on afternoon again TODAY.. ya.. last afternoon shift of the week.. from tomorrow on, will be on morning shift.. QUITE TIRED today.. cause since last night, i've been sneezing like dont know what in my bedroom.. this cause me to have persistent headache and giddiness.. a bit HYPO.. just so WORRIED that when i am smelling aromatherapy i will vomit in front of the patients.. hais
work was quite occupied today.. but seriously, i really LOVE this course a lot.. and really cherish this chance to be in this chance.. i know i can lose YOU but i cant lose my passion in this course.. i know YOU are happier without me around.. 我太高估自己的能力了.. i know i am not ur HAPPINESS.. and i know you will find yours soon.. just hopes you are happy all day long..
did hypocount with my SAN today.. was helping her to do it.. we learned skin prick last term.. BUT, didnt have a chance to do it.. so, was GLAD that my SAN supervised me and i got a chance to practice my skill though it's not required to be done in this term attachment.. finished work at 9pm.. and this time.. i have learnt my lesson.. i took MRT home instead.. cause tomorrow will be on morning shift.. think i will be like ZOMBIE tomorrow!
going to sleep le..!
something funny to share.. BUT, i also feel that it's quite TRUE... "Men Are Hard To Please"
The problems with GUYS:
If you TREAT him nicely, he says you are IN LOVE with him;
If you Don't, he says u are PROUD.
If you DRESS Nicely, he says you are trying to LURE him;
If you Don't, he says you are from KAMPUNG.
If you ARGUE with him, he says you are STUBBORN;
If you keep QUIET, he says you have no BRAINS.
If you are SMARTER than him, he'll lose FACE;
If he's Smarter than you, he is GREAT.
If you don't Love him, he tries to POSSESS you;
If you Love him, he will try to LEAVE you. (very true huh?)
If you don't make love with him., he says you don't Love him;
If you do!! he says you are CHEAP.
If you tell him your PROBLEM, he says you are TROUBLESOME;
If you don't, he says that you don't TRUST him.
If you SCOLD him, you are like a NANNY to him;
If he SCOLDS you, it is because he CARES for you.
If you BREAK your PROMISE, you Cannot be TRUSTED;
If he BREAKS his, he is FORCED to do so.
If you SMOKE, you are BAD girl;
If you do WELL in your exams, he says it's LUCK;
If he does WELL, it's BRAINS.
If you HURT him, you are CRUEL;
If he HURTS you, you are too SENSITIVE!!
& sooo hard to please!!!!!
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