!
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