FINALLY.. it's FRIDAY!! on morning shift today.. woke up at 4plus and thought of Dad.. he will be away for 1week for a holiday with my ex boss.. so GOOD! how i wish i can go on a break too... DAY-DREAMING only! has! my NOSE got WORSE today! whole body feeling COLD and SNEEZING non-stop.. till i got no choice but to wear mask at work.. didnt have much sponging to do this morning.. cause the night shift did sponging for us liao.. so, only got assisted shower for few patients.. got 4juniors in my team today.. Ashiqa, Paramesh, Hui wen and me..
today is Huiwen and Xiong Yun's last day at this ward.. i will MISS you girls de!! hope to work with you girls in future.. my hand was scratched by one of my patients when doing changing.. it HURTS! hais! ah MAs got violence tendency...! went for break with Huiwen today.. and ate thai food.. it's just so SPICY.. but it CURE my BLOCKED nose problem!! after eating, took picture with SN Hanisah and Huiwen in the pantry room! they are just so SWEET!! got to know that i will be posted to New Horizon for my rehab posting.. it's at TAMPINES! dont know how the teacher arrange de.. should put me at AMK rehab centre mahz.. hais!
also GOOD lahz.. at least i wont think of Ah ma when i'm at New Horizon.. cause Ah ma once stayed at AMK rehab before.. QUITE TIRED today.. maybe because of my flu lahz.. completed one more skill today.. got to do admit patient today as the patient only knows how to speak mandarin so i'm asked to do it! that's LUCK ba.. hahaz! took 851 home today.. stood all the way home.. REALLY TIRED sia.. somemore got INCONSIDERATE people keep knocking and squeezing me when the space is already so limited.. IRRITATING sia!
will have to rest early tonight.. got to be back in school tomorrow morning for RCHN meeting.. i just hope i can get well SOON!! took a personality test jus now.. and that's my analysis....
My personality type: a Philosopher
to be or not to be? you are a philosopher, a thinker of deep thoughts. Your ability to see things from more than one perspective allows you to live a life rich in meaning. Bored by the mundane, you ask all the big questions and use your logical abilities to keep one step ahead of the world.
i feel that there's a knot in my heart.. and it doesnt seems to be undone.. 我真的那么软弱吗?为什么就是放不下?为什么?......
i feel as though there's a hard rock pressing on my heart. i can hardly breathe....
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