on morning shift today.. I'm so TIRED! cause i was on afternoon shift yesterday,, i'm like ZOMBIE.. wake up 4.45 to shower and stuff.. left home around 5.30am.. once i board the bus, i DOZED off! just cannot TAKE it lahz! reached the hospital quite EARLY.. so i went to 7-eleven to grab some food.. HUNGRY and TIRED.. my last meal was like 5pm yesterday.. more than 12hours without intake of food.. bought ice milo and pau to eat.. you just CANT IMAGINE how horrible the pau is.. so HARD! till i think i can HIT someone's HEAD with it!! hahaz! ^-^ eat liao make my stomach really PAIN!!
early morning my bowel movement so STRONG liao.. in Team 1 today again with SN Cailian and SAN Halimah.. Team 1 always the most HEAVY.. cause lots of patients need to sponge and assist in shower.. had more patients need to shower than sponge today in my room! i almost go CRAZY i think.. spent more than 45minutes bathing one patient who had been lying on bed for 2weeks! and she kind of FUSSY lahz.. BUT, can understand, if it's me, 2week never bathe and wash my hair.. i would rather die!! lolx^-^
did oral feeding with teacher today.. and she commented on my HANDWASHING again! alamak! even Ms Doris also support her!! ya, i know the rationale behing handwashing.. BUT, different teachers really teaches handwashing differently.. i just dont understand why teacher cant be more FLEXIBLE.. ya.. no SIM trainings tomorrow and friday.. teacher see wrongly.. BLUR QUEEN lahz she..
went break and saw XIONG YUN!! just so HAPPY to see HER again! so FAST.. their posting finished liao and they are going to be registered nurses soon! so HAPPY for them! and to HUIWEN too!! miss her a lot!!!! miss the times we had break together!!!!!! finished work at 3pm today.. i'm like aching everywhere le.. this is the TIREDNESS you will get working as a NURSE.. but the SATISFACTION behind it is cannot be easily described by words! 是一种很大很大的成就感! not everyone can have this FEELING!
mom's HOME today but she didnt cook cause didi is out for work and dad's going to paternal grandma's house.. Aunty Ling called and told me reunion dinner will be this coming SUNDAY.. i dont really FEEL HAPPY! cause i just dont feel like going.. cause people will start asking my attachment, my studies and stuff.. and think my 3cousins are bringing their boyfriend and girlfriends for reunion to SHOW OFF again! this is WHAT i HATE the most.. everything new year also different person.. get the meaning CLEAR of REUNION PLEASE! ARGH! anyway, they are 外孙! dont bear the surname LOH.. so it's OKIE! dont need bother..
hmm.. i'm HUNGRY liao! off to buy DINNER and watch my SHOW! kinship!! ^-^ morning shift tomorrow!!
show off some pictures.. see the changes... hahaz!

i think i was CUTER and PRETTIER when i was young.. what you think? hahaz!! wishing i was still a small kid.. with NO WORRIES and living CAREFREELY.......
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