back to school for SIM training.. get to wake up at 5.15am instead of the usual 4.40am.. 35minutes of sleep can mean a LOT!! hahaz!^-^ had my shower and morning prayers.. then off i went.. took 969 to tampines.. and i STOOD all the way to Tampines.. hais! just cant expect that there's still so many people dispute that i'm quite EARLY already.. realised that i saw many NEW faces of students wearing nursing uniform.. think they are the jan'08 intake ba.. can tell from their looks.. NERD NERD de.. lolx! sound VERY BAD..
reached school quite EARLY.. only 7.15am only.. then sat at the bus31 bus stop to wait for Ashiqa and Sabarina.. was kind of stoning there.. and i saw Wui hou ge ge!! he look so SLEEPY! got parents drive him to school.. so GOOD lohz.. in my whole education life i think i wont have the chance to have parents sending me to school by car.. and was reading I-weekly and eating the chocolate pancake my SWEET brother bought for me! thanks so much! though everything eat now is like so TASTELESS! hais!
SIM training starts at 8.30am.. and was quite FUN.. the teachers tried cracking jokes so that we arent that tensed up.. didnt get to do any role-play today.. maybe it's good lahz.. it's like so COLD in the classroom and i'm like SNEEZING non-stop.. so i think i would need to REST more and TALK less! but i think we did something i think will do our lecturer PROUD.. Mdm Shamyamala find me and Sabarina's way of writing the reflective journal quite GOOD and took it to photocopy as reference.. heez! so HAPPY that i didnt do anything that bring shame to the group..
kind of miss the ward though only one day never go to work.. and MISSES HUIWEN! dont know how is she at her ot posting le.. hopes everything goes FINE for her.. headed home after SIM training and went to da-bao my dinner.. am alone at home.. just so TIRED to do anything.. is watching "Kinship 2" and thought of HIM suddenly.. i cant deny that i'm still SAD over it and cant get HIM off my mind even though i wish i can.. it takes a few minutes to fall in love BUT it would take a lifetime to forget someone.. dont know how is he already.. and dont know how is he coping with his school work.. he's like graduating soon.. and i think i wont get to see him anymore..
it's like a month plus since we last saw one another.. and i remember we didnt talk much then also.. hais! i just dont know why have things turned out like that.. maybe it's my FAULT ba.. think he's like so UPSET when he's with me.. even his friends also saw they want to see the old HIM again.. maybe i shouldnt have go for the trip.. maybe we shouldnt have been together.. it was my FAULT to have given you the chance......
off to sleep.. on morning shift tomorrow!=]
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