woke up at 12pm.. had a total of 12hours of sleep since last night.. my headache hasnt recover yet.. and the worse thing is my back is aching till the pain cause my temperature to get higher.. running a bit of fever just now.. and i dunoe why.. i got terrible chest pain.. had a really WEIRD dream last night.. i dreamt of Mr and Mrs. Ikeda.. hahaz! i also dont know why.. woke up and did my morning prayers and had shower..
went to meet mom at 2plus for my brunch! ya.. breakfast cum lunch.. maybe dinner too.. provided that later i would have the appetite to eat.. had Yoshi's beef bowl for lunch.. then went to NTUC to get some groceries.. my chest pain is killing me.. think my pain score NOW is EIGHT8!! i just have the nausea feeling.. headed home after buying the groceries..
i got all the 202messages from HIM deleted from my handphone.. ya.. maybe it's time to get all these deleted.. i cant be always living in the past.. i know that very well.. BUT, i just cant help to lose appetite.. lose my sleep.. and get moody and emotic over it.. and whenever i watch drama shows, i will thought of HIM.. and whenever, i feel frustrated, i feel like telling him.. i just remember we got close during my last attachment.. can i ERASE HIM off my MEMORIES? i dont know if i can......
i just want to remember the sweet things about HIM.. the happy moments we had.. why has things turned out like this? is it really MY FAULT? hais! my eyesight is failing i think.. too much of computer, too much of tv.. think i have to go to the spectacle shop to check my eyes.. maybe it's time to get a specs.....
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