woke up quite EARLY despite turning in LATE last night.. kind of BORED!! cause school is starting in 3days time.. HAIS! BUT, good thing is i'm going back to TTSH for my 1.2attachment!! yeah yeah!! at least NOT back to school to face YOU..
Ms Jill called me today and asked about the reflective journal.. Sh**!! i totally FORGETTEN all about it.. actually she told me to mail it to her by today.. then on my mind, i was thinking, maybe can go ask Joyce out.. then can go back school to pass Ms Jill the journal and meet Joyce to pass her the book.. ya.. "Think Big".. smsed her and luckily she's FREE!!!
so, i had my shower and i went out!! yup! with my NEWLY bought bag.. heez! just LOVE it.. think my MOOD is better TODAY!! ^-^ maybe it's because so LONG never see Joyce liao and i'm meeting her.. so i'm quite EXCITIED over it.. heez!! meet up with her at Tampines.. and i was like so BLUR and she also another BLUR one.. she alight the bus and walked past me.. and i didnt see her too!! end up, 2 BLUR queens have to call each other!! hahaz!
okie.. my breakfast, lunch, dinner was Tako balls.. and while eating it, i heard a song i shouldnt hear at this time.. and Joyce was like "wah lao, wrong song... " ya.. BUT, cant help.. unless i'm DEAF! my MOOD is better today BUT my APPETITE hasnt come back yet.. maybe because my desire of wanting to LOSE WEIGHT is getting HIGHER!! went shopping around TM mall and Century Square.. and saw many NICE clothes! i want to buy NEW YEAR clothes!!!! and hopes my money comes faster!! and.. must really THANK my 小舅 and 二舅 for helping me to be my guarantors!! hahaz! dont worry!! i wont 跑路de!! hahaz!!! maybe i can treat them dinner when i getthe money.. then can have family gathering AGAIN!! woohoo~
ya.. and i'm quite HAPPY!! cause i bought a necklace from Istean for just 10bucks!! and i really LOVE it.. it's actually a 3rings pendant with a chain.. and when i was deciding whether to buy it, another girl had an eye on it.. and she told her friend: " i think i can buy it, since i am single, not attached" .. ya.. this ASSURE my thoughts!! hahaz!^-^ and so, i BOUGHT it!! seems to buy lots of things nowadays.. i just feel, i mustnt 亏待自己! i have all the RIGHTS to dress pretty and look pretty too! i'm sure Xueyun and Stella will sure AGREE it they sees it.. ^-^
then.. we continue to shop around.. and we saw Ming liang and her girlfriend!! so coincidental!! and when i saw ML.. Joyce didnt catch what i mean.. she thought i meant " MilliLitres!!!!! " my GOODNESS! this GIRL really BRIGHTEN my days with that JOKE!! thank you for making me feel BETTER after shopping with YOU!! so sorry that i cant accompany you to PP.. ya.. she went there to do Stephanie (lee) and her friend's birthday card.. and i cant go cause mom's home and i feel that i should not be out for too long.. so i headed HOME.. she's really MADE my DAY!! the casio watch we saw was $149.00 and she thought it was $49.00!! hahaz! i really had a GREAT day..
went home.. and mom came searching for the White Gold necklace she gave me.. HAIS! how to tell her that i DROPPED it at TTSH? this time DIE le lahz!! just hopes she dont remember it again!! and i told her my idea of wanting to get a White Gold ring.. then she said: " ask your boyfriend buy you one lohz.." i didnt know how to tell her.. BUT, ended up, i told her the incident too.. just feel so RELIEVED that now she know it liao.. i dont have to HIDE anymore!! then tomorrow.. i shall break the news to my brother and dad..
i told mom that i didnt know how to tell her.. so i told her if not because you asked, i wont tell you.. then mom told me that i should have told her and not hide from her.. i know SHE's really WORRIED about seeing me so DEPRESSED!! BUT, anyway, EVERYTHING is OVER!!!!^-^ and mom even comforted me BUT didnt question me this time.. and she told me, " you deserve much better,my dear girl.. " i'm like so TOUCHED!! (o^.^o) thanks MOM!! thanks for being so UNDERSTANDING at this crucial period of my LIFE!!
tomorrow mom's working in the afternoon.. then what my plan should be? stay HOME? BORING!! got to do some planning for tomorrow.. from NOW on, i am going to ENJOY myself to the FULLEST! wont waste even a second of my LIFE! yes! Jessica Loh 终于相通了! i wont stay like that FOREVER! life is always full of UPs and DOWNs.. i wont be DOWN all the time.. i will PICK myself up AGAIN! yes, i know i will......
ya.. and mom saw the news.. Mc King passed away all a sudden.. think is heart attack ba.. BUT, he's so YOUNG!! only like 40+.. cause Alignment (my previous company) once hired him to be the emcee for our company dinner.. so ya.. got talk to HIM before.. it's a LOSS but it's part and parcel of LIFE!! just cant help it.. "看开一点...." - Seeleng jie's FAVOURITE phrase for whole evening yesterday.. hahaz! if she see me teasing her, she will sure want my LIFE..
in life, people comes and goes in and out of our lives, leaving happy moments and painful memories.. we CANT be always living in the past.. we must walk out of it and face everyday full of HOPE.. so.. NO point crying over spilled milk.. "Everyone trips once in a while, it's whether you bounce back that counts..." i know i will bounce back one day!!
"tomorrow might not be good but i believe a better tomorrow will arrive..." - 献韵之言
- saw this i find it really interesting!! woohoo~
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